6/19/2009 5:06:55 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Painesville, OH
age: 55
Hi all. .
Just curious. I heard a man cakll his small dog Brotosauerous. In a vets office.okay next......
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6/19/2009 8:43:03 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Aurora, MO
age: 41
I am not joking on this one there was actuly a guy that named his cat, are you ready for this POOPER no joke.
6/19/2009 11:19:53 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Madera, CA
age: 44
My friends have a pair of Beshons(I think that how it's spelled) When "Missy"(also a Beshon) died 5 months ago, they addopted an older one that was named "Jingles". a month later they addopted a puppy and named her( you guessed it) "Bells".
6/20/2009 4:29:48 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Ash Grove, MO
age: 55
I have had 2 pugs in my life. Both were named Harvey. The second one we put his papers in as
"Sir Harvard the Ugly" He won several ugly dog contest with my sons. 
6/20/2009 7:20:12 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Marietta, GA
age: 46
My Sheltie's name is "Neechee" - kind of unusual. It means "little dog" in Cherokee (he's only 12 pounds - unusually small for a Sheltie).
I once showed in obedience with a lady whose dog's AKC registration was "Miapooper" - I kid you not. How she got that by the AKC was beyond me - they tend to be kinda particular about using anything to do with poop. (She actually called the dog "Mia".)
6/23/2009 6:32:29 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Grady, AL
age: 50
6/23/2009 7:51:17 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Gig Harbor, WA
age: 39
"D.O.G." (pronounced "Dee-oh-gee"). My ex-father inlaw named his cat "Melon-belly".

6/24/2009 11:19:34 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
United Kingdom
age: 59
People pick odd name for pets from time to time, this is a list of names of pets I have owned in the past, the first is my current pet a Chocolate Labdrador
Tundra - Dog
Radar - Dog
Cassious - Dog
Tumee - Cat
Smit - Cat
Giz - Cat
T.C - Cat
MunchKat - Cat
Argos - Dog
My next dog will be named Mr. Chips,
6/24/2009 2:39:46 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Mathis, TX
age: 48
My ex was a mechanic so I started naming our pets after cars, parts or tools.
Socket - cat
Ratchet - 1/2 dobie 1/2 rottweller
torque - mixed shepard
Cadillac Automatic Transmission - C.A.T. or tranny for short - cat
Dusenburg - Dusey for short - cat
Studebaker - Ude for short - Pug
Reo Speedwagon - Aree for short - Beagle
Shelby - yeah the mustang - Pug
Marqui - Pug
Gray Air Jack for our gray shop cat we called her Jack for short
6/24/2009 5:28:56 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Catskill, NY
age: 38
When I was little I had a canary (yellow) that for some reason I named Orange. Who knows how the mind of a 3 year old works???
6/24/2009 9:41:49 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Stillwater, OK
age: 25
I had a guy who told me a few days ago that ALL of my pet's names were weird...what do you all think???
Small Fortune aka Fort~~Horse
Solo~~Came with his name from the humane society~~Dog
Xena My Lil' Warrior Princess~~Dog
Azrael aka Azzy~~Cat
Miss Kitty~~Cat
Mr. T~~Gerbil
6/25/2009 1:02:05 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 59
In Vietnam we had a dog named P*ssy and a monkee named Junkie. The dog got loose and a hospital with nurses outside and we were yelling for the dog but did get some strange looks. Was hilarious!
6/25/2009 3:42:15 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
My younger Ocicat's registered name is Purrfurdots Devil or Angel... Angie for short, as that is exactly her
6/25/2009 8:54:50 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Palm Springs, CA
age: 60
BUNNZ~SO, for a Manx Kitty I used to have...
I always liked the name "ZERO" for a Manx...
6/29/2009 8:01:49 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 50
Bear in the Woods
6/30/2009 8:36:39 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Concord, CA
age: 20
I had a puppy once I named Sonnet, like the poem structure. I thought it was pretty, 
7/4/2009 8:33:56 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Winter Haven, FL
age: 46
I had a cat (passed away from cancer) when I adopted him from his owner his name was "Maha Rushie" lol This name has got to be the winner! He was a show cat that the owner retired because of a broken tooth. He was a beauty, Himalayan-Persian
7/10/2009 6:23:08 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 55
Ursa Maximus Rex aka Bear AKC registered white GSD.
7/12/2009 12:53:52 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Newport, TN
age: 51
Lunch Box, a large fluffy blue eyed blonde longhair cat. 
7/12/2009 5:09:21 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Belton, MO
age: 51
One day I went over to my sister's apartment and a guy opened his door a few doors down and called out " Homicide". Well, it kinda unnerved me and I got into my sister's apt. as quick as possible. My sister said Yeh, that's his cat. ??????? She said he opens the door and hollers for that cat all the time.
7/12/2009 7:27:30 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Durham, NC
age: 53
My ex sister in law named her cat Dumb Shitz. 
7/12/2009 7:54:32 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
La Jolla, CA
age: 57
Queensland Blue Heeler named Blue Moon Trouble
7/12/2009 8:06:52 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Omaha, NE
age: 46
I had a Chi named Termite when I was young....she loved to chew on the table leg of the dining room table at dinner!
7/12/2009 10:40:03 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Bozeman, MT
age: 54
many years ago my son had a hamster he named voover. I have no idea where the name came from. He's grown up now and has a cat named Moeshe.
7/13/2009 7:11:09 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Saint James, MO
age: 58
That is amazing. I have an aquaintance that had a registered Flame Point Himilayan named Fubar.
She let me use him to breed to one of my Persians, years ago.
What does the name mean?
I just this weekend had one of my oddly named persians killed by a hit and run in a private driveway. (1996-2009, I miss you Blueberry)
His name was Blueberry Dumpling. But I didn't name him. He was just one of a number of pet babies I have had born here that seemingly telepathically gave me their names when I wasn't even trying to name them.
And no, I'm not crazy.
[Edited 7/13/2009 7:16:18 PM ]
7/13/2009 9:46:57 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 55
Excuse my French, but FUBAR means f**ked up beyond all recognition.
7/14/2009 7:46:31 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Middleport, OH
age: 53
Beitch is what my neighbor called her female dog. except she left out the E. she must be for calling her dog that.
7/15/2009 2:02:00 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Great Bend, KS
age: 41
ok, I pick odd names on purpose..lol
Navi for a dog she is a Papillon it means Butterfly
Dee Oh Gee dog Papillon
Mogwai dog Papillon
Cee A Tee Ragdoll Cat
7/24/2009 2:42:59 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

West Point, GA
age: 61
I try to pick a pets name to match it's personality if possible. I haven't always tho. My very sweet little pit was named Nubby, but her registered named was Nabiscos' Animal Crackers. I wanted to call her crackers because she would try to steal my sons' crackers from his hands --which he offered freely! But the kids liked Nubby because I had a dog called that growing up and they'd heard me talk about him so much.
Sundance, Cassie, Sly, Bubbles, Blue were Siamese
Niles-Basenji ( he was from Egypt) stolen 08/03/08 has chip
Won Hung Lo- Pekegines AKC name
Baldy-Chinese Crested AKC Where's the Hair?
China- Pekegines China Doll Rice ( white)
Tootsie Roll Hershey- Poodle ( changed his name to Bowzer-acts tough, but isn't)
Ruby Red Tuesdays' Jewel- Poodle ( red head born on Tuesday in July)
Pickles, Beer, N Chips- Lab, I adopted. This is what the person fed it when I rescued him She's called Chips
Chopper-Mutt I'm fostering that was found at the airport
Frog- Heeler I'm fostering, This dog thinks its' mission in life is to find frogs( I'm working on another name & rescuing the frogs it brings me) 
Mrs. White-Duck My friend got it from..you guessed!  
8/20/2009 9:50:49 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Saint Albans, WV
age: 44
My cat who recently died was named Spork.
I name my dogs after flowers. I have Aster (rottie mix), Daisy (beagle mix) and am adopting Clem* (beagle mix.)
*Clemantis ... it is hard finding a masculine flower name!
8/20/2009 9:56:47 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Branson, MO
age: 28
I had a dog named Lucifer, and Backho and Hersey are siblings for my litter of choc. lab pups
8/21/2009 7:56:42 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Modesto, CA
age: 36
a cat named shitty
8/21/2009 9:12:35 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Ft Mitchell, KY
age: 48

Can you imagine . . .
Sit - No
Down - No
Come - No
Poor thing wouldn't know what's right.
8/23/2009 9:28:40 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Sanger, TX
age: 57
Actually many of my pets came to the name of Dammit
So there was:
Suzy Dammit
Chase Dammit

Then there is my girlfriend that calls all of her dogs...f_ck_r. Of corse they all come running and stand in front of her. I told her she needs to be more specific because she is confusing them by calling them all the same name. She told me they know which f_ck_er I'm talking about. 
She had a puppy that she had sold but the new owner hadn't picked her up yet. Couldn't think of a name for her....she called me at work alllllll upset. I named the puppy by accident...OMG...she comes to get over here little f_ck_r! What am I going to do? They will think I'm horrible naming their dog that !
I told her not many people will call a dog that so they will never know !

9/7/2009 7:06:32 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Granada Hills, CA
age: 48
9/7/2009 7:09:17 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Fort Morgan, CO
age: 43
I named one of my dogs Bugger and my current dogs name is Quigley
9/8/2009 1:03:36 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 27
I have 2 cats. I've never heard of an animal named Lizzie, but tons of Abbeys. People don't know that my Abbey's full name is Abby-bandoned. She was a stray.
I also had a cat named Bokie. It started out as Hobo, and somehow morphed over the years.
My aunt has a cat named ('scuse my language) F**ker Cat. No kidding.
[Edited 9/8/2009 1:04:11 PM ]
9/8/2009 1:42:53 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Paducah, KY
age: 47
A cat named dog. 
9/8/2009 11:58:19 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Pottstown, PA
age: 36
I had a dog named Abby Normal (because she was lol.) I also had a rottie mix my ex took with him named Rockhead he wouldn't respond to anything else except Rock. When I was little a stray we called Kitty-Kitty brough half grown wild kittens to us and I named mine Old Yeller, don't know why.
9/9/2009 10:30:24 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Counce, TN
age: 45
I currently am bottle raising an orphanned baby squirrel I have named "Dizzy".Her eyes opened yesturday.I am proud to announce that she can see from both as 2 weeks ago I had to put her left eye back into the socket.
9/11/2009 4:37:18 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Metamora, IL
age: 54
I Took care of a dog for a friend, IT'S name was Did He Bite You.
9/14/2009 1:50:47 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Rochester, NY
age: 59
we had a cat years ago named Bad Cat. (it was a love name)
my current cat is named qweak qweak. I got her as a tiny kitten rescued out of a barn in the middle of winter. she was half dead from a respiratory infection. the mother had diasppeared and the rest of the litter had died.. she was barely 6 weeks poor honey. It was touch and go for quite awhile but she is 7 years old now and fat and happy.
I named her Qweak Qweak because in the early weeks the only sound she could make was a tortured little "qweak"! 
9/14/2009 12:21:07 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 27
I seem to be adopting one of the strays in our neighborhood, born feral behind our dumpster. She seems like a Sammie, but my cats always have weird nicknames that they also answer to.
Hobo: Bokie, Bokums, Bubba, Fatty, Sonofab*tch...
Abbey: Gorgeous, Pretty, Beautiful, Flabbs
Lizzie: Lizzaroonie, Lizzabutt, Chunks, Chubbs, Tubba
Just like with children, they're only called by their real names when they're in trouble, and they know it 
9/19/2009 4:18:07 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Leesburg, FL
age: 76
Let's see if I can remember them, Betsy who had some 23+ kittens before I was forced to choose and I can't remember all of those names.
--Damn Cat-- named by my 1st husband
--Yeller-- because of her color
--Tiger-- also because of her color and markings
--Snowball-- guess why?
Snowball had several litters we passed along to friends
but kept one jet black, no other colors, we gave him
a no no name but when taken to the vet a black attendant asked
for his name and we said "we call him kitty".
--This is the best of all:
--D-Con-- mixed breed grey looked like a
Persian--his mother had been a hardware store ratter named
--Sox, he was persian grey with 4 identical white feet
--Then we had a mixed orange and caramel named Tangerine
--Next came a mixed Flame Pointe named Topaz because of her eyes
--A huge orange and caramel Tabby named Ms (Tiger) Lilly
--And currently
9/27/2009 2:47:51 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Brookhaven, NY
age: 63
I had a black cat that I named "Mr. TIbbs"
A calico that I rescued called "Ms. Beasley"
"Bootskooter" Sammi Starship, Savanna,
"Mr. Big, "Peppi D Liu", "Tinkerbell"
Sammi Starship & Savanna were rescued form a colony of ferals that I have since had them all spayed & neutered and returned to their colony.. Sammi & Savanni I kept & they are still with me, Tinkerbelle is with me also. 
[Edited 9/27/2009 2:51:01 PM ]
9/27/2009 6:08:41 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Lodi, CA
age: 50
I have a brown tabby I named Bijou which means Jewel! She looks like a jewel, beautiful coat! Like a tigers eye stone! 5 different colors of brown. She's sitting on my lap right now purring!! 
9/27/2009 6:11:07 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Lodi, CA
age: 50
It's not a strange name Bijou just cute! How about a cat named Spot and a dog named Fluffy? Ha Ha Ha!!!  
9/27/2009 6:21:01 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Mohawk, TN
age: 23
My mom has 2 dogs 1 is a girl named Porkchop Shitzioo 12 yrs old , 2yrs old male Boston Terrier named Buckwheat
My Dad has beagles named laughin' Annie, .org, Lobo
[Edited 9/27/2009 6:25:42 PM ]
9/29/2009 3:06:29 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Agoura Hills, CA
age: 57
My neighbor has a Rottie mix named Monster- best dog ever.
My Porties are named
Ace or Acer = Maple tree
Little Red Ridinghood or Cinder
Little Fishtail
New Starfire litter has herb and flower names:
Dandy Lion
Yellow Rose of Texas
Sweet Linny Rose
Cedar to Morris Cove Dunkin
Captain Licorice
Ms Fairy Lantern
Captain Cayenne Flash
10/5/2009 8:38:20 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 27
Just named my stray stalker Daphne. She seems to like it.
10/5/2009 4:44:40 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Rockland, ME
age: 29
my friend has a cat she got at the animal shelter on sale (buy one get one cat sale) one name roscoe at the shelter and then another cat she got the same name susan, she renamed susan Bargan Kitty cause she got her for free
10/6/2009 9:54:52 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 27
My uncle named one of his cats Retail, because he was found in the back of a retail plant truck.
10/6/2009 1:42:22 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Hollidaysburg, PA
age: 27
A redtail boa named "Moe" or a duck name "Crispy" I don't know which is weirder
10/8/2009 7:11:30 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Walterboro, SC
age: 39
I had a german shepard/husky that I named Wookie
and another I named daci
10/8/2009 12:24:48 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Winston Salem, NC
age: 47
I don't know if it's strange, but my cat is the only one I ever met by the name "Tag." He got his name for batting my leg and running away then peering back from around a corner or from behind something. He will repeat this, too, over and over again. Tag is his favorite game, so why shouldn't I name him for it, I thought.
Also, I have a friend who used to have two Chihuahuas she named Juan and Tú (tú is Spanish for you).
10/15/2009 8:29:24 AM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Buena Park, CA
age: 48
A buddy at work has a dog named HEY!!!
I also think his neighbors cat is called "You S.O.B." because he yells that every time it comes into his yard!

10/15/2009 6:49:19 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |

Cantrall, IL
age: 50
jack russel terrier named SHIPWRECK
10/30/2009 2:07:07 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Winston, GA
age: 26
pink the pop star had a dog named f__ker lol
10/31/2009 4:12:07 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |
Bismarck, ND
age: 39
The people who live next to me have a german sheperd named Hitler. 
11/1/2009 2:28:19 PM |
What is the strangest name you have heard for a pet? |


Twin Falls, ID
age: 57
Flea Market lived with me for years...