11/18/2007 12:58:39 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Men? mature? mature? men? Doesn't compute! It's all about the instant gratification
11/18/2007 1:07:04 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
cottage - I realise what you are saying, but being from the old school, and needing a Frame of Reference (Lt. Spock) to start from, that is my starting point. I am amazed at the number of Christian Ladies who are Social Drinkers, I need to determine what a social drinker is, from a sip of wine at communion, to a glass of wine, brandy, c*cktail at meals. I don't know. 
trublu - instant gratification for who?????
[Edited 11/18/2007 1:08:57 PM]
11/18/2007 1:11:50 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
"I am getting on my soap box again, and every time I do, I seem to ruffle feathers"
You said it my friend, not I !!!!!
This is not meant for you.. I feel "Soap Boxes" are for poeple who need to make a point and or judgmental.. I have no need to judge or push my valve on others.. I'm here like most others. Fill a void, spread a little love and put a smile on someones face, BUT, DO NO HARM...
Thank you very much, and maybe you should lighten up a little.. We too are allow to have a little fun and it was in good tasted !!!!!!!
I enjoy reading your point of views on issues!!!!
Later, Blu : Be Happy, Safe and many Blessing
11/18/2007 1:13:45 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Men usually minsk. Not all men btw! Everything is for instant gratification or easily disposable these days
11/18/2007 1:16:33 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Chico, CA
age: 68 online now!
Sorry Herefrom sorry I didn't mean that toward you. The bit about Hitting a nerve just slipped out. It wasn't meant toward anyone in particular. Forgive me 

11/18/2007 1:20:32 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58 online now!
So Blu!!!Is that what happened when I showed up at your door and couldn't drive home?? Just because I was just alittle drunk!!! WOW who would have thunk it!!! I'll try to do better on our next date 
11/18/2007 1:21:46 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
Social drinker = Means just that.. Thier not drunks and do not drink at home alone.
I don't believe taking communion is drinking...
Tru, Easyyyyyy.. Same could be said about kids who hide behind trees...
Butterfly, you didn't bring me flowers or a drink.. HINT !!!!
Cottage, GREAT POINTS.... A Lady is a Lady...
Later, Blu
[Edited 11/18/2007 1:23:19 PM]
11/18/2007 1:23:19 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
trublu - Men, i expected you to say that, I don't mean that to be a negative comeback, I am a man, I live in a college town, men persue the students like a wild animal stalking prey, it is the weekend, I am afraid to read the police blotter in the morning.
It was like getting the wind knocked out of me, when you refered to everything is instant gratification, there has to be a more permant solution, or what the HELL, are we on earth for? 
11/18/2007 1:26:31 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
Coming from a womans point of view I will have to say, where are your standards set? What will and won't you accept in a man? I do beleive if you demand respect then you will get it or the guy will be out of the picture. Unfortunatly you may have to go thru a lot of bad ones before meeting one good one. This is what I have found thus far. I personally have some standards which is RESPECT. This will include the guy will not curse in front of me, he will be a gentleman in all ways, I will not accept anything less. I would rather be alone than have to put up with some goofy guy. If the only thing they want to do is get some then they find out in a short time that is not where my head is at and its over, I will not display myself as needy as I can get along just fine without a man if need be. Hope this helps! Standup for what is right for you!
11/18/2007 1:29:50 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
We are taught instant gratification from Day one.. What is the first thing they stick in our mouths, after they clean us up a little...
Shel, WOW, well said little lady, "bad ones"(men/women) are allow to be and that becomes thier standard or a acceptable behavior !!!!!!!
Later, Blu
[Edited 11/18/2007 1:35:33 PM]
11/18/2007 1:38:08 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
hma2 - I didn't take it that way, no offense taken. 
11/18/2007 1:49:00 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
Now with that out of the way. I have have a fresh pot of Ham and Beans, been cooking all day. Help yourself..
Later, Blu
11/18/2007 1:54:32 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
As I stated.. I was not piling ALL men into one catagory. I have slept in the same bed with men and not have sex. Not all men think with one head. Just most. I just happen to have chosen some mighty wonderful friends in my life
11/18/2007 2:00:45 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
Bluboy - There is nothing better than a bowl or Two of Ham and Beans, my mouth is watering, I will put that on my list for next Sunday. Thank you for reminding me, of one of the good things in life. Have a good Sunday. 
11/18/2007 2:04:32 PM |
IS there really any REAL mature single men out there if so where ???? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
I must say, this could be the best pot I ever made, going back for a 2nd bowl now..
This was very good thread and thank everybody for sharing and we had a little fun too.
Later, Blu: Be Happy, Safe and many Blessing.
[Edited 11/18/2007 2:04:56 PM]