Appleton, WI
age: 53
Mickey? Hell I think Blu needs a nympho 

Kingston, TN
age: 65
Oh Blu . you old romantic,
I heard the supermarkets are a good place to meet someone but it hasn't happened to me yet, been so many times my refrig is groaning, not to mention the extra pounds from having to eat all that food by myself. I hope you find a good answer to that because we are all looking and so far I haven't had a nibble. too darn bad you are way over there in WI. where are the guys like you near me?? I want to know and Of course One like Blu , that old romantic, love ya Blu.

Tioga, PA
age: 66 online now!
I think a bar is a very bad place to meet a man----but definitely a church would be a great place to start.
I have tried about all of these,and am very out-going--but have almost given up i think.
My daughter says---lmao

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
You have heard the saying, " The further you look the less you see"? It is in our nature to have what we need and want right in front of us.. only to look past it in hopes of finding something even better... only to realize the best was right in front of us the whole time.. and usually, by the time we realize this.. it's too late.
I wonder how many doors God has opened to us to meet the one we have prayed for.. only to be too afraid to open that door?

Appleton, WI
age: 53
That is a very true statement Tru...

Akron, IN
age: 59
That reminds me of the story about how the man is stuck on a roof during a flood. Someone with a boat offered him a ride, he turned it down saying that God would protect him. Then a helicopter came overhead and offered him a ride. He turned it down because he said God would protect him.
Then God did show up and the man believed. God told him he was going to die. The man asked why, I believed in you?
God answered, I sent you a boat and a helicopter, what else can I do? Is up to you to see the answers.
Well kind of like I remember the story...LOL