11/16/2007 2:59:24 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 33
11/17/2007 8:36:21 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 34
11/18/2007 9:14:18 AM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Sumter, SC
age: 35
oh sphere that is so sweet
I didn't know my picture affected you that much. Imagine what would happen if you saw some of my other pictures. 

11/20/2007 11:32:48 AM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 30
only for one actor and he's now having a baby with a chick whose been umm lets just say p-diddy had her! he should of been mines lol! 
12/2/2007 5:36:41 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 36
ABSOLUTELY! Every now and then I get one of those that I find on a website like here, that when I see their picture, it makes my blood HOTT and I get all melted inside. Doesn't happen very often, but it does happen!
Your Froggie in New Mexico! 
12/2/2007 6:19:20 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Bel Air, MD
age: 37
almost daily 
The fake responses get to me more though. 
I really don't care about a webcam show. 
12/2/2007 6:26:47 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Matthews, NC
age: 31
i have seen a pic that made my heart skipp couple of beats
12/5/2007 10:29:05 AM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Carthage, TN
age: 35
yep..occurs in my head almost constantly.... oh, we weren't talking imagination and canvas were we? lol Sure, both ways in several technocolored emotions running simutaniously sometimes.
12/5/2007 4:22:32 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Suffolk, VA
age: 30
My heart...no. SOmething in my pants....yes. I consider my heart to be something associated with emotions.
12/5/2007 4:47:33 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Glen Burnie, MD
age: 35
Yes i have and it's a nice feeling.
12/5/2007 6:19:18 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Stillman Valley, IL
age: 34
I think that it really depends on who that someone is. If it's someone that you shared something you considered to be exceptionally special and the pic was of a happy moment, it might temporarily take away the hurt and anger, or whatever else you might be experiencing, just because it can make you relive that happy moment in time. However, if you really take a good look at who that person has become, there is a good chance that the 2 won't match up; what that person used to be may not match who you thought you knew...keep your heart guarded until you are sure.
If it is someone new or on tv or a magazine etc...it probably isn't your heart that's changing...It's probably something below the belt line... 
And yes, I have experinced both...either way can be confusing...so my best advice is to guard your heart, so as not to get it broken. (do what you want with it)
12/5/2007 9:06:39 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 35
12/7/2007 5:05:45 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Wellston, OH
age: 39
never happened with a pic...but i fell in love with my husband the instant i saw him. of course we're divorced now....
12/7/2007 5:36:42 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

Fort Walton Beach, FL
age: 30
What do you mean,changes?Do you mean for the worst,or for the best?
12/8/2007 11:05:58 PM |
ever see apicture of some one and heart just changes? |

West Palm Beach, FL
age: 35
Hi, thaiprincess... Shoot me a message if you see this... Thanks..