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6/9/2009 9:00:55 AM |
Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Repulicans |

Trenton, NJ
59, joined May. 2008
Cantor complains Pelosi refuses to meet with him
By Molly K. Hooper and Bob Cusack
Posted: 06/08/09 08:35 PM [ET]
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) says he has requested to meet privately with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) this year, but has been repeatedly rebuffed.
In an interview with The Hill, the minority whip said, “I have been told that Speaker Pelosi doesn’t like to meet with Republicans … I would say that is the case in my instance. I have put in requests to meet with her and have yet to be responded to.”
Hours later, Cantor would be on the House floor, questioning whether the Speaker should continue to receive intelligence briefings.
In his floor comments, Cantor grilled Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), claiming that Pelosi should no longer receive briefings in the wake of her accusation that the CIA lied to her about the use of torture in 2003.
The Hoyer-Cantor exchange became testy, with Hoyer asserting that he is confounded by Cantor’s logic, calling it “incomprehensible.”
Pelosi’s office did not comment for this article.
The five-term lawmaker doesn’t mind making creating uncomfortable moments for Democrats. And when he throws partisan bombs at his political adversaries, he rarely raises his voice.
He gets under the skin of congressional Democrats effectively, whether it be on tax policies, climate change or the International Monetary Fund. Love him or hate him, Cantor keeps the pressure on the majority party.
As a result, five months into his leadership job, Cantor has become a prime target for the left. With Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) on the back nine of his political career, liberals have gone after the 46-year-old Cantor, labeling him “Mr. No.”
Cantor says he knows it comes with the territory: “Who said this thing was easy? ... There is give and take, there is room for public discourse and sometimes it gets a little more vehement than other times, and that’s what’s to be expected.”
Few, if any, political analysts believe that Republicans will retake the House next year. But Cantor, the only Jewish Republican in Congress, is undeterred: “We’ve got a shot of taking back this House. … I think that prospect is largely based on the American people’s desire for a check and balance of power here in Washington. When you’ve got a situation where there’s an unfettered ability to run the table and the direction in which they’re heading is far outside the mainstream, I think that that creates an environment for Republican takeover in the House.”
There has been friction between Cantor and Boehner in the 111th Congress, but Cantor laughs off the “palace intrigue.”
“John Boehner and I have a great relationship,” Cantor said, adding, “We’re together; we’re a team.”
Cantor scored a huge win earlier this year when he rallied the entire GOP conference against the $787 billion economic stimulus package. Cantor acknowledges it was not easy, but he won over skeptical GOP lawmakers by mastering the details of the legislation.
Unlike former GOP Whip Tom DeLay (Texas), Cantor favors reason over strong-arm tactics.
Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), who has bucked Republican leaders on many high-profile issues, said, “Eric will try to get you to rethink your position, but he respects your opinion when you tell him your mind is made up.”
“I have always found him to be very reasonable,” Jones said. “That’s the kind of image this party needs.”
Cantor has experienced bumps in the road in 2009. After his colleagues in leadership called the AIG bonus bill “a sham,” Cantor unexpectedly voted to back the legislation. At the time, lawmakers questioned his ability to stand up to what they called popular but seriously flawed legislation.
With the spotlight on him brighter than ever, some say he will learn from his missteps.
Still, Cantor is widely respected by his Republican peers in Congress. He is an avid fundraiser and comfortable talking about policy, a key skill that has helped him climb the leadership ladder.
President Obama called out Cantor during a meeting with lawmakers in February, saying he can’t wait for the day when Cantor praises one of his ideas.
Cantor says he admires the president and has little interest in rebuking him personally. He is more than willing to take on Democratic policies, and anxious to talk about other Democratic personalities, most notably Pelosi.
(full article linked below)
More evidence the left has lost their minds. Time for a house cleaning in Washington, DC!
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6/9/2009 10:46:10 AM |
Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Repulicans |


Spring, TX
62, joined Jul. 2007
quote: Cantor says he admires the president and has little interest in rebuking him personally. He is more than willing to take on Democratic policies, and anxious to talk about other Democratic personalities, most notably Pelosi.
Every republican is called on the carpet by the media or the likes of reid, frank, pelosi, kennedy.. etc. These people have not only lost touch with their voters, but with reality. Most Americans are too stupid and gullible to realize what the democrats did this past election and the time they took over both houses. When is the last time you heard about the Senator from Alaska who was RAILROADED and was basically, kicked out of the senate by the democrats? The last report I read was the prosecutors were spending $1.4 million of our taxpayer dollars for a defense. These guys are guilty as the day is long. They purposely withheld evidence to get the conviction. Something you would hear about in years gone by from local levels of county, or small town DA's. We hear almost daily about these same strong arm tactics done in the past to convict a guy wrongfully and that person is serving prison sentences. These guys are released, rightfully so, and the DA that convicted him, walk away smiling.
He should be all over bo's fanny too. how about one of those senators or representatives getting the backbone to back some of these lawsuits involving all the 'missing links' behind bo?
6/9/2009 4:25:57 PM |
Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Repulicans |


Bozeman, MT
59, joined Sep. 2008
Pelosi is probably the biggest joke right about now. She's been caught in so many lies, it's pathetic. Now, I can see why she doesn't want to meet with the republicans, she's embarrassed herself, her family and most importantly the American People. I think the dems are not to thrilled with her either. She needs to put her tail between her legs and disappear into the night. Never to be seen or heard from again. to Nasty Pelosi
6/9/2009 4:55:57 PM |
Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Repulicans |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
Pelosi is nothing more that a low life stinking scank and should be thrown out of office.
Semper Fi !!!
6/9/2009 6:13:04 PM |
Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Repulicans |

Trenton, NJ
59, joined May. 2008
Pelosi is nothing more that a low life stinking scank and should be thrown out of office.
Semper Fi !!!
Hey, give the skanks a break. Don't compare Nancy "I can't move my lips without lying" Pelosi to them. The skanks deserve better. lol
6/9/2009 6:38:15 PM |
Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Repulicans |

Douglasville, GA
52, joined Jun. 2009
She looks like the dangling stuff from a Baboons butt  
6/10/2009 9:45:24 AM |
Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Repulicans |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
Looks like?That is exactly what she is!!
Semper Fi!!!
6/10/2009 9:56:20 AM |
Pelosi Refuses To Meet With Repulicans |


Spring, TX
62, joined Jul. 2007
folks, a week or so ago, I was digging up nancy's 'no pork attached' video in her interview on television. I was amazed at the accompanying links to 'other' of her 'hoof-n-mouth' interviews she's had. Like the interview of how dispensing condoms in schools is stimulus. Well, it's stimulus, but only to get the junior high and high school kids to do more 'poking', as the movie Lonesome Dove, called it.
Look for yourself. Go to youtube.com and type in pelosi. You'll be entertained for hours.
This last stimulus bill for $829 billion that she pushed through, did you know only $44 billion of it has been spent? In addition, the $350 billion that Bush left, hasn't been spent either. bo spent over double getting elected than any politician in history. The dems and libs will not have to next election. They'll use the $1 trillion + so called stimulus money instead.