5/3/2009 3:57:00 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |

Fremont, NE
age: 42
I have read many topics and replies of "why do they not like me" or "what am I doing wrong". No one person does anything wrong...its all in timing of the meet. I have always lead my life in helping others in anyway I can. That said, sometimes it always doesn't feel good in the long run. Opening yourself up to others can lead to disappointment, let down and being hurt. On the flip side, opening yourself up can lead to happiness, sense of well-being, and loved by many. I choose to open myself up....the rewards are great!
What does everyone else think?
5/3/2009 3:59:01 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |


Philadelphia, PA
age: 26 online now!
A person must undergo a verification process before you can open up to them.
5/3/2009 3:59:38 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |
Grand Junction, CO
age: 51
Some people start out that way..Wanting to be open..and then the advantage takers come. It's like they can smell it or something. You always seem to end up like a dog that's been kicked too much. So for some, it takes a little distance from the last a** kicking before trying again. JMO
5/3/2009 3:59:57 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |


Philadelphia, PA
age: 39
life is a chance, just like dating is. u cant have high expectations but at the same time try to have a positive attitude and thats all u can do. if u get rejected or feel let down, just give yourself a little time, pick yourself back up and jump on that bike again until u ride free and steady w/both feet!...and one day u will say hey, it was worth it!
switched and threw an analogy in there! hope it made sense!
5/3/2009 4:00:20 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |

Fremont, NE
age: 42
A person must undergo a verification process before you can open up to them.
A verification process? Can you elaborate?
5/3/2009 4:00:48 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |


Sioux Falls, SD
age: 58
I agree with Milas, have to know alot about a person before I let them in
5/3/2009 4:04:50 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |


Philadelphia, PA
age: 26 online now!
A verification process? Can you elaborate?
A process that involves getting down to the bottom of the situation. Finding out whether or not that person really likes you, only wants money, only wants sex, etc..
It's only a matter of time before the truth of a person is revealed.
5/3/2009 4:10:10 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |


Evansville, IN
age: 41
Milas is onto something. It's wonderful to expect the best from people, but to protect your heart, it's best to take your time getting to know them before you expose your heart. Most people are basically good, but a few will take advantage. Meet their friends, see how they handle a stressful situation, that sort of thing. Their true colors will shine through.
5/3/2009 4:13:38 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |
Laverne, OK
age: 42
Well I definately say, that I dont open myself up, because
I am open 24/7 365 days a year...Yeah im always out there for
someone to share with! I'm not scared or shy to talk to anyone,
about anything in my life or theirs...
Some say that it leaves me
vunerable to be steped on, well thats true...I hate to say that It
don't hurt me anymore, but thickins my skin a bit more. It does releave
that pain by sharing with others, that in all truth it could be worse!
5/3/2009 4:15:42 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |

Gainesville, FL
age: 44
Its a gamble just like allot of things in life .You have to give to get ..
5/3/2009 4:29:11 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |


Lawrenceville, GA
age: 52
ppl can only do to you what you allow them to do...you control the access
5/3/2009 5:10:25 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |

Kosciusko, MS
age: 22
ppl can only do to you what you allow them to do...you control the access
That is too true!! You are the one who lets things get to you, I know its hard not to sometimes but what doesnt kill you makes you stronger..
5/3/2009 5:12:44 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |
Henderson, NV
age: 47
if your not hot and rich
you get the b*tch
5/3/2009 5:14:38 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |


Goshen, IN
age: 29
It can be great and the rewards are wonderful,..but, like everything else, chance comes with a price,..for many that price is too much...
5/3/2009 5:45:57 PM |
Warm, friendly, caring = a "walk on me" sign. |

Miamisburg, OH
age: 37
i believe we perceive what we want, good and bad, if an otherwise bad situation happens to me, i ask myself, what good is in this, what have i learned. i never let a negative situation go without finding the possitive in it. its amazing when you have this thought proccess how much happier you are.