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11/26/2007 5:12:56 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Tillsonburg, ON
age: 40 online now!

I bought this book called "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking"
Apperantly you don't need any will power ,all you do is read this book and by the time you finish will be a non smoker! Yeah Right!
I however have not got passed the introduction yet lol
Has anyone found a good way to stop smoking that actually works??
how about sharing it with me thx

11/26/2007 5:14:20 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Sterrett, AL
age: 38

No. If there was, I'd certainly like to hear about it. There is a new prescription drug that is supposed to be really good. Am going to give it a try first of the year myself. It's too damn cold to be standing outside smoking and I won't smoke in the house with my kids....

11/26/2007 5:15:33 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Suffolk, VA
age: 30 online now!

COld turkey, it is the only good way to quit.

11/26/2007 5:16:46 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Carson City, NV
age: 51 online now!

That new med is called "Chantix".

11/26/2007 5:17:06 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Waco, TX
age: 52

They made me sick when I got pregnant, and I quit then...25 years ago. Is getting pregnant an option for you???

11/26/2007 5:17:28 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Clinton, IN
age: 35

The only thing that has been able to keep my dad from smoking is the fact that he now suffers from chronic lung disease because of it. My only suggestion, if you REALLY want to quit, would be to pin up some pictures of what lungs with emphysema(sp?) look like where you can see them. Any time you feel the need to smoke, just look at those pics and remind yourself that that's what they'll look like if you give in to that urge.

Just a suggestion.

11/26/2007 5:18:36 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Seattle, WA
age: 43

There's always jail.....You'll quit in

11/26/2007 5:19:03 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Tillsonburg, ON
age: 40 online now!

tell me about it.....even at work I feel like the "out" croud now....the few of us standing outside in the cold,rain.snow....ahhhhhhh I wish it were easier I hate smoking but unfortunatly I am so dependant on it, old habits are hard to break

11/26/2007 5:19:57 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Hanover, PA
age: 46 online now!

you need to find other oral stimulants

11/26/2007 5:22:08 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Tillsonburg, ON
age: 40 online now!

other oral stimulants eh Geo....what do you reccomend

11/26/2007 5:31:12 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Seattle, WA
age: 43


11/26/2007 5:37:06 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Denison, IA
age: 29

That new med called Chantix has a really good success rate. My mom is on that, and her doctor says his patients have 80% quit rate. The only bad thing about the med is that it is expensive and I don't think most insurances cover it. However, if you look at how much you were spending on smoking, it costs about the same.

What works is different for everyone.. some ppl can quit by just seeing a picture of a loved one they place in their pack of smokes.. Some can just quit "COLD TURKEY", others have to use quit aids.. But, its a decision and you have to be ready to make it.. if you aren't ready to quit, it won't happean, no matter how much everyone else might want it for you.

11/26/2007 5:41:21 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Gloucester, MA
age: 22 online now!

yeah that stuff really works.....well if you really wanna quit it does! My mom was smoking two packs a day and had been smoking since she was 12 and she tried those and she hasnt smoked a cigarette in 7 months...I am so proud of her!!! now if only I can give it up LMAO

11/26/2007 6:08:59 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Honolulu, HI
age: 40

Have you tried the patch? A patch is cheaper than a pack of cigarette. Also add in a routine excersise like jogging. It will help you feel the effects of quitting. You'll see yourself in a week time jogging longer and a lot stress to in your breathing. Almost on a daily bases, so it gives you a greater desire not to light up, because you can actually feel the difference of quitting when you jog.

11/26/2007 6:26:08 PM Is there an "easy way to stop smoking?"  

Tillsonburg, ON
age: 40 online now!

thanks everyone...great advise I really appreciate it

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