12/2/2007 9:17:10 AM |
Remember When............... |

Utica, NY
age: 60 online now!
davewave... what about Uncle Milty? Howdy Doody and The Milton Burle Show are the first tv shows I can remember.
Knight... I've thought about that concept in recent times... and being an optomist at heart I don't want to believe that of people... but you may be right...hope we do not find out the answer to that!

12/2/2007 9:20:03 AM |
Remember When............... |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
I pray Cottage that we don't either.
12/2/2007 9:29:55 AM |
Remember When............... |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
JFK was killed on my 13th birthday. Since those "turbulent" times there (unfortunately) have been MANY occasions of "remembering when".......RFK...MLK....Spaceshuttle...9-11
12/2/2007 9:35:56 AM |
Remember When............... |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
My parents were the first to purchase a color TV on our block back in '62. The first program to show any color was the movie the Wizzard of Oz, and only then in the middle portion. I told my father to get his money back when the movie first aired, and it started out in black and white. Not until Dorothy and Toto arrived at the Yellow Brick Road did it change to color..what an experience seeing that for the first time.
Sunday evenings at our house growing up is a most memorable time...we got to eat in the livingroom for starters! Dad would set up the card table, Mom would serve her delicious pot roast, and we got to watch the only 3 color tv programs on TV all on NBC. Disney's Wonderful World of Color, Marlin Perkins Wild Kingdom, and galloping out of the pinons on their reliable steeds......the Cartwrights on Bonzana!
[Edited 12/2/2007 9:38:57 AM]
12/2/2007 9:40:03 AM |
Remember When............... |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
I remember when we were going to watch Walt Disney and my oldest sister (who was 13 at the time) wanted to watch The Ed Sullivan Show because it was the first time the Beatles were on there. We first said no but she threw such a sense we gave it and boy am I glad. That was history.
12/2/2007 9:40:38 AM |
Remember When............... |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Yep, Sunday night was a great night for TV!!
12/2/2007 9:43:00 AM |
Remember When............... |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Way...lol, my Dad got a speading ticket around 5 PM the day the Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan..when the trooper asked Dad "What is the big hurry"? Dad pointed to me and said, she has to be home in time to see the Beatles!
12/2/2007 9:45:10 AM |
Remember When............... |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Way, you chose Ed over Walt that evening???....who are the Beatles and didn't you mispell it? 

12/2/2007 9:50:15 AM |
Remember When............... |

Spring, TX
age: 55
i wonder what 'Mr Ed' would say if he were around, or Red Skeleton making and laughing at his own jokes.
We had very little programming back then, and all was wonderful. Cartoons on Saturday mornings were Bowinkle, Superman, Atom Ant, Yogi Bear, and gosh, those were wonderful.
today, you can flip through all 400 channels, watch someone strut across a stage,nude singing, supporting mafia showing them as the 'victim's in one show, News media that would have been banned years ago for being 'communist'. Talk shows that promotes bringing out dirty laundry into the pubic eye, topics so far out there it is amazing. The cartoons today suggest so much violence, not to mention all the video games.
yup... it's progress.
[Edited 12/2/2007 9:50:57 AM]
12/2/2007 9:53:33 AM |
Remember When............... |

Spokane, WA
age: 53
Hey gang ...this topic comes up quie a bit and it always amazes me ..if you ask any of the kids these days who Bob Hope or Jerry Lewis or any of those era stars are and they almost always have no idea who they are . I dont recall being that shutout when i was a kid . The stars from my parents era always facinated me and i found interest in the history ..Nowadays its HUH whos that Duh lol Greta topic though ..One of my favorite shows was and is Get Smart lol the cone of silence
12/2/2007 9:53:40 AM |
Remember When............... |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
When I watch a movie it is usually an old movie from the 30's or 40's. Don't too much about todays stuff.
Law it was my sister's doing. The rest of us wanted Walt.
[Edited 12/2/2007 10:04:34 AM]
12/2/2007 10:10:14 AM |
Remember When............... |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
I remember it all....... almost as though it was yesterday..., which, in my mind, it sometimes can be...... but only very fleetingly and brief...
12/2/2007 10:11:48 AM |
Remember When............... |

Spring, TX
age: 55
i forget the exact date, but somewhere in my childhood, you could not see jerry lewis on a show in Mississippi. Again, forgetting which talk show he was on, probably Johnny Carson, but i'm not sure. His joke was he fulfilled a lifelong dream the other day. while flying across the state of Mississippi, he used the toilet in the plane and flushed. State officials were up in arms. Banning his shows from any shown in the state. That was enforced for years.
Today, you can start your own cult, up to and including disowning America, and yet, it is acceptable.
We all felt safe back then. Gunsmoke and The Long Ranger with Tonto, caught all the bad guys, and yeah.. the good guys ALWAYS wore white hats..
12/2/2007 10:12:11 AM |
Remember When............... |

Bolivar, NY
age: 65
Oh yes Dave I remember all the old programs and ALL the laughter they generated....Now I cover my face at times when watching tv with my 12 year old grandson...I get a ??? when I mention some of the things of days gone by and a WOW YOU ARE OLD Gramma.......
Maybe we all stepped aside for progress too quickly...............
[Edited 12/2/2007 10:13:50 AM]
12/2/2007 10:19:53 AM |
Remember When............... |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
I remember my son, age 12, running to me excitingly telling me something I would never know, thus proving himself smarter than me. "Hey, Mom, bet you didn't know Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings"!!