11/27/2007 3:31:31 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
The way things are stacking up it looks like she will get the nomination. Of course many things can happen between now and next November. (Nobody thought JFK would get nominated let alone win the election). The only way I see at this time is the only we can beat her is to mobilize the conservative forces and get people to the polls. I am open to any suggestions.
11/27/2007 3:43:20 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
you let her beat herself. It will happen and just make sure you state your direction to take the country and how that is different to hers.
11/27/2007 3:50:19 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
I'm not so sure she is a shoe in for the nomination. The little word battle between her and Obama is starting to hurt her. The liberal media will tell you something different about thier lil darling, but as long as she continues to put herself out there on live debates, and interviews, her true self just shines through!! She is slipping in the polls and the big guns are coming out, I have a feeling she will blow the nomination. If not, I have no doubt that on voting day, when people have to get out there and vote, it will be like it has been...the liberal machine will not show up.
11/27/2007 3:54:08 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
I am truly surprised by the following Edwards has...I never thought he would get this far!
11/27/2007 4:16:03 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54 online now!
If, God forbid, the Dems win the white house, regardless of what happens in congress, I predict it will be a one term reign of terror, and the death of the Democrat Party. They have gone sooooo far to the left to appease their kook base, and they will no longer be able to hide their socialist agenda, their flip-flops on the issues or their outright lies on how they support the second ammendment. The problem is, in four years they could destroy this country beyond repair. A persons support for big government is directly proportional to the contempt he has for his fellow man.
11/27/2007 4:25:33 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Doniphan, MO
age: 45
I personally would love to see a public station owned and ran by a consevative, who would be willing to share fact with us instead of liberal oppinions. I know we have Fox News, but I don't think thats enough, we need a publicly viewed station out there. Heck you can't even see Fox on Dish unless you buy their most expensive package. It is my believe that liberals win through media constantly forwarding their agenda.
11/27/2007 4:30:34 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
A well educated and informed conservative friend of mine has often mentioned that if Hilary wins it will be for one term only. She is destined to screw up the works and he feels just let this entire Clinton thing play itself out and from there we move on. This is an interesting thought but a scary one. I am looking back at 1976. Many sat out that election and were burned out from Watergate. Jimmy Carter got elected and I think we all know he was perhaps the most grossly incompetent person that ever occupied the Oval Office. We are still suffering from his failed Presidency. He has been out of office for 26 years but his legacy lives on - Iran. Need I say more, Hilary must be beat. Let's hope she keeps falling on her sword and things do not go her way in Iowa or New Hampshire.
11/27/2007 4:38:49 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Doniphan, MO
age: 45
I totally agree, Hillary needs to be defeated. I like my house and don't want to lose it by democrates raising our interest rates through taxation and policy that only line their pockets.
11/27/2007 4:39:06 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
One of my biggest fears, even for one term, if she becomes elected is the repercussion on our Armed Forces. I was living in NY state when she was elected to the Senate there and read a book written by the man who carried the football during the Clinton Administration (sorry, I can't remember the title or author) She treated the military around her terrible. Went on a tirade that she did not want anyone working in the White House in a military uniform..they needed to be in civilian attire! She abused them every chance she got. Most of our men in the military are aware of this...can you just imagine the impact there would be.
11/27/2007 5:01:04 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54 online now!
Lotus, I can't think of the name of the book you are referring to. I want to say Gary Aldrich is the author but I don't think that is correct. There were so many books written about these low-lifes it is hard to keep tract of them all. I do remember the book you refer to. She is an anti-American through and through. The proof is everywhere. Unfortunately, aboveandbeound is correct in his post. We have a news media that constantly hammers into the sheep "Democrats good-Republicans bad" and the sheep just continue to eat it up.
11/27/2007 5:08:09 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
General McAffufle who was assigned to the White House saluted a Clinton aide about one week after that bastard was inaugarated and said a friendly good morning. The respoonse he got back was "We Don't Speak To Military" from some young female Clinton aide (wonder if it was Monica). Clinton attempted to lift the ban on gays in the military his first day in office - something he does not have the authority to do. The end result is he made it harder on gays in the miltary than it has ever been. The next thing he does is go down to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Memorial Day and gets booed off the podium and uniformed vets turned their backs on him. I served in Vietnam when LBJ was in office and we dispised him for keeping our hands tied and not letting us get the job done. The dislike of LBJ shrinks in comparison to the total contempt the military has for the Clintons. Even the liberal press has well documented this fact.
11/28/2007 4:20:56 AM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Aston, PA
age: 59
jays82 is right. We let Hillary beat herself with her fudging on every question asked .... her artificial personality and her variety of poll-tested bromides that let her duck key issues.
11/28/2007 6:29:16 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Marble Falls, TX
age: 58 online now!
good question.I suggest a ballbat. that should knock some sense into her
11/28/2007 11:00:36 PM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Aston, PA
age: 59
barbaque.... I want to help 
11/30/2007 10:31:23 AM |
How Do We Beat Hilary? |

Spring, TX
age: 55
as much as i hate to say it, we need to start some rumor so Minister Louis Farrakhan gets on her case, him, sharpton or jesse. farrakhan hates everyone that is not islamic or black. he'll back most loose ideas.. bush and whites blew up the levies in new orleans so it would flood the black areas only. and of course the mayor had no knowledge of this at the time. now that all those refuges have moved into other cities, most, he doesnt want to return anyway. Oh, he said that after the gov bused all those who would vote for him, back to vote.
yup.. sick sharpton or farrakhan on her.