8/17/2009 8:51:28 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
age: 63
This is a classic from a seemingly better time . As kids we had to be dragged in from playing outside when it was bath & bed time , we walked to school no matter what the weather and 10 cents in your pocket made you feel rich . Anyone else remember "The Good Old Days?"
8/17/2009 3:19:24 PM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Kent, WA
age: 59
8/17/2009 4:49:54 PM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
age: 63
I really miss this one   
8/18/2009 12:50:26 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Kent, WA
age: 59
8/18/2009 12:56:50 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Kent, WA
age: 59
8/18/2009 6:29:50 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
age: 63
I remember when there was no airconditioning so when it was as hot as it was last night the whole family slept out on the porch next to the garage . Folks who had no porch had all the windows and doors wide open .
Back then in the summer the adults would sit out on thier front stoops sipping ice cold beers while all the nieghborhood kids chased fireflies & each other across everyones front yards . Usually someone had a sprinkler going and it was heaven to go running under the water to cool down just a bit . On the weekends such nights would turn into spontaneous block parties as bowls of Charles Chips & Mr Salty Pretzels were brought out & set on folding card tables for everyone to enjoy . I don't remember anyone arguing or yelling even at us rowdy kids but then a look from an adult was pretty much all it took to get us to calm down a bit .
I miss those summer nights alot !
8/18/2009 6:39:09 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Gulfport, MS
age: 64
 How about hiding seek in the dark while the adults sit around talking and gossiping. The men brought guitars and fiddles and some of the couples would even get up and dance. To me all the music sounded the same. Could not tell one song from the other. 
Plenty of sweet ice tea, cold watermelon...ready for this...lowered into the well water for a couple of hours in the drawing bucket. Some of the guys would go out behind the house and sip out of a mason jar??? Sneaky kids had to check out that jar in the bushes and it sure did smell bad... later years found out it was moonshine.   
8/18/2009 6:42:35 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |

Greeley, CO
age: 62
hop scotch,double dutch and jacks. All summer long
8/18/2009 11:36:57 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
age: 63
The first saturday after this movie had played on TV all the kids in my neighborhood formed a brigade and spent most of the day whistling and marching around & around the block , stopping periodicly for snacks at each others homes , then resuming our noisy ,badly out of time & tune march to nowhere God Bless the patient adults who paused thier yardwork to salute us each time we passed  
8/18/2009 3:31:04 PM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Kent, WA
age: 59
Not like any jump roping I ever did!
It's never too late! As the hula hoop champ of my neighborhood, this makes me want to go out and buy one and give it a try.
[Edited 8/18/2009 3:43:03 PM PST]
8/19/2009 6:22:24 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
age: 63
I can't hula hoop to save my life but Mom always amazed the neighborhood kids with her skill and endurance !! Remember chinese jump rope ??? Cheap to play as all you needed were used rubber bands or a piece of elastic and 2 friends . Used to play that for hours inside the house on rainy days !
TY for the last 2 videos as they were amazing  
8/19/2009 7:10:16 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Oak Ridge, TN
age: 62
I never could hula hoop either or roller skate. But, same as you, my mama could and did. I was raised in the country.....remember?......I caught lightening bugs and June bugs. If ya wonder what ya do with a June bug.....you tie string around it's leg and fly it like a toy helicopter on a string. I know in the morning, mama would turn me out with my bike and dog. Sometimes, I wouldn't come home till dusk. No worries.
8/19/2009 10:52:05 AM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
being the youngest of my sibling, I was used to being alone, except for my dog,who was my constant, I mostly played in the woods on my grandpa farm and was the best tree climber around, would stay up in those big pecan and walnut trees for hours, sometimes used to hide from the family up there with my books, my little (Piece of freedom)sometimes fanasty.... I was not that good at hula hoops, great at jump rope, marbles, shooting a rifle and running,Oh MY, how I used to run, that was just yesterday ....Right???
8/19/2009 12:12:09 PM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
age: 63
while not a country girl I was quite the "tomboy" so climbing to the top of the huge weeping willow in my parents yard was easy for me . What a view I had of my little world perched high above it hidden in the branches . I've also spent so much of my life with guys doing things not considered typical I too am a crack shot & blend so well many of our male friends are so surprised when they see me all dressed up for an event they exclaim "DAMN I Forgot you are a female GF " . I know theres a compliment in there somewhere    
8/19/2009 3:44:13 PM |
Do You Remember When ? |


Kent, WA
age: 59
Suga, like you, I used to ride my bike everywhere and be gone for hours. I'd ride down to a canal and catch pollywogs, bring them home and watch them turn into frogs. No way would any parent allow their children to be gone all day like that.
Tying a string on a June Bug...now that must take patience.
Jacks, that brings back memories: Onesies, twosies, etc, shoot the moon, around the world. Does anyone play jacks anymore? Have you seen any in the stores?
They weren't as colorful as these or as big. We always used a golf ball and never played on the carpet.