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11/14/2007 10:34:48 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Ellsworth, PA
age: 30 online now!

What do women want? This has been an age old question for some time, and is seriously overlooked. Why? Because most men don't take the time to understand a woman. I call these guys boys!

I've been in the dating scene for a few years now, after my divorce was finalized, and I have met some of the most interesting women, and have learned something from every one of them; either through what they have taught me, or what I've learned on my own.

"Women want a bad boy"! Ever heard this from anyone? Sure you have, because it's true. HOWEVER, not to overlook this, women want PARTS of a bad boy, not all of him. The bad boy image consists of confidence when approaching her, or just entering the room for the first time, and showing that confidence eminating off of you. If you don't have this, please work on it, it makes the world of difference for her and you. Keep your confidence with her, she'll appreciate you more for it. Don't be a jerk either, be confident, not arrogant!

Women these days won't just give out their phone numbers to anyone! You have to earn it! How, you're asking me? Well, use your imagination; this is a cyber world these days. Did you get that? I was throwing you guys a hint. Duh, ask her for her e-mail. It's non threatening and less intrusive than phone numbers, and women these days can screen easier and feel more comfortable with an e-mail from a guy than feeling down on themselves for rejecting calls.

E-mail her a few times back and forth. Sometimes they really can't respond back to you at the time you want them to. Did you get that? Don't be Mr. Desperate Clingy boy. She'll get back to you when she can, and if not, then move on to someone who will give you the time of day.

Alright guys, now the big question comes up, "how can I get her to respond back to me if she hasn't e-mailed me back yet in a couple of days?" Send another one with a confident invitation that says, "I like you and I'm onto your game". Yea, women play games, as you should as well. It's fun. One of their games they play is called "Hard to Get"! Alright, she hasn't responded back to your e-mail yet, and it's been 2-3 days. Write her another SHORT e-mail with something like, "What, playing hard to get already? Nice". If you don't get a response back from this one, then she's not interested, and you should move on. After e-mailing back and forth for a while, ask her for her number. She'll let you know if she's ready to give it to you or not.

Now you got a date with her. But where to take her? Remember, show her you're confident, and you don't need her to make you happy. Did you get that? you don't NEED her to make you happy, but you WANT her there to make you happy. Take her to a place where you don't have to spend alot of money on her. Does this sound arrogant? NO! It shows her that this is a first date, and you're not trying to impress her with buying her. Trust me, women read into these things more than you think. You don't need to impress her ANYMORE! Did you get that? ANYMORE? Duh, she's out with you now, so you've already impressed her enough to be there with you. If you try to buy her diner, a movie, flowers, jewlery, whatever, she's going to see you're TRYING too hard to impress her. TRYING TOO HARD. Get that? Just be yourself dude, she'll respect that.

Tease her! Remember, women like to have fun, so be fun. Tease her from now and then, but confidently, not arrogantly! One teasing technique I like to use is I'll look down at her shoes and say, "hey, nice shoes. I really admire them" She'll give you a look like you're a complete dork. Before she can get a word out, follow it up with, "do they come in women's sizes too". She'll either laugh, or give you a "oh you just busted my chops" look, but she's still laughing on the inside. Think of things like this to make an impression with her. Treat her like she's your bratty little sister, but at the same time, the guy who's really interested in getting to KNOW HER! Did you get that? Get to KNOW HER!!!! Give her time to develop into this date, and possible relationship. Don't ruin it with talking about your job, your car, your 4.0 GPA in college, whatever, just be yourself. Would you talk about these things when it's guys night out? Then why do it with her? So it just goes to show that showing off is NOT part of you just being yourself.

Respect her! this is very important, but read into the clues and signs she's sending you as well. "When women say no, they really mean yes". Ever heard this one? It's true, but to some extent. If she's giving you the sign to kiss her, then do it, don't be a wuss! She may back off and tell you no, but for some reason the chistry is there to say go ahead and do it. She's feeling you out dude! She wants to see if you're really that confident to accept rejection or not, and HOW you handle it! Do you just back off and say, "damn rejected", or do you say "Alright, that's cool I RESPECT that"? Remember she's feeling you out and she wants Mr. confident to actually kiss her, but she wants romance in it. If this situation happens to me, and she rejects my kiss, but all the signs point to she wants me to kiss her, then I'll say something like, "Alright, that's cool I respect that, but I am going to kiss you before the night is up". That shows her that she had the oppurtunity right then and there, but SHE blew the oppurtunity. The kiss scenario will come up again, but next time she'll be less guarded about it.

Well, this is one of my many blogs I'll write. Please e-mail me if you'd like some tips an how to become a better man for HER! After all, there are 3 great women in our lives, "our mother, our wives, and our daughters", but without the last two, you'll only have one great woman in your life, and that's lonely to only have mom. Women are very important to us, so respect them, because without them, we wouldn't be here, literally!

Take care.

11/14/2007 10:43:16 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Bellingham, WA
age: 41

bogdewic that was great ,you really do have alot of insight into us women.I thought it was great what you wrote and maybe some guys on here will learn something.

11/14/2007 11:21:24 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Bonduel, WI
age: 24

You know, you are right about a few things, like giving some of the bad boy side to her, giving her respect, treating her like she is your most valuable prize ever, but when it comes to understanding a woman, it is not at all what you think.

Sometimes women do make it so hard for a man to understand her sometimes, you are right when you said that they like to play games sometimes to much, but then so do guys, guys think that they own there women, well in a way they are right and in away they are wrong.

The reason why I say they are sometimes right is because they have the right to keep their women safe, and be strong for her, but sometimes they can be wrong and over do it too much.

11/14/2007 11:26:58 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Saint James, MO
age: 52

OHHH, LOOK AT THE SHOES!!! and ask if they come in women's sizes!!!!!

gotta remember that...look at shoes....look at shoes....

11/14/2007 11:55:20 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Red Rock, TX
age: 36

Wow, well put...
Open Honest and I think right on the mark...

I look forward to reading more from you, I'm gonna add you to my Friends.. If thats okay? too bad doing it anyway. lol.....pllleeeaaassee?


[Edited 11/14/2007 1:10:48 PM]

11/14/2007 8:04:52 PM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Ellsworth, PA
age: 30 online now!


I never said anything about treating her like your most valued prize ever....that would make her more like a trophy, and less like a woman....not good!

I said that women like to play games, but I never said anything about TOO much....this makes women look like maneaters.....again, not good!

So please, when you're going to quote me, please quote accurate details from my message....thanx.

11/15/2007 7:32:58 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 41

Great post..!!!

11/15/2007 7:42:07 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!

Oh lord be still my heart....any more at home like you???? I agree great post...

11/15/2007 7:55:56 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Little Rock, AR
age: 50 online now!

How 'bout ya put that heart in2 beatin' some taters in2 hash browns Klassey dear?

11/15/2007 9:38:33 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Saint James, MO
age: 52

Somebody calling themself "David DeAngelo" keeps sending me how to be a bad boy and dating info....What you wrote sounds much the same....If i learned how to do this would i need DH?....

11/15/2007 9:46:41 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Edgewater, FL
age: 28

wow to the post and the last comment

11/15/2007 9:54:45 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Crestline, CA
age: 45

We just witnessed the man vs the boy-bodewic vs saltydoggg. Thanks for stepping up saltydoggg to prove a point.

11/15/2007 10:01:45 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Carthage, MO
age: 47

I was gonna re butt this thread originally until I got done reading your post. I figured you were some "Don Juan love expert wannabe", But you actually posted some pretty good shit. Some of the traits I possess, Some I don"t. But I'm gonna try em......THANKS

11/15/2007 10:06:21 AM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Jacksonville, FL
age: 43

Really good post. Now all you need to do is teach this to some of the guys that really need help. lol

Thanks for posting it.

11/15/2007 1:34:24 PM The MAN vs. The boy!!!  

Ellsworth, PA
age: 30 online now!

I don't know who saltydogg is, but thanx for the post...I think???

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