11/30/2007 12:10:31 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
I had a feeling from the beginning that Hilary was going to win this election and sadly that's how is looking so far (hopefully this will change). I agree with some of you, I think if she does win, it will be for one term only. I can't see it going for more than 1 term. No way!! 
11/30/2007 6:03:16 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 30
We will beat Hillary am pretty certain about it we are going to win all red states plus massachussets,and good news California may be for split
12/2/2007 2:38:25 AM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Grove City, OH
age: 41
Billary can be beaten with two proven tactics. First, insure that every skeleton in her immense closet is drug out for public display on a regular basis. Second, the GOP nominee must believe in, adhere to, and effectively communicate solid conservative principles. Hussien Obama has run one of the worst campaigns in modern times, and really hasn't laid a glove on her. He is clearly demonstrating how NOT to beat her.
The key to defeating her will be a Republican nominee who actually is a conservative, someone who can explain those ideas to the electorate in a clear and understandable manner. The Republican Party is in the midst of a battle for it's ideological soul. Either the party will adhere to the principles enumerated over the past thirty years, or abandon them and select a centrist nominee hoping to beat Billary. Recent history demonstrates time and time again that the GOP loses badly whenever it ignores fundamental principles.
Now, I have observed that there is only one true conservative in the race. The other candidates each have one or two issues where they take clearly liberal or moderate stances. That is simply not good enough. You can't win by nominating someone more like Billary. That will lead to the return of Slick Willie to the White House.
12/2/2007 4:22:53 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
Bilary, I have not heard that for a long time. I read an AP posting tonight that shows a very tight Iowa race. If Bilary looses Iowa and five days later New Hampshire this will really start making things interesting. A friend of mine sent me an e-mail today and said he saw a bumper sticker that said "Why Didn't Hilary Marry O.J. Simpson." I received a second e-mail that said the libs want illegal aliens referrred to in the politically correct venacular as unregistered aliens which is no different than referring to an illicit drug dealer as a pharmacist.
12/5/2007 9:12:25 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Marble Falls, TX
age: 58 online now!
LeahMarie,will a 32inch oak louisville slugger work for you? 
12/8/2007 12:17:48 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Hillsboro, TN
age: 57
Maybe now is the time for the independants to prop up a canidate, I believe the latest polls show almost 40% of reg. voters are independant, whatever happened to the greater good and when did the PC people lose their common sense, we need to speak as one nation to the world and take no B/S from anyone, maybe if we stopped giving our tax money to every third world corrupt govt. we could solve some of the vexing problems we face here that have been over looked for so long. We beat Mr. or Mrs. Clinton by exposing all of her lies, distortions of the truth, show how scripted she is, why the current polls decide her direction, as Bob Dylan once said," the times they are a changin " and let's hope she is not part of our future!
P.S. Has anyone ever seen her in a dress or skirt?
12/9/2007 3:38:30 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
A good question. I cannot recall ever seeing Hilary in a dress or a skirt. When Slick Willy was in his first term some software company in an ad for graphics software did a digital cut and paste job by placing Hilary's head on a woman's body dressed in S&M attire complete with a whip. It was an attention getter. One had to look real close to determine Hilary's head did not belong on what was a rather erotic female body. She is defiinately not super model material. In fact she is just plain ugly. Anyone doubt that look at her older photos before she was First Lady and could afford all these makeovers. As far as running an independent, I am not opposed to the idea but not until the Conservative cause gets a better foothold. My thinking is Ross Perot is the reason we got Slick Willy to begin with. His 19% of the votes would have gone to George Bush the elder. The problem was in 1992 we were in a recession, unemployment was up, and we were in the early stages of adjusting to a post Cold War economy, and many voters thought a change in the administration was the answer.
12/30/2007 8:45:10 AM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Magnolia, TX
age: 19 online now!
The best way to by pass her in the polls is just to maintain our class. Keep it like the clasic LD debates... where we will have a nice clean rebuttle. Politics has went way to below the belt lately. Also look at the points she has made so far... GD Come on AND ahe had to pull here mom it to it all. Come on now 
Well that is me just ranting... I will stop now.
1/1/2008 7:11:09 AM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Farmington, IL
age: 46 online now!
The best way to defeat the Clinton machine is to support her in the primaries! Help her get the Dem. nomination! Of the top 3 Dem. candidates, she will be the easiest to defeat in the General Election. Just look at what happened to the flip flopping Kerry. Shrillary has flip flopped more than Kerry could have ever dreamed about! (Plus, I'd love to see Fred Thompson tear her up in a debate)!