12/5/2007 5:25:33 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
nope...still waitin. 
country glad you're here!
12/5/2007 5:25:55 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Chicago, IL
age: 31
Hey Klassy, I've seen you around sugar, but yep this is my first time to check out the great digs you've got here! How's you back feeling, any better?
12/5/2007 5:25:56 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50
Love you too fritz....have a good day....
12/5/2007 5:26:15 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
Here's a to go, Fritz!
12/5/2007 5:26:37 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52

12/5/2007 5:26:57 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Chicago, IL
age: 31
Thanks again Stella! You ladies are tops in my book!
12/5/2007 5:27:12 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Panama City, FL
age: 44
hey what about me you ain't glad to see me find sitting in corner sipping coffee
12/5/2007 5:29:09 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
(Prof sitting at counter with Groucho Marx mask on so that he can get better service)
Coffee?Coffee please.
12/5/2007 5:29:18 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
mornin professer! Grab a chair by the fire, here's your coffee!
holdin..another refill! It's working!! wink! wink!!
tx left, grab that chair by the queens quick!
12/5/2007 5:30:14 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Thank you Stella,
mornin Klassy and evryone.
12/5/2007 5:30:46 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50
oooh Who's that sexy man over at the counter....is he new...
12/5/2007 5:31:54 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Icebergs floatin by its so cold here
probaly 50 degrees,
geez, unbearable
someone call FEMA
12/5/2007 5:32:39 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
c'mon klassy...give holdin some luv first! He's gettin better and better and...
I'll take care of the professer!
12/5/2007 5:33:35 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Lets all just move to a city close
that way we can have real coffee
at a real shop
and I can pinch the waitress
on her real................donut.
12/5/2007 5:34:20 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Gee Stella,
howd you know it was me?