11/12/2007 10:24:13 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Reno, NV
age: 53
There is a truth of love and caring for the earth and the beings we share this existance with. Many people find these truths in their search but do not wear the lable of a religion. I would like a place to share these insights with people who have the ability to see beyond what they are told and have ventured to discover a sprituality that is real for them. There is an American indian story of two wolve that I think Copter told once. The light wolf and the dark wolf that fight within each of us. The one you feed grows stronger.
How about the story of Buddha speaking in the street amoung the shops. A shopkeeper became angry that people were standing in from of his shop but listening to buddha,not buying things from him. With great anger he shouted at Buddha, threatening him if he did not quit disrupting the market place. Buddha asked "May I first ask you a Question? The angry man agreed and Buddha posed a Question. "If you give a man a gift and he refuses it, To whom does it belong? The man spat back "Then it would still be mine" Buddha agreed and Said "I do not accept your anger, It is yours."
Stories help shape our lives and values, I think it would be wonderful to hear them in a forum of sharing beliefs and practices without anyone being foolish enough to think they are the only ones who is right. I would not pupose this to be a stage for discussion of beliefs but sharing of the experiences in spiritual learning.
Dustin,Thanks for considering this.
EDIT Ps How is that spellcheck program comming?
[Edited 11/12/2007 10:25:56 PM]
11/13/2007 1:57:01 AM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Athens, GA
age: 29
yeah, I certainly wouldn't mind a room where I could talk to other like minded agnostics (what few of us there are.) Just because you don't KNOW about god doesn't mean you don't like exploring the possibility. Either way though. It'd be tough though because you'll probably get a lot of believers of organized religions trying to come in to "Share" the wonder of their faith.
11/13/2007 8:45:06 AM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Bend, OR
age: 60 online now!
Great idea...
I subscribe to BELIEFNET.com. This morning I was curious what was my spiritual TYPE.
I decided to take their spirituality test...interesting 25 questions...I scored a 62. That placed me as an Old Fashioned Seeker. Just about as I had thought of myself.
It was VERY interesting to see the questions in front of you and have to fill in the box. No narrative just thought provoking...
Perhaps a discussion of thoughts could result from this consise premise or format.
[Edited 11/13/2007 8:46:01 AM]
11/13/2007 1:24:42 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
Most definitely need this kind of forum.
Jon if you get a google toolbar it has spell check on it. It is free.
11/13/2007 3:22:14 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Pamplin, VA
age: 88
Some worry too much about verbage.. if it is a label or a group that some gather in and others don't agree with it then what is the issue? Those who do not agree don't enter the group discussion. There is a wisdom or understanding that crosses many spiritual belief systems. The wisdom is in the stories shared... such as my personal favorite.. the elephant with blind men all standing in different places touching and describing what they feel. Each is SURE they "see" the whole elephant. The blind man describing the trunk would feel something quite different than the one who stood near an ear... the one who stood at the side would not see the same thing at all....
Yet all describe the same creature.
11/13/2007 7:04:10 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Reno, NV
age: 53
Do any of you remember the story of the two wolves? I think it is something proven here on the forum time and time again so let's be careful who we feed.
How about giving these words a bit of thought.
"Those who were dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
What does it say to you?
11/13/2007 7:22:03 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Martinsville, VA
age: 57
Something I saw as I was driving to work. Starve the bad habits and feed the good habits. Very interesting since we were talking about habits and how they came about in psych class.
Another bit of wisdom maybe.
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
food for thought.
11/13/2007 11:34:26 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
Some do not understand how stiffling it is to go to the religion threads and always be an outsider. All we hear is the same things that have been said for 1500 years. Some of us would love to hear the wisdom of the world rather than the wisdom of the few.
11/13/2007 11:40:44 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
You have not lived long enough to see how those kinds of things have distroyed nations before. When there are no longer any morals the nation is ready to collapes. Check out history of the powers that have fallen. Just another one of the signs before the fall.
11/14/2007 3:16:46 AM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Pamplin, VA
age: 88
11/14/2007 8:05:35 AM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Reno, NV
age: 53
Queen you must have thrown negitivity somewhere on the forum and food to the black wolf and slinky read it and let it awaken his black wolf. Please do not let negitivity come into this topic. As much as we would like the freedom to discuss spiritual things without arguement I am sure that others would like the same respect for their point of view in other areas of the forum. Allow that we are all evolving greater spiritually each day. Positive expression and experiences will help us grow. Negitivity in any form stunts our spiritual growth.
Slinky I do not know you but I am sure you are referring to post made in other parts of the forum and would ask that you address them there and share the things here that inspire you or help you navigate the spiritual path you are on.
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
Thanks Liz
Love and Light
[Edited 11/14/2007 8:16:38 AM]
11/14/2007 8:36:17 AM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
Sorry Jon I am a debater not a masterbater so I do care about what is put before my eyes especially when I do not have a choice. The same as you see negitive thoughts as bad I see a slack in behavior as bad for society, and am living with the results of it in my grandchildren. I do not expect to decide what others choose but there is a place for everything and everything in it's place.
However that has nothing to do with wanting to hear the ideas that are uplifting but do not always go down the same old road. I would like to explore further on some of the things that I have heard you and Caster and others talk about without someone quoting a scripture sayin they are devil worshippers. That is all I meant and I am trying to impress upon Dustin that there is no place on here were those of us who think differently to go and discuss these ideas.
11/14/2007 8:49:46 AM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57
I had to attend a diversity training for work. Many stats were discussed but I had my eyes opened by one specifically. It said that Christianity is the spirituality of 12.7 percent of the WORLD population. So that's when I began feeling like it's all ONE and the Same, we just call IT by different titles. So I'd like more world views too. Channa
The other 87.3 percent of the world population believe something different than I was taught or came to believe.
[Edited 11/14/2007 8:59:50 AM]
11/14/2007 5:09:09 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
I would enjoy sharing spiritual experiences, especially personal adventures. Everyone's truth varies some. We can learn from each other if we are open minded and don't let ego get in the way.
11/14/2007 10:20:30 PM |
Spritual not religious, Wisdom from around the world. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
But we are egos, may be the dominate characteristic trait we have.