11/26/2007 5:13:45 PM |
How To Ask A Guy Out ..... " For Dummies" |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
I have to be honest here.
I'm not very proud of this, but I have "NEVER" asked a guy out on a date in my entire life (I feel horrible).
I guess I've been too selfish since all of us women are used to having the guys ask us out left and right all of our lives and so we get used to that and we all turn down dates by the dozens and even though I enjoyed guys asking me out (hope they never stop ), I want to try something different.
I want to put myself in their shoes for a moment and ask guys out for a change to experience the gentleman's side of all of this to better understand them and possibly learn what it feels like to be turned down many times which will probably help me to think twice in the future before turning down a guy's date invitation just because I don't like motorcycles or because he's too young etc etc.
So the purpose for this post is for you ladies that have asked guys out on a date in the past...
What or how would I go about asking a guy out without scaring him away? LOL
Is it the same way they ask me out? I would hope not as I don't intend to email them flowers or poems (Oh my, please tell me that's not the way to go about with guys) haha! 
What would make guys flattered and say yes to an invitation on a date?
(no sex related offers of course, that's way too easy.. I want challenge LOL) 
Does this makes any sense?
11/26/2007 5:24:15 PM |
How To Ask A Guy Out ..... " For Dummies" |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Sensual, wish I could give you some advice, but I have never approached a man first when it came to asking them out. After being in a relationship I have, but not at the start. I give men a lot of credit for putting themselves out there, I would never want to be in thier shoes.
11/26/2007 8:42:11 PM |
How To Ask A Guy Out ..... " For Dummies" |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
Thanks lotus. If I only knew the first step to take in asking a guy out on a date or at least if I only knew which guy likes me and would like to get to know me better, it would make my life so much easier and I would just ask him out as long as he's a melt-me away kisser!!!! 
Funny how I had an ex/b asked me out few weeks ago and sadly he's the worst kisser on this planet so I need someone to override that horrible kiss with a REAL good one! BWAAAHA! 
[Edited 11/26/2007 9:12:50 PM]
11/27/2007 12:56:32 AM |
How To Ask A Guy Out ..... " For Dummies" |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
My approach...."hey, handsome wanna puck?" Works everytime.......
11/27/2007 6:15:42 PM |
How To Ask A Guy Out ..... " For Dummies" |

Utica, NY
age: 60
Sensual Latin,
First of all, it's empowering, it's honest and you feel in control of the situation.
I've asked men out, asked them to dance, initiated conversations and it gets easier each time. Many men are intimidated by beautiful woman and it can be a disadvantage to her. They don't think they have a chance, or if we're just not paying attention, they think we're with someone else or just not interested.
I told him I found him attractive and interesting and would like a chance to get to know him better. The plan was coffee or a drink after work to talk. If he is interested after that he usually takes the lead from there. Men like to be asked out and are very flattered.
So just do it! 
11/27/2007 11:10:03 PM |
How To Ask A Guy Out ..... " For Dummies" |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57 online now!
This is the place to practice, it doesn't take much guts to send a message. Channa
11/29/2007 9:02:47 PM |
How To Ask A Guy Out ..... " For Dummies" |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
Thanks ladies...
Wish me luck. I'll break the ice this Saturday and ask this guy out.
Only thing is, this guy is one of my clients and I doubt he'll allow me to pay for anything. This person is from Jerusalem and all the guys I've gone out with lately are from Jerusalem (by choice) and never allow me to pay for anything nor do things that are meant to be done by men , so I wonder how he will take it when I ask him for a date.. yikes!! Heck, someone's gotta be my first one some day 