12/7/2007 4:02:00 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 47
mornin all.. aaaawwww klassy-sorry to hear that-i busted my back 3 yrs ago,
luckily no surgry,but i still have my chronic pain days,all this shovelin sure doesnt help,theres a pain killer that works super for nerve pain.its called nortripaline-check into it-did wonders for my back and migraines-on a brite note...NO SNOW TODAY..   hope you feel better-
12/7/2007 4:04:15 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Chicago, IL
age: 31
Mornin' sunshine, howdy gold.. what can I fix you two for breakfast? Tex and I were craving waffles since yesterday.
12/7/2007 4:07:44 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

American Canyon, CA
age: 58
Oh Country, you darlin you !! Thank you sweetie. Best of both worlds ?
I'm sure Klassy thanks all of you ladies and is willing to try anything that will help the pain go away. If she's herniated a disc, and it's touching a nerve, she is going to be in alot of pain until it gets off that nerve.
12/7/2007 4:09:59 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 47
wow home made waffles...hand em over-im starving-up 1/2 the nite-a boiler blew...pipes broke...etc.got 2 hrs of sleep-hot coffee with that??thanks country you made my day..
12/7/2007 4:12:41 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

American Canyon, CA
age: 58
I just made a fresh pot of coffee ( literally ); anyone want a refill with their waffles ?
Country & I decided that we like Strawberries & Whipped Cream on half and lots of Maple syrup on the other half, right Country ?
12/7/2007 4:12:45 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
Yep there aint nothing like the feeling of a 220 live wire stuck to you...this really sucks...
thanks for all your concern...the dog says she can't reach the freezer for the ice pak...and the cat says no coz he likes laying on the heat pad with me...
12/7/2007 4:13:02 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Cleveland, TN
age: 44
Morning Country
Did you say your making breakfast???
Oh its been so long since i had someone cook for me........
I am not picky, anything your cooking, this girl is eating!
12/7/2007 4:16:35 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Chicago, IL
age: 31
You bet Tex!!! I can't think of anything better. Thanks for the coffee. 
More hot waffles.. anyone?
I love doing it for you sunshine..
seeing how happy it makes you is the best reward. 
[Edited 12/7/2007 4:17:15 AM]
12/7/2007 4:18:26 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 47
i will just take applesauce on my waffles-klassy is there someone you can call,to come help you??damn i feel your pain...
12/7/2007 4:18:28 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

American Canyon, CA
age: 58
At least you've got good company, in your misery, girl ! It could be worse, huh ?
I hate those shooting pains down both legs; when my disc exploded ( between 2, 3, 4 & 5 )
I took 3 Percosets within 30 minutes and still screamed into a pillow until they got me to the hospital and put me out. It is truly the worst pain I've ever known.
So much for rodeo, playing golf, skiing and being able to do alot of other things, for the rest of my life, but all in all, God's been good to me and like the old Cowboy saying : " I may not be as good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was ! " 
12/7/2007 4:20:22 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Chicago, IL
age: 31

Here's your applesauce hon.
12/7/2007 4:22:10 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 47
thxs country...omg..this is sooooo good....scuse me while i drool...
12/7/2007 4:24:14 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Chicago, IL
age: 31
You guys..
12/7/2007 4:26:34 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Cleveland, TN
age: 44
Thanks Country.......Yummy!
Gonna need just a little more mable syrup!
Best breakfast i've had in long time.........
12/7/2007 4:27:00 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 47
well all have to get ready for work here,paint,paint,paint,im off at 10am-so not to much paintin....lol,lol...you all have a great day-thxs for the waffles country-mmmmm full now-klassy get someone over to help you woman...i would if i was closer...chex into that,nortipalyne-its a great drug-no icky side effects....have fun all...  