11/20/2007 10:43:54 PM |
not sure what to do |

Jacksonville, AR
age: 24
there is this girl that i know. and she means ALOT to me. but the odds are agenst me. we might not ever be able to be together. she is on my mind alot. she can bring me out of a bad mood every time i am down. but the odds are we cant be. she says that she does not see us lasting at all. but i do. so i know i need to get over her so whats the best way to do that. everything i have tryed has failed.
11/20/2007 10:48:10 PM |
not sure what to do |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36
either cut up the credit card or just stop callin
11/20/2007 10:52:00 PM |
not sure what to do |

Jacksonville, AR
age: 24
we are friends so i see her alot. and it kills me on the inside knowin i cant be with her
11/20/2007 10:52:58 PM |
not sure what to do |

Duncan, OK
age: 27 online now!
start online stalkin her! if that dont work then kill her and keep her in your fridge!
11/20/2007 10:53:01 PM |
not sure what to do |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57 online now!
I am confused..she says she doesn't see you guys lasting...so she is still
with you...hasn't ended it yet, That said..you keep saying the odds are
against you...well perhaps if you project yourself negatively to her in
other areas...she is giving you a hint about maybe not lasting....ask
her why she thinks you guys won't last??? Find out if it something that
you can fix...if not...move on
11/20/2007 10:55:19 PM |
not sure what to do |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36
11/21/2007 1:12:48 AM |
not sure what to do |

Edmonton, AB
age: 32
In her eyes, you are the 'friend' she can dump on, go to for advice, use when she's feeling down, etc etc(I can go on and on)
She doesn't want to start anything with you because she feels she will lose that, so she can get any guy she wants AND keep you dangling to be a shoulder for her when needed.
ADvice: Stop contacting her, ignore her calls, and cut her COMPLEATLY out of your life. Do this until you come to terms(it's a lot easier to see who someone is when they are not next to you)
When you are able to think of her without the heartache, maybe you can become friends with her (But I doubt it, best chance u have is to ditch her completely)
11/21/2007 1:22:07 AM |
not sure what to do |

Parkville, MD
age: 47
Dude suck it up! Seems like she might be a little selfish and not totally concerned about your feelings that are involved. But we dont know all thr details maybe she knows something about you that makes her feel this way?
11/21/2007 6:54:46 AM |
not sure what to do |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
there is this girl that i know. and she means ALOT to me. but the odds are agenst me. we might not ever be able to be together. she is on my mind alot. she can bring me out of a bad mood every time i am down. but the odds are we cant be. she says that she does not see us lasting at all. but i do. so i know i need to get over her so whats the best way to do that. everything i have tryed has failed.
i say if you both communicate openly and honestly--add some humor at times may help--hey if one of you remain closed-minded at this--then forgetaboutit there is no relationship--
11/21/2007 7:13:44 AM |
not sure what to do |

Jeannette, PA
age: 49
Feelings have to be mutual on both ends dude if she says its not going to work believe her a womans intuition
11/21/2007 9:53:17 AM |
not sure what to do |

Tulsa, OK
age: 44
Ok fiddle, that was just plain scary!!!....
11/21/2007 9:57:54 AM |
not sure what to do |

Little Rock, AR
age: 50
Move next door n peep on her from your livin' room window w/small telescope n camera..
Sometimes ya gotta go the x-tra mile 2 win 'em over...........
11/21/2007 9:59:02 AM |
not sure what to do |

Duncan, OK
age: 27 online now!
thats how u get a women to never leave ya!
11/21/2007 10:05:23 AM |
not sure what to do |

Sumter, SC
age: 35
It sounds to me as if this is her polite way of saying that she just wants to be friends and nothing more. You need to accept that and move on. Would you rather have her in your life as a friend or not in your life at all.
11/21/2007 10:05:38 AM |
not sure what to do |

Overland Park, KS
age: 41 online now!
the only way that works for me is out of sight..out of mind..if I don't see them on a daily basis..or weekely basis..I eventually forget to feel sorry for myself that I can't have them..it takes a little while..but gradually..I think of them less and less..and before I know it..I forgot what all the excitement was about.