6/25/2009 12:23:11 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Bristol, CT
age: 44
Have you ever had anyone called you a liar about being disabled.Have them call you a fat lazy cow.I would like to know how may of you have called liars from people that plain out treated you like so bad when they don't even don't know what your disabilities are and started calling you all kinds of names.I had a run in with a guy because I would not give him the name of my meds.I was a liar.I want see if anyone else was treated as bad as I was.
6/25/2009 12:51:25 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Florence, OR
age: 43
Well, I have been called alot of things do to my disability, but never a liar. My disability is obvious.
6/25/2009 1:30:48 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |


Ogden, UT
age: 49
Have you ever had anyone called you a liar about being disabled.Have them call you a fat lazy cow.I would like to know how may of you have called liars from people that plain out treated you like so bad when they don't even don't know what your disabilities are and started calling you all kinds of names.I had a run in with a guy because I would not give him the name of my meds.I was a liar.I want see if anyone else was treated as bad as I was. 
First of all.........why did he need to know about your medication names? It's NONE OF HIS BEESWAX!
6/25/2009 1:45:56 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Wisconsin Rapids, WI
age: 50
What kind of CRAP is that. I agree with the lady above also meds are certainly no one elses buisness. indeed
6/25/2009 1:47:10 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |
Chandler, AZ
age: 48
Yes by a Dr in Utah.He did not call me fat but Lazy.He told me to get off my butt and find a job.He said he knew a lot of people that had what I have and work.I have had Hep C for over 30 yrs.I was on chemo for one year and it did not kill the virus. A Federal Judge in Utah disagree with him a gave me SS/D for life. I have all the respect in the world for Dr's,but when back and told him he was crazy and everyone in he's office.
[Edited 6/25/2009 1:52:37 PM PST]
6/25/2009 3:56:03 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Black River Falls, WI
age: 39
Yes in a matter of speaking by the Veterans Administration and the U.S.Army Reserves. I am soon going to be sent to fort Campbell,KY for a military medical board. I am getting anxiety already about this. This will hopefully give me more benefits for life. It has been a 23 month struggle for thus far. I get treated as a second class veteran at the VA hospital because some Army records proving my deployment to Somalia in 1993 disapered. So they only rate my disabilities as non-service related. UGGH!! how can it be then that I developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and have nightmares and flash backs from there, if I wasn't there? I have a awards proving I was there and still the fight goes on. I am very frustrated. I have 2 congressmen and a senator working on this. It's the red tape of the U.S. Federal government.I served my country and this is the crap I have to go through. Sorry I guess I needed to vent. I wish you all the luck. I do understand. you can add me as a friend and talk more. I would like it to have someone else to talk to who relates. It may do us both some good.
6/25/2009 4:40:42 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Medicine Hat, AB
age: 58
Yes in a matter of speaking by the Veterans Administration and the U.S.Army Reserves. I am soon going to be sent to fort Campbell,KY for a military medical board. I am getting anxiety already about this. This will hopefully give me more benefits for life. It has been a 23 month struggle for thus far. I get treated as a second class veteran at the VA hospital because some Army records proving my deployment to Somalia in 1993 disapered. So they only rate my disabilities as non-service related. UGGH!! how can it be then that I developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and have nightmares and flash backs from there, if I wasn't there? I have a awards proving I was there and still the fight goes on. I am very frustrated. I have 2 congressmen and a senator working on this. It's the red tape of the U.S. Federal government.I served my country and this is the crap I have to go through. Sorry I guess I needed to vent. I wish you all the luck. I do understand. you can add me as a friend and talk more. I would like it to have someone else to talk to who relates. It may do us both some good.
Now, that makes me angry for you Somalia, you can prove you were there but the government can't?  Can you contact your CO, other members of your troup for letters of support, pictures with you in it, gather all you have and take it with you to KY.
I think it is a shame how governments do not care how their vets are treated. It is the highest sacrifice a human being can make, just to come home and be s**t on.
Good luck to you Somalia. Oh, and my heartfelt Thanks for doing your part in helping keep our countries free. 
6/25/2009 9:15:25 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Bristol, CT
age: 44
I really am still pissed off about this guy emailing me asking my doctors names my meds.
To me this is informtion I do not give out.As for my disability if I wasn't disabled then I wouldn't collect and I did go before a Judge.As for my nerve damage how the hell are meds.going to help dead nerves.Can anyone tell me that.The nerve damage happen after I got my disability.The doctor tells me he only heard of two cases and I am one of them so the guy calls me a liar.I am just sick and tired of people that don't even know you calling anyone who is disabled liars.Can't they just leave us alone.
6/26/2009 1:27:49 AM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Danbury, CT
age: 56 online now!
Have you ever had anyone called you a liar about being disabled.Have them call you a fat lazy cow.I would like to know how may of you have called liars from people that plain out treated you like so bad when they don't even don't know what your disabilities are and started calling you all kinds of names.I had a run in with a guy because I would not give him the name of my meds.I was a liar.I want see if anyone else was treated as bad as I was. 
Not from a stranger...no.....HOWEVER...my own kids tell me that they are tired of hearing about my back pains...5 herniated discs and 2 back surgeries later and my son will be sympathetic but my daughter has less understanding. Hope they never have the pains and issues I have....but I think in time they will as it runs in my family... OUCH!!! Princess
6/26/2009 4:35:20 AM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Medicine Hat, AB
age: 58
I know what you mean jtc and ct, because they cannot "see" it with their own eyes what you "feel", they figure it is not there. Maybe we sould all get t-shirts with our disabilities printed on both the front and the back. 
6/26/2009 8:53:36 AM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Black River Falls, WI
age: 39
Thank you i appreciate your positive comments. I am bringing everything I have and can get to prove my case. You are a true friend. I wish more people in the Veterans Administration were as understanding and nice as you are. You are an angel in the storm.  
6/26/2009 3:12:37 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |


Rattan, OK
age: 62
It is most painful to watch my circle of close friends distance themselves from me as my disability becomes more severe. Now, I seldom get visits from people who were calling upon my house several times a week for years.
I am the same person I just cannot walk any more. Why should that affect a friendship? It does. Perhaps they perceive my illness less severe than it is. If so then that would be the same as calling me a liar.
6/26/2009 3:59:26 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |

Medicine Hat, AB
age: 58
It is most painful to watch my circle of close friends distance themselves from me as my disability becomes more severe. Now, I seldom get visits from people who were calling upon my house several times a week for years.
I am the same person I just cannot walk any more. Why should that affect a friendship? It does. Perhaps they perceive my illness less severe than it is. If so then that would be the same as calling me a liar.
I am sorry that is happening to you Oletafive. It must seem like a sense of betrayal to you. I feel that way when my family and freinds make fun of me when I haven't heard something they said and I ask them to repeat it. That's when the jokes start. "Eh, what's that you said." They can joke all they want BUT I STILL DIDN'T HEAR WHAT THEY SAID. 
6/26/2009 6:23:43 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |


Middleport, OH
age: 52
i am not disabled but i do have osteporsis. nobody could pry into someones business because they are disabled or laugh at them or whatever the case may be. i always said people does not know how they will be before they die. they maybe worse than the person they laughed at.God works in mysterious ways. i meant to say nobody should pry into somebody's business.
[Edited 6/26/2009 6:24:44 PM PST]
6/26/2009 7:57:28 PM |
Have You Ever Been Called A Liar |


Ogden, UT
age: 49
I am sorry that is happening to you Oletafive. It must seem like a sense of betrayal to you. I feel that way when my family and freinds make fun of me when I haven't heard something they said and I ask them to repeat it. That's when the jokes start. "Eh, what's that you said." They can joke all they want BUT I STILL DIDN'T HEAR WHAT THEY SAID. 
You ought to tell them regardless if they are family members or friends that if they don't have anything nice to say..........shut the hell up!