11/29/2007 2:17:28 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Someone mentioned an episode of Seinfeld and I got to thinking about where he was perplexed by the difficulty in making decent relationships the older you get. He talked about how a 5 year old kid accepting any kid outside your house as a friend.
It goes the same for love, don't ya think? When we first become adults, we were just happy to have someone. We may have a few bumps along the way.. but generally, just being with someone was pretty cool.
I have been dating for years and have come to realize that even to talk to the opposite sex is tough.. and I have heard men say the same about women. If I just up and start talking to a man somewhere while I was out and about.. they look at me like I must REALLY want them! And men claim that if they start a conversation with a woman on the street, she will look him up and down like he was some sort of creep.
Have we just all become too fussy? Perhaps we should get over ourselves and rediscover that child-like facination of discovering the greatness that comes with being social and accept the other for all that it is.. no more, no less.
11/29/2007 2:31:10 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Spring, TX
age: 55
sure, it seems we all put on our armor even before going out on a date. Defenses up, guns loaded, begging her/him to make a first volley.
i gave up that crap a long time ago... not worth the fake play acting..
11/29/2007 2:43:10 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61 online now!
we all come with varying degrees of armour & baggage IMO. the trick is to
recognize this in our selves & deal with it before it turns to bitterness &
being defensive & we hurt an innocent person, due to our failure to know ourself.
11/29/2007 2:43:57 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
I don't think it is a matter that WE got older, it is a matter that the world got crazier. I am not as trusting in this day and age as I was 37 years ago. I didn't need to be. I could drive down the street without having to worry about locking my car doors. Now that is the first thing I do when I start the car. I don't trust a man walking up to me on the street like I did 37 years ago.
It is not a matter of being too fussy, it is a matter of being very cautious nowadays.
37 years ago I would talk to anyone, not anymore. I am very particular (fussy) now. I don't know if the gentleman I start a conversation with is going to "take it" the wrong way and follow me home without my knowledge, all because I was being friendly.
Just last week, in a local upscale bar in my neighborhood, a gentleman was seriously injured with a beer bottle because he helped a woman place her bags of Christmas gifts on a shelf, because she couldn't reach the shelf. The boyfriend, who had arrived 15 minutes earlier than her, came out of the bathroom, picked up his beer, and cracked the bottle over the man's head, thinking the guy was making a move on his woman.
I wish it didn't have to be this way, but unfortunately it is, and I have come to conform to the cautions.
[Edited 11/29/2007 2:51:40 PM]
11/29/2007 2:47:11 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Tioga, PA
age: 66 online now!

I realize my own needs now more than I ever did before. My daughter says I'm too fussy--saying Mom,you will never find anyone if you don't quit being so fussy--lmao.
She also tells me that a man is not going to knock on my door and say," here i am."
I used to go to singles dances,etc. --but I just haven't done that for a while---never met anyone there anyway--just dancers-----
MY biggest hang-up is height and a non-smoker::::::::::::::
Have a nice evening---Pat.
11/29/2007 3:09:33 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Bolivar, NY
age: 65
I dont usually agree with law but this time I am going to.The need for caution and watchfulness is there.......Society today has helped to make us fussy or more cautious..But then I think who is society???? I guess its me and you and him and all the other people on earth.
[Edited 11/29/2007 3:10:38 PM]
11/29/2007 3:16:40 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56 online now!
Barb, love it. .
Fuzzy, I have a sign out front.."Women wanted, no experience requried will train within"..
Later, Blu
11/29/2007 3:34:03 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Creighton, NE
age: 59
All of you that post from city's and high populations make me real happy to be liveing were I am. Thakyou for reminding me so offten Life is great hear partner or not!!!!
11/29/2007 3:45:59 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Appleton, WI
age: 53 online now!
yes sir Nebraska is wonderful..I lived in Grand Island for 8 years and loved it there..what a place.
I dont think Trish we are to fussy, I think the word is selective as we at our age know what we want in life..and what we want in a partner.
11/29/2007 3:52:57 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Stargazzer makes a good point. I know we are not totally safe any where anymore, but you folks that live in the big city, I feel sorry for ya, really. Where I live now, I don't even lock my doors at night. Almost all the neighbors know each other by their first names. Where I used to live, It was even better. I'm almost afraid to tell you where that was because it's a secret! As far as talking to a member of the opposite sex, look at our society. Hollywood has turned everything into SEX-SEX-SEX. Don't get me wrong, I like it as much as anybody, (if memory serves!), but everybody assumes everybody else is hitting on them just because they are trying to be friendly.
11/29/2007 5:11:05 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
GUILTY !!!! *raising hand high* ...... guilty, guilty, guilty....
Ms. Fussy here, yep, that be me.
I'm fussy about wanting a guy to love me for me.
I'm fussy about wanting someone that my kids can get along with.
I'm fussy about someone that can get along fairly, honestly and has integrity.
the list can continue...... yep, yep, yep.... fussy, that be me.
little o'round fussy motorcycle ridin', grayed haired, o'Nana.
Apologize for it, He#$ no! 
11/29/2007 6:06:11 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
I am very particular (fussy) about who my next victim, I mean, man will be. With age comes wisdom, in knowing what I want.
11/29/2007 6:28:23 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Waimanalo, HI
age: 51 online now!
Had the answers to this vital question all laid out in my head an hour ago then my neighbor starts throwing rocks at the house telling me to come over for a drink .
I've had only three and I wish to add my two cents.
The various forms of media have added a great deal of information to the lives of so many these last tweny years.News papers are thick with tree pulp selling all sort of wares.
Aspirin to pathologists ,nail clippers to brain surgeons .Dear Abby, I remember solving many of my problems ,the cartoons were normally two pages.And all the ads ,the advertisements!
The magazines we used to read and many still do.
Yes ,I will admit in public ,I "did" read the National Enquirer but,It's my mothers fault. Television ,I used to set in front of "The boob tube" every day for years.
My point , As we grow ,the infomation and the location of where we age influences our attitudes,character and understanding of the world around us and those we live among.
I think intuition , the good old subconscience and gut feeling should be used more often when communing with others . If you "feel" threatened you probable are.If a person helps bring a smile to you ,you're normally in no danger.
We have a sixth sense many refuse to use.
My two cents.
11/29/2007 6:44:58 PM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Utica, NY
age: 60
"Perhaps we should get over ourselves and rediscover that child-like fascination."
I think you have something there tru. We need to "get over ourselves" and be more open in our every day lives to people. My children are always telling me, I would talk to anyone, on the street, in the store, waiting in line anywhere I might be.
Keeping ourselves open to other people. Not "looking" for a romantic connection... just making connections.
law and neo have good points... we should always have that awareness about us. We haven't reached this age without developing a radar for our individual "red flags".

11/30/2007 1:05:07 AM |
Have we just become too fussy? |

Arlington, VA
age: 60 online now!
It is funny you should start this thread. I was thinking about it when I woke up at 3am.
Fussy? Yes, I guess that is one----Sorryn Trish, I have to start a competeing thread.