4/10/2007 10:42:16 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
I have dated lots of men ebfore and have never had this problem till I moveed to Scottsdale, AZ. I date men and either they,
1)treat me like crap and I tell them to fly a kite
2) lie, and I tell them to go " you know where"
3) have issues with being in a relationship
I dated this guy for 2 1/2 months. Everything was going great untill I asked were this was going. He said he did not want to put a "label" on it and that being in a relationshop would not change things. Thus, there was no need to be commited to one another. I was heart broken, I could not udnerstand why he did not want to be with me.
After that, he slowly pulled himself away. All I wnated was for him to be my boyfriend, is that so bad? I mean, after a while of just dating, one has to make up his mind! You can not expect a women to wait around forever for you to decide if she is for you! We are too good for that.
I have not heard from him in 2 weeks. He just stopped calling. He was the youngest man I have ever dated. I am 28 but I tend to date men in there mid-30's. I get along better with them and they are looking to be in a relationship. This man was only 29 and in his MBA program. I have a MA in Education, so I understand the pressure and time commitment involved in graduate school.
Why do men not know how to communicate in AZ? What is the deal with them here? In CA I never had this problem. I am used to dating men who are open and honest with what they are thinking and feeling. Communication is so important, how can you just stop talking to someome with out having a conversation about it?
Michele =)
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4/10/2007 11:01:28 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |


Reno, NV
age: 56
Hi Surfer gal
I cannot answer for the guys in Arizona but as for myself I have dated a few women that are interesting and fun to be around but I could not see a future together for one reason or another. I tried not to let things get serious but sooner or later they asked the same question that you did. I said you are a good friend but I do not see marriage in our future and marriage is what I am looking for.
There are a thousand and one reasons we are attracted to someone and just as many why we are not. It Does not mean there is something wrong with anybody just not the Mr. or Miss Right.
I think an important question is how do you handle that information? Do you say well I do not have to waste anymore time there and it is a good thing I asked or I would be hanging out with this guy when Mr Right came along and I might miss him.
Or do you go for the poor me what is wrong with- him- me-this town-or my perfume.
Choose to ask the empowering Questions and move forward wiser.
As for the guys you dump, Good riddance, You value youreslf enough not to put up with crap.
4/10/2007 11:02:40 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Will someone PLEASE explain to me why women ALWAYS ask for an HONEST man, and when you get a man that is HONEST you develop issues of HONESTY !!! Not long ago in another topic a lady said that she openly told the guy that she was dating that she had no intention of having sex until she was married; He respected that and moved on.
You have made it quite clear how you think a relationship should progress. Unfortunately your planning and scheduling was'nt exactly what your friend had in mine for himself. He simply seemed to have his agenda and you had yours. My feeling are that he felt that you were not willing to compromise and neither was he, so.....whats to discuss ???
Ladies be very careful what you ask for, cause dammit you just might get it !!!
If you want to be real honest; tell me the definition of; A few extra pounds !!
yours truly,
4/10/2007 11:11:48 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Lowry City, MO
age: 50
Her: I luv bein around him. He's soooo honest.
Month later,
Her: Honey, does this dress make my a** look fat?
Him: Yeah it does.
Her: WAP!!!!
Him: what was that fer?
Her: wrong answer.
still confused........
4/10/2007 11:13:11 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Pamplin, VA
age: 85
seems to me he was honest.... just might have been nice if he used words to say he was not interested
4/10/2007 11:27:01 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
North York, ON
age: 48
Michelle... I think he told you, maybe you didnt like what he had to say. You're answers are in ur post. Sounds like you just had different goals.
Trojan, most people are more honest on the internet when discussing themselves then in real life (you know what I mean). Personally be honest, it only hurts for a minute... lies can hurt a lifetime. A few extra pounds is someone obese... overweight, me...lol
man is least himself when speaking in his own person... give him a mask and he will tell all
Oscar Wilde
4/10/2007 11:59:59 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Trojan, most people are more honest on the internet when discussing themselves then in real life (you know what I mean; duckie
Yea, Im sure that you're right duckie, I just take offense to lying without a damn good reason. Yes, I can be forced into telling one of the biggest lies you've ever heard, and look you dead in the eyes while doing it, but Im bothered long after the lie is told; so rather than me hurt long after a lie, I'd rather tell the truth and let you hurt for the shorter time, does that make sense !!!
I mean since I've been on this site I've been forced into lying about being a Pilot, Been forced into lying about being a shrink, forced into lying about lying, you think that I don't go to sleep at night just burdened with guilt, conscience just eating me alive....... I need a group hug, everybody put on their hospital gown and meet me in the confession room.................mammy will you please leave that damn clown suit in the lobby, this ain't the time or place, thank you very much.. Hill plantin taters in rubba boots, hospital gown and cap......you got a sick mine child.......real sick......
[Edited 4/10/2007 12:07:54 PM ]
4/10/2007 12:06:59 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
I understand all you are saying. And it makes sence. My issue with how he ended it, was he acted like he wanted a relationship and he made it seam like that is waht he wanted by the way he talked to me and treated me. I meet all of his firends, and things were great.
After he told me that he did not want a relationship with me, I sugested we stop seeing eachother beacuse I felt he was just not that intrested. He did not like that idea, and said he wanted to continue to see "just" me.
I told him that my ultimate goal is to get married and have a family and if he did not see that with me, than that's ok and we should see other people. He continued to say that he could see that with me and that he still wanted to "date" me.
I felt like I recived mixed messages from this guy and he was not open and honest with me as I was with him. I felt like I did not understand what he meant half the time and that he has issues with commitment. Honestly, I think he just does not know what he wants.
So, I kept giving him an out and I tried to have conversations with him, but he would say one thing and do another.
As far as how I handle things like this, I just wnat to know what happened. Be honest with me. I don't take it personaly, and I feel that I jsut need to date men who are a few years older than me who have already had a chance to grow up and think about others and not just themselves.
Michele =)
4/10/2007 12:22:45 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Guess what we older guys were before we got older? Yea, thats right we were younger guys, and most of us, NO, some of us wanted the very same thing that your friend wanted; To see no one but you, but............To date no one but you, but .............To committ to no one but you, but ................. To get married one day to no one but you, but .............It dos'nt matter what state, or what steps you take, not many young people are ready to SLAM the door on their options. I think that this is a recipe for disaster or divorse. I understand your desire to settle down and start your family and you need that special someone to begin all this............be patient luv, cause if he is not TRULY Mr. right, he will CERTAINLY be Mr. wrong, and take it from the many members of datehookup congregation, yours truly pastor Trojan; You don't need that............Can I get a AMEM !!!!!
[Edited 4/10/2007 12:28:14 PM ]
4/10/2007 12:26:19 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |


Martinsville, VA
age: 65
You are 100% correct Trojan.
4/10/2007 12:29:12 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Thank you very much sister cali !!!!
sister cali, you did'nt pay your tithes last week, is there a problem that we need to talk about, we've got a pay as you go plan, you know !!! I can't have you setting a bad example especially when I only got one member !!!
Thank you very much
can I get one moe.....AMEN !!!
Deacon duck,,will you cum down front and see sister cali.......bring the bat..........
[Edited 4/10/2007 12:34:00 PM ]
4/10/2007 12:41:24 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |


Martinsville, VA
age: 65
Not the bat................... I will
take the pay as you go plan.
What type of payment are you willing
to take.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?
4/10/2007 12:43:41 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
North York, ON
age: 48
yipeee pastor Trojan is in the house....lmao
Be very very careful Cali... Trojan luvs duct tape...hehehe
what do you mean i am a sick puppy... I cant help it, Im a very visual person.
AMEN to the wise man... see you can be a wise man (with the right cap on, hope it aint too tight Trojan)
[Edited 4/10/2007 12:44:35 PM ]
4/10/2007 12:59:20 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Sister cali, meet me in the pastors chambers, Deacon duct, will you lead the choir in a loud song of praise; something like; drop it like it's hot !!! after which we will take up another collection,,,, followed by another collection for the building fund.....followed by another collection for our outside sign....and then another..........hell I should be back by then........what do you mean who in the hell do you collect from ???.......lead by example girl................
can I git one moe.....AMEN
4/10/2007 1:34:13 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Oak Run, CA
age: 53
AMEN, brother trojan. you had me going for awhile. i was feeling very guilty for asking if i should trust you (on another forum), when you started in about honesty in a man. i was going to email you and apologize and give you that hug you so needed when i read on and started laughing so hard i had to go and use the little (oldie) girls room. LOL!!! but... i will say, that everything you have said is right on.
one more thing. i'm new to the whole computer thing and i don't know all (any) the language. this is a dumb question but what does LMAO and LMOA mean?? any other language that i should know about, please, inform me. thanks. shy
4/10/2007 2:23:21 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Thank you ever so much sister shy, and like a good reverend I am here to shepard my sheep and aid you in understanding sister; The letters L M A O simply mean; don't; LET ME ASK OVER & OVER bout my money. thank you for your attendance and we look forward to seeing you here again. If there are any other little tid bits that I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask. Now that you know just what the letters mean sister shy, you won't have a problem with deacon duct coming down front to pay you a visit.... thank you very much, and enjoy the sermon !!!
Deacon duct, damn if we ain't got another one Look out Jim & Tammy, here cums datehookup congregation express dot com, Inc. !!!
let the preacher say..........A..MEN !!!
what in the hell did we start out talkin about ???
[Edited 4/10/2007 2:23:44 PM ]
4/10/2007 2:44:55 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
OK you all should start another forum, since you have forgoten all about the one I started here.
4/10/2007 3:12:21 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
Yea you are most right, may young men want to have their cake and eat it too. I have NEVER jsut dated a man in such a manner. But than agian, I have never dated a man this cloose to my age.
I don't wnat to get married tomorow, or next year. I most certinely want to take my time in finding that "right" person God has for me. But, treat me with respect and if you no longer wish to see me, have the commen decency to have a open conversation with me about it.
My issue with this guy is that he is so immature and does not have the communication skills to have a conversation about our relationship with me.
Michele =)
4/10/2007 3:12:48 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Thats exactly what your friend did ! Seems to me that if people don't stay on your schedule or things don't go as you think, even though they are satisfied, you tell them that it's time to move on ! thats not right, is it ???
Sin, what do women really mean when they say that they want God to send them a man !!
Michelle, I don't need another enemy, trust me, and if I did I certain don't want you to be it; but since you,ve been on this topic you've changed; you,re a teacher, you're so upset that your writing is worse than mine. There is no pleasant way to end a relationship, sane people have been know to start out talking about ending a realtionship and wound up killing , long conversation at the end of a bad relationship is simply a waste of two peoples time !!
[Edited 4/10/2007 3:21:07 PM ]
4/10/2007 3:17:52 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
What? I was not comfortable with just dating him when there was no real commitment after 2 1/2 months.
You tell me what is wrong with a women asking a man to make up his mind after a while!
4/10/2007 3:19:33 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
What did you mean, by "that is exactly what my friend did?"
4/10/2007 3:23:27 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Nothing luv, You asked him to make up his mine, and he did, He left !!! It's time to refocus dear, and please try not to be bitter at another human being simply exercising his or her right to choose !
Girl, you need to enjoy wearing that sun dress while you can, cause everybody can't wear them, don't ask me how I know, just trust me. HINT !! Mr. Right is closer than you think, he just can't get to you because Mr. wrong got you surrounded !!
If I did'nt have arthiritis, failing eye sight, acheing joints, children older than you, have to get up two and three times every night, shortness of breath, bad memory, and no insurance, hell your praying days would be over !!!
[Edited 4/10/2007 3:34:10 PM ]
4/10/2007 4:12:38 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Oak Run, CA
age: 53
hi surfergirl, i don't want to even try to guess what went wrong with your relationship. i just know that i think that two and a half months is not that long of a time to start thinking about a commitment. for me, i wouldn't think about that for maybe a year. of course alot depends on the man. i would just learn from the relationship and move on. also, men don't like being put into a corner. its hard for them to make up their minds on issues of commitment. but, who am i to give any counsil. i was dumped after 26 years without any clue what was happening. so, stick with father trojan. he seems to know what he's talking about. shy
4/10/2007 4:15:46 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 44
Tro, all those ailments, (Smacks hisself on the forehead)
4/10/2007 4:36:38 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
damn right Im hollering, look what I could be doing if I did'nt have this baggage !!!!
You ain't gittin off that easy Sin after what you did to my hero HOMER SIMPSON, so don't try suckin up buddy, cause it ain't gonna be that easy !!!!
You ain't gonna do me like that rabbit did that chicken !!!!
And the fact that you have single handly got me fired as head nut doctor @ datehookup . com aint sittin too good with me either, just another attempt by the man to hold a brother down !!!
I'll have you know that I' am currently the pastor of my own church, how you like me now !!!
[Edited 4/10/2007 4:45:02 PM ]
4/10/2007 4:48:32 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 44
Praise the Lord! Something positive!
4/10/2007 4:56:22 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Oak Run, CA
age: 53
you go, father trojan. count me in at your church. i like the back pew, please. that way no one knows what i'm doing. hee, hee. shy
4/10/2007 7:22:46 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Let me see here,
shy your profile say's that your salary is............Ok girlfriend you have my permission to sit anywhere in my church that you desire as long as the tithes are paid in full. If by chance you run into financial difficulties then you need to bring your a** down front so I can talk about you the same way Im gonna talk about the rest of the cheap asses in my church !!! Can the church say.........A Men !!
Welcome sister shy......just remember what I said....I ain't playin !!!!
There will be NO post dated checks in this church......don't even think it !!!!
Can I get a second on that motion ???.........thank you, deacon duck !!!
Pass the plate.....start at the back....sister shy think she slick..!!
that way no one knows what i'm doing. hee, hee. shy
S..t, I know exactly why you want to sit in the back, hee, hee, pastor
[Edited 4/10/2007 7:28:54 PM ]
4/10/2007 11:09:44 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Salem, OR
age: 51
Surfer gal
I agree that two months isnt that long before wanting a commitment. However, When a person is dating someone fro eight months before the other is able to break it off or make a descion can hurt. Ok ok Surfer gal do you think you were disapointed? was it easy to see yourself be with this person for the rest of your life?
My hopes and dreams are sometimes bad to me when the dreams dont come true.
4/10/2007 11:47:45 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |


Seymour, IN
age: 65
Hey Trojan don't ferget me ya need an old gal or two don't cha or wat kin a church ya running wifout an old gal.AMEN
4/10/2007 11:54:06 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Lowry City, MO
age: 50
Yeah, Queenie can be the "Organ Lady".
4/11/2007 12:05:26 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |


Seymour, IN
age: 65
Which ORGAN you have in mind Hill?
4/11/2007 1:57:21 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Newcomerstown, OH
age: 33
I understand all you are saying. And it makes sence. My issue with how he ended it, was he acted like he wanted a relationship and he made it seam like that is waht he wanted by the way he talked to me and treated me. I meet all of his firends, and things were great.
After he told me that he did not want a relationship with me, I sugested we stop seeing eachother beacuse I felt he was just not that intrested. He did not like that idea, and said he wanted to continue to see "just" me.
Recently I was somewhat involved with this woman, I very much enjoyed being around her. We went places together, she met the family(her idea), she sent alot of signals as though she were interested. The only thing she didn't do was talk to me, we'd hung out for many weeks (the last week we met up 4 nights that week). Though like I said she wouldn't talk to me. I'd ask her something and get a 1 word reply. Asked her if I was coming on too strongly and all she could do was blush, smile, turn her head away from me and shake it (as if saying no).
I had to tell her that we needed to just be friends, until such a time that she grows up and learns to talk. Pretty sad when you go out of the way to spend time with a woman and yet she can't get past the initial jitters of talking. I told her she will call me and as a friend she will talk to me, she nodded then expressed her fears of calling/talking to me, but did promise to call.
I'm sure she's cursing me for being a total arse (much like your cursing him), but ehh I want more than a pretty face, a gorgeous smile, and cute little giggles. I want someone that'll talk to me, and be my equal (not sit there and wait for me to tell her what to do, or look at me for appoval).
Maybe the guy your speaking of was just tired of getting nowhere. If the communication isn't there (in his eyes, sure it may have been fine in yours), then your not even friends, and you cannot move forward without a solid friendship (well you can but it'll more than likely be wasting both of yours time). Call him, ask him, tell him what your thinking, talk to him.
[Edited 4/11/2007 2:04:16 AM ]
4/11/2007 5:03:18 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Sister Queenie, welcome dear;
Let me extend to you a very special welcome. I'd love to offer you membership at ; DateHookup.dating congregation express, inc.
What brother Hill is refering to sister Queenie is the choir is in diar straights for an organist to lead the choir; Ain't that what you meant brother Hill ???
Let me ask you a couple of questions sister Queenie.
(1) Can you play something upbeat like; Drop it like it's hot ??
(2) If my other choir member don't make parole this month, can you sing lead and backup ??
(3) Have you got a spare piano ??
(4) One final question sister Queenie, In sted of you paying your tithes in full, can we work out a deal where you just pay say, 90% of your tithes and the rest we can write off as payment in full for your services ???
I really hate to be a burden on you sister Queenie but a brother gotta have his rings & chains, a long suit, escalade, just basic stuff that a pastor needs to deliver the message.
If you've got some friends or relative sister Queenie, we still offer a finders fee if you can make em stay for a minimum of 90 days, just see decon duck, she's got those contract's in the back of the church, shes in the back, sitting next to sister shycowgirl.
Can I git a A MAN for our newest member Sister Queenie our new choir director !!!
4/11/2007 8:46:07 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 58
Queenie Me thinks Hill was referring to the irreverent Trouser Trout...
2 and 1/2 months is fairly short time for a real commitment. My friend I'm dating I've known for over 4 months and I'm very sure we are going to remain friends. If she pushed it I have reservations. I married after 3 YEARS of dating, boy was that a mistake.
Bottom line is there are a lot of women out there (2:1) and a lot of younger ones than you that he could choose from, some so dumb they would think he is actually "mature."
If you are attracted to older men then there is a reason for it... go for the OLD!
One problem with talking about your heart with a woman is the crying thing: "But I thought you cared about us, sniff sniff." Well he does but he isn't committed yet, but now he has to show some sort of remorse because he "made you cry" and that is not fair to either of you.
Some people have a hard time with any sort of "confrontation," things can escalate to unbelievable proportions over a misunderstanding of words or intentions. Best thing you can do is get another date and let him know you care but you have other "needs" too, he may come around or he may be too busy right now.
[Edited 4/11/2007 8:46:33 AM ]
4/11/2007 10:07:11 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Lowry City, MO
age: 50
Every chruch needs an organ lady. yanno, the one with blue hair that hits the high notes, where there aint any high notes. lol
Better watch out Decon Duck, Pastor Trojan will be Pastor Panties in no time. 
And to keep on topic, Im guessin surfergal will be one of those blue haired church ladies if she(you) dont broaden yer awareness. I'm guessin them boys in Cali told ya all the things ya wanted to hear. And got what they were after (or least tried).
The one in AZ wasnt that way, so ya forced him away.
Dont be sayin ALL guys in one state are the same, just by one or two occurances.
4/11/2007 10:19:34 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
I tottaly understand what happened between you and the last gal you dated! That's what happened with me and this guy. Except I was doing all the communicating and he gave me one or two word answeres, or he would not answer at all.
I felt like I was the one who wanted to talk about things and come to an understanding of what he wnated and what I wnated and see if we could meet in the middle. Find some way to compromise. Every time I wnated to talk about it, he seems cold and just not that into the disscusion.
During the time he has not called, I did try to call him two Fridays ago, and left him a nice message inviting him to a wine bar and I told him I missed him. No responce. Than, I attempted to go over to his house that following Sunday, beacuse I missed him and he was not home. So I left.
I got an angry message from him last Monday saying he was busy with his mid-terms for his MBA and that he would call me Easter weekend so we can talk, cath up and "finilize" things. I called him back later that day and left him a upbeat message saying I tottaly understood that he was busy and for him to focus on school. I wished him luck on his tests and said I missed him and we would talk when he called. No call came.
I understand if he was not ready for a commited relationship. All I needed was some valadation that I was important to him. If he told me that he saw the relationship moving forward and that he saw himself wanting to be in a relationsip and perhaps he just was not ready, I would have been fine. But, he gave me no such valadiation. I jsut don't wnat to waist me time. Espically when he wanted to just see each other.
Mihcele =)
4/11/2007 10:21:17 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
Hillbilly, it has not been one or two times. More like 50!!!!!!!
I have meet 50 men here and this always happens. Or worse, they say mean things to me, lie, or be a jerk. Maybe it's the heat?
4/11/2007 10:36:31 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
OK, so if I was wrong to ask, than how to I fix it?
I do enjoy him and I do like him alot and miss him.
So, what should I do?
4/11/2007 10:40:42 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Thank you ever so much brother Hill for those kind words for surf a girl.
I can imagine you're still kinda tender from sister deacon ducks remark about you pickin taters in that hospital gown with rubba boots and a baseball cap. I'll have you know that I have spoken to my head deacon; (git it, she's my head deacon) about makin such remarks about any sinner such as yoself, she has assured me that their was no harm intended.
Next Sunday @ datehookup congregation express, Inc. we will be having a full service forgiveness service from 9:00pm ..... until; happy hour begins at 10:00pm, last Sunday was a blast, i mean blessin, if it ain't asking too much bro Hill, do you reckon you could bring us a few hens, some maters,and a gas can,,, I know it's been a while since you joined us last and you might be feeling a little down, but we at datehookup congregation express, Inc. will welcome you with open arms and a forgiving heart, provided your tithes are bought current and the gas can is up to par.
I'll see if I can get the choir director to play a hymn just for you, sumpin like, drop it like it's hot !!!! sorry bro, thats all she know !
4/11/2007 10:52:09 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
I have meet 50 men here and this always happens. Or worse, they say mean things to me, lie, or be a jerk. Maybe it's the heat?
Misery loves company.
50 people tell you that theres a booger hangin from your nose, theres probably a bogger ! pay attention !!
[Edited 4/11/2007 10:52:33 AM ]
4/11/2007 11:51:50 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
Not exactly...they told me things like I was stupid, fat, my boobs were too big, really weird stuff. It never made sence.
4/11/2007 1:06:41 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |


Seymour, IN
age: 65
You better watch it Hill ol boy, ya getten mighty close to the edge callin us blue haired, we gonna be shoven you in with the fishes ya keep it up, ya hear me?
I would take anything they say with a grain of salt as men can be {maybe women can be too never dated one} very cruel when they want to get rid of you, Surfer.
[Edited 4/11/2007 1:09:49 PM ]
4/11/2007 7:30:15 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Dungannon, VA
age: 52
Well I think he might have a true love somewhere. Ask him that.
Hell it an't just you, I got the same almost problem.
And I think you need to do like me and step back and take a breath.
I am thinking that the healing service might not help me much in wearing a thing like she has on. hehhe
I think I need another swig of that everclear now.
Hey where did it go? O.K. Pastor Trojan, take up another offering I think Copter and Hill has took the everclear again.
Dang I think I need help saying a men. anyone got a drink
Hey girl just join us and Pastor Trojan can take up 2 more offerings and we can drown in our sorrows together.
4/11/2007 9:13:55 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 58
Surfer you need to keep moving east, too many fumes from California out there... we like women out here, well most of us do, some of the guys have a thing for uuuhhh guys, if you can believe it. Most of us aren't jerks either...
Do you have something to prove with this guy? Let him go, if he's interested he will call you, if not, big deal.
What's the worst that could possibly happen? End up alone.... well you are already there.
Nowhere but up from where you are now, take your time and find some guys with a heart and a brain... looks like you have some pretty cool friends. This guy is looking at starting a career and is most likely going to move somewhere else. You are probably the last thing he needs to deal with right now... especially if you are bugging him when he's studying.
Why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free. If she keeps knocking over the bucket then it's time to get a new cow.
4/11/2007 10:07:19 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Oak Run, CA
age: 53
hey copter. i take issue with "too many fumes in california". not up here in the mountains, anyway. you better see pastor trojan for forgiveness, asap!!! shy
4/12/2007 12:23:40 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Spokane, WA
age: 42
3) have issues with being in a relationship
Women can have this same problem! I know from experience. Finding the ones that want to settle and not party is difficult. I am 0 for 2 so far...
4/12/2007 10:50:00 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 61
Not exactly...they told me things like I was stupid, fat, my boobs were too big, really weird stuff. It never made sence.
Young lady, I owe you an apology, for the last couple of days it has bothered me about something that I said to you that I never should have. I sometimes forget that there are kids on this site; which is what you are to me, and I keep forgeting that. You are at a point in your life where confusion, and hormones, and relationships, and education, and growing up and everything is overwhelming you, and I need to be more sympathetic to you, Im sorry for SOME of what I said and the manner in which I said it.
The part about men having choices, that stands
The part about young people wanting to keep their options open, that stands
The part about enjoying your youth, your sun dress, that stands
That part about the fifty, thats the part I should have kept to myself.
I have a daughter that I love very dearly, and Im sure that she is facing the very same things that you are, and I certainly would not appreciate someone saying to her what I said to you. Im sorry.
Welcome to the real world, keep in mind that no matter what the weather, no matter what state, no matter what race, creed or color, people are people, don't put anything past them. To be on the safe side always remember this. Never trust anything with human hair !!!!
There is only one person in this world that you can make respect you, and that person is you ! Never let the thoughts of others cause you to respect yourself any less. You're a very pretty young lady, you're a very intelligent young lady, and Im old enough and mature enough to know exactly what Im talking about. Don't ask for respect, demand it !!
Take care of yourself and enjoy only those things that are worthy of you. good bye
4/12/2007 10:53:06 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Seaside, OR
age: 46
Nicely done Trojan.........see, you're not always the "ribbed" kind. LOL
4/12/2007 12:14:06 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
Hey copter,
Thanks for that! You are oh so right, I should just forget about him. I feel it's all him and not me anyway. I was so nice and kind with him and I did not get that same kind of treatment back. He is also not very good with communication, and I need to find a man who is.
BTW: I only date business profesional men with good educations and a plan.
Some of the people I have dated are: engineers, FBI agents, wine brokers, CFO's, insurance brokers, and business owners. Before this, we always had a conversation to end it in a professional and kind manner. I don't like leaving things in a bad light.
I gave that guy an oppertunity to talk about it openly and honestly, and he did not take it. His loss. I did try and that is all that matters.
T-thank you for what you said. Beacuse men can be so MEAN sometimes! I have been told things you would not want to hear, and none of it made sence. I think I have been picking the wrong men these last three years. I mean, who tells a women who has a MA, two BA's, three teaching credientials, and knows two languages they are stupid?! I mean come on! Pluss, the fat comment, I am 145 lbs, 5foot 9in. That is in now way fat. And my boobs being too big, who thinks 34DD is too big?! That man was sick or gay.
Michele =)
4/12/2007 3:25:54 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Madison, SD
age: 56
It's getting too deep in here for me...
4/12/2007 3:29:51 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Howell, NJ
age: 41
C'mon Michelle do ya really want to put us (Guys) all in the same basket?
I am sure some of us might actually be nice guys if you give us a chance
Well , good luck to ya!

4/19/2007 5:28:11 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Adelanto, CA
age: 48
im from ca. thats why they moved. there not that type. they ran hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
4/20/2007 3:44:11 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Ardmore, OK
age: 36
If you look in a hen house and are expecting to find a cow you might just be a little confused. all men are not alike, but there is a lot to be said about birds of a feather flock together. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different outcome. Of course I still want to know why women are so interested in the asses of the world. I belive the nice guy finishes last, but only because I have treated everyone men and women boys and girls with the utmost respect, but so many times Women have left me to go back with ex's who have beaten them, or treated them like total trash. My advice drop the fool and find ya someone who is more mature. Skinny women are not as pretty, I have met some women and men with lots of book smarts, but not a lick of sense in their head, and there aint not such thing as too big of boobs.
4/22/2007 8:01:07 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 32
Update...I recived several calles from him in the middle of the night and he hung up on my cell. How strange! He really is immature, and yes I don't think of him anymore. I treid to talk to him about it, and he was childish. No worries, at least I did not drop down to his level.
I tore up his number and if he ever calls again, I will not answer. His loss.
Michele =)
4/26/2007 4:20:38 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

White Plains, NY
age: 52
Hey Michelle, maybe you should hang out with the guys here. We seem to be more sensitive (from what I've read) towards women. I don't mean dating us but maybe confiding in us? Maybe we can help you with why some men are A-holes and some are truely human and honest. Just a thought...
5/1/2007 8:56:31 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Warren, MI
age: 53
Men???? It's hard for men to find a woman who will committ too.....at least I can't.
5/1/2007 9:57:16 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Westminster, CA
age: 47
Like Erotic and Troy are explaining to Michelle it seems alot of us (both male & female) that are possibly worth dating aren't ready yet, but hang out on the forums and get to know each other maybe something will click eventually!
5/1/2007 10:02:13 AM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 58
Copter he he he
5/1/2007 12:18:30 PM |
Why can't men be in a relationship? |
Lowry City, MO
age: 50
Lets hope them Clicks, aint from a double hammered smoke pole. lol