5/17/2009 5:19:39 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Provo, UT
age: 29
I went and seen the new Star Trek movie Friday night. I thought it was good. What new movies have you seen and would you see/buy them?
5/17/2009 5:23:26 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Ogden, UT
age: 49
Loved star trek. I laughed and laughed. Lots of intense action too. Too bad I went alone.
5/17/2009 5:34:04 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Provo, UT
age: 29
I laughed as well. I thought the actors did a good job. I was impressed when I seen ol' Leanard Nemoy. 
5/17/2009 5:46:23 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |


Syracuse, UT
age: 50
I saw Wolverine today. Being a HUGE fan of Hugh Jackman, well I certainly canny find no reason to diss it 
I saw The Ghost of Girlfriends Past last week. Although I liked the show, I thought Matthew McC was a big blah playing his role.
The week before I saw 17 Again and I gotta say I AB SO LUTE LY loved it!
5/17/2009 6:25:29 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Provo, UT
age: 29
For all those I just offended in using the wrong word (seen), I should have used saw. I apologize for any hurt feelings and I realize that my use of language does affect the image I have online.
5/17/2009 6:27:59 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |


Syracuse, UT
age: 50
Seen....Saw Sounds like a playground toy to me  
5/17/2009 6:38:51 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 28
Sunshine Cleaners is a must see movie! It is hilarious and a little bit of dark humor. I saw Fighting and it was pretty good too. I liked the Fast and the Furious New Model same Parts it was good, but then Vin Diesel and the other guy kinda have something to do with that. Watchmen was horrible! I still dont understand the hype behind that movie sorry if I hurt anyones feelings. Australia was definitely as bad as everyone told me it would be historically, I have to say I was disappointed with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman was good I thought but it missed the point totally. Um what else? I could add more but that is basically the things I saw the last month.
5/17/2009 7:00:51 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Tooele, UT
age: 51
I haven't been to a movie in a very very long time....
5/17/2009 7:03:20 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |


South Jordan, UT
age: 40
Joy, I'm with you. I'm sitting here trying to remember the last time I went to a movie, and I think it was January! But I do want to see Wolverine, and star trek. I have no idea what else is in the theaters.
5/17/2009 7:06:40 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Tooele, UT
age: 51
I would like to see Wolverine also...maybe its just because of Hugh Jackman????
5/17/2009 7:36:53 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Syracuse, UT
age: 23
Just saw Star trek a few days ago, and Wolverine before that, must say i was very impressed with both, now i just have to wait for the new Terminator movie 
5/17/2009 7:53:00 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |


Salt Lake City, UT
age: 58
Did ayone like The Day the Earth Stood Still with Keanu Reeves????????
5/18/2009 2:14:12 AM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Provo, UT
age: 43
its been awhile since i went out to a movie but rented 7 pounds very good movie and underworld rise of the Lycans good movie (I like anything to do with vampires or werewolves) now I want to watch the other 2 underworld movies so I downloaded them and also the rise of the lycans so I can watch all three sometime. I also saw Vanhelsing the other day on cable, haven't seen that movie for a long time I love Hugh Jackman also
5/18/2009 12:06:50 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |

Hyde Park, UT
age: 45
Last movie I watched was The Flying Scotsman about Graeme Obree. The acting was so-so but it made for an enjoyable enough evening. I especially liked how supportive his wife was when she came home to find him stealing bearings out of their washing machine.
What can I say? It's been a drag trying to catch up on all these projects that have been on hold for what seems like forever and I needed to get myself motivated.
It's just what everybody needs, more bike porn.

5/18/2009 12:15:52 PM |
I just seen Star Trek and.. |


Layton, UT
age: 51
I saw Wolverine Sat night- It was really good- explained a lot of things you wondered about in the other 3- course Hugh was umm really "fit" so that helped LOL--Gambit was cute too!