4/9/2007 6:30:40 PM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Boerne, TX
age: 27
I thought I would put this here to give some balance to the accusations of some on this site that Christianity is the cause of the preponderance of today's problems. I read this query years ago and am now rewriting it here from memory:
You walk down an alley late one night in a very bad part of town. You round the corner and look up to see three large men coming down the alley towards you. Now would you be more or less concerned if you knew they had just come from a bible class?
[Edited 4/9/2007 6:31:21 PM]
4/10/2007 6:34:01 AM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Ardmore, OK
age: 32
Long as they are not coming to shove the Bible down my throat cause I don't think thats what readers digest had in mind. I have seen some pretty scary Christians, and luckily took the time to get to know them, because they are some of the nicest ppl you could ever meet. I am proud to be one of those types of ppl, and agree that ppl should actually get to know them before judging them.
[Edited 4/10/2007 10:01:24 PM]
4/10/2007 10:13:58 AM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
4/11/2007 2:54:03 AM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Newcomerstown, OH
age: 30
Man is the embodiment of sin.
Wouldn't matter if they just came from bible study, they are still man, they are still of this earth, therefore they still are with sin.
I'd walk past either way, though either way I'd keep an eye on them and the other eye on my way out.
From the religious aspect, to accept them any differently just because they were in bible study, would be to judge them which is not your job. Flip the coin and to look at them differently because they didn't come from bible study again is to judge them. Too reguard them indifferently no matter where they just came from is to be cautious.
[Edited 4/11/2007 2:56:20 AM]
4/12/2007 7:59:59 AM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Pamplin, VA
age: 81
I would not feel more at ease with that knowledge
4/12/2007 2:47:24 PM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Madison, SD
age: 53
I would definitely feel safer if I knew they were coming from a bible study. But I'd have to ask myself what is wrong with me to walk down an alley in a bad part of town...
And there is always the chance of the bible being shoved down my throat, which sounds like a violent way to go (and a humorous play on the theme-HaHa)
4/28/2007 4:18:04 AM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Fayetteville, NC
age: 39
I guess I would really feel safest if coming from the bible study, they had just been or have already been SAVED!!
4/28/2007 7:27:51 PM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Beloit, WI
age: 52
Aurelian you ask:
1. You walk down an alley late one night in a very bad part of town.
I agree with Spring, why would I be there in the first place??
2. You round the corner and look up to see three large men coming down the alley towards you.
At that point your reaction has nothing to do with anything except,
"SH##, now what am I going to do?"
3. Would you be more or less concerned if you knew they had just come from a bible class?
This statement implies that someone that would attend a bible study is safe(er.
What are they doing in that dark alley on the wrong side of town??
Ive met some pretty shady characters who claim christianity.
So I would have to say I would not feel safer.
No offence intended JMO
[Edited 4/28/2007 7:32:18 PM]
4/28/2007 7:42:41 PM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Chatham, VA
age: 22
most likely there wouldent be to many people walking down a dark alley from bible study in the bad part of town and I usually run or slam the door in the face of any bible thumper... If I go to church it is only because I need a ride to town for beer on sunday
[Edited 4/28/2007 7:43:52 PM]
5/5/2007 3:40:11 PM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Lexington, KY
age: 48
Heh heh heh!!!
I have to agree with shilowsmom.
I'd be wary even if it's a good part of town. What's the difference?!
By the way, are you a member of the Aurelians fan club?
Heard that name on a talk radio show one night: aliens that are supposed to be visiting the Earth from time to time.
5/5/2007 4:12:25 PM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Boerne, TX
age: 27
Never heard of them. Maybe I should change my screen name. Lol.
5/29/2007 8:09:57 PM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Murfreesboro, TN
age: 46
I am a Christian, and sad to say, shilowsmom is correct. There ARE come people who CLAIM to be Christians but are'nt any different than a non-beliver.
But to answer the question, I'm not sure I would feel any safer if I knew the men were coing from a bible study.
5/31/2007 3:57:04 PM |
The Dark Alley Test |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Not worried about three guys dude. Bible class, Klan meeting or high school reunion....makes no difference! Just confident and level headed enough to not have to worry about it. Did I pass?