12/2/2007 10:37:44 AM |
Remember When............... |

Utica, NY
age: 60 online now!
colings... funny, I've thought about that too. I can remember my mother singing the songs of her era and talking about the "Movie Stars" and I had an interest, therefore a memory of her generation. I was caught between the 50's and 60's generation in my value system and attracted to anyone from the 40's. Just a vintage loving girl!
12/2/2007 10:46:36 AM |
Remember When............... |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61 online now!
since we are on the subject, does anyone remember a late night show called Shock Watch with Gaylord Perry ? i think it was around the Jack Parr era ? even people my age look
at me like i'm nuts when i ask,but i will keep asking till i find someone who knows.

12/2/2007 11:06:59 AM |
Remember When............... |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
You go girl....my Mommy wouldn't let me stay up that late.
12/2/2007 11:13:42 AM |
Remember When............... |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61 online now!
Law, neither did mine but dad watched it & it was on saturday night & i sneaked to the stairs & watched from there . i could see the tv & dad's back, so if he moved then i ducked.  
12/2/2007 3:13:51 PM |
Remember When............... |

Columbia, SC
age: 58 online now!
Hello to all! Does anyone remember Ozzie and Harriet, Father Knows Best and Leave it to Beaver. Why can't families be like that? I guess everyones' too busy "doing their own thing" to connect anymore.
12/2/2007 3:54:23 PM |
Remember When............... |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61 online now!
colleen, i remember all 3 of them. i got my name there.(i think)
i never knew anyone who really lived that way. even back then
it was just tv "cleaned up" as compared to today.maybe they talked more to each other then due to no internet & video games.
12/2/2007 3:56:11 PM |
Remember When............... |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Plus, I never can find my pearls to wear when deciding what to pop in the microwave....
[Edited 12/2/2007 4:22:09 PM]
12/2/2007 4:13:38 PM |
Remember When............... |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
The Kennedy Assassination is an event that I am certain that any American living on that day will have pefect recall of what they were doing the minute they heard the news. I was 19, a very junior Navy Corpsman, that was stationed at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, South Carolina. I was working on the ward in the recruit dispensary when the announcement came over a table top green plastic radio we had on the ward. That is how well I can remember it - I still have a clear mental picture of that radio and as soon as I heard the news I informed my leading petty officer and I can still see the expresison on his face.
A little over a month before I was en route to Parris Island and had a two-and-one-half hour lay over in Washington, DC. I took a cab from National Airport to take in what few sites I could. I was walking toward the White House and guards roped off the driveway on the Pennsylavania, Avenue gate. In less than a minute the Presidential Motorcade pulled in. A drunk in the crowd shouted how you doing Jack. JFK smiled and waived. This was the first time I had a U.S. President up close.
12/2/2007 4:18:06 PM |
Remember When............... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
I DO wear pearls sometimes, with my jeans. 
12/2/2007 4:26:34 PM |
Remember When............... |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55
My father thought that Jack Kennedy was the best thing since sliced bread. Politics and the news, as I was growing up, were very important things. Every night when we came to the dinner table, my father wanted to know what I had learned that day. He wasn't so much interested in what I learned at school(although that was very important) but what I have read in a newspaper or seen on the news from TV or radio. If I was unprepared, he was not happy and I got the longs lecture about; learning about the world, forming my own opinions, broadening my perspective, etc. If friends ate at my house they also were expected to be prepared. I remember many times my girlfriends panicing about who was going to use what news item for my Dad.
When Kennedy was killed I was in 5th grade. We were watching science on "closed circut TV", I had on an aqua blue corduroy jumper, standing in line for the water fountain I just started crying because I thought the world was coming to an end...quite a turning point in our young little lives, don't you think?
12/2/2007 5:02:17 PM |
Remember When............... |

Columbia, SC
age: 58 online now!
It's just a shame that families aren't like that though. Maybe kids wouldn't have so much "attitude" if families weren't so disconnected. I don't want to think what would happened to me if I ever spoke to my parents, or any adult, the way kids do today. 
12/2/2007 5:10:35 PM |
Remember When............... |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
Coleen, you hit the nail right on the head and my wife and I had a very similar conversation at dinner today. Families are disconnected. Working couples, the need for two incomes to survive, career before family. I know from experience it is difficult to juggle all these things when there are two bread winners. It is even harder when the job requires more than 100% out of you as mine does. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make this problem go away. What I think we need is people to ban together and speak out and demand the need for quality family time.
12/2/2007 5:18:43 PM |
Remember When............... |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61 online now!
Remember when we could post on "granny panties"? ive tried 4 times & it still wont let me post. 
12/2/2007 5:24:21 PM |
Remember When............... |

Spring, TX
age: 55
cmed, coleen, and the rest of you, I agree. Jeanie, it sounds like you never had a normal childhood. it sounds like a lot of pressure, but i'm sure you learned more than the rest of us in the early ages.
cmed, that family thing starts with the 'grass roots' effort. It starts at home. perhaps it might need to be introduced though our government run schools, to start a campaign with the children. I know when my children were growing up, smoking was a no no, and the school certainly let me know that through my children. Same with drugs.
I'm not saying to force it on anyone, but when your kids start demanding that you at least spend dinner time sitting at the table with all family members there, it might make a difference.
This link is Bill Cosby's famous pound cake speech. I link it here only to share with each of you, how not just the group Bill is speaking to, but all our children and children's children are doing the same thing. Oh, we bucked the system when we were growing up, long hair like the Beatles, the Monkeys, & dancing those (at the time) vulgar dances. Will they grow out of it?
12/2/2007 5:25:23 PM |
Remember When............... |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
Granny Panties is a bit slow and my guess it is due its size. Keep trying, it will eventually go through. Remember the goal is 1000.