8/18/2009 1:52:34 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Morehead City, NC
age: 60
OK, I already know this will be a controversial subject. Don't take your frustrations out on me, just be "Honest".
Many men in their 60s don't have the energy and gusto for life that they once had. Many ladies are seeking that "Adventure" that they may have missed out on due to raising children and being stuck at home.
My question is this, are you looking for a younger man perhaps who you can share your passion for life with? Are you wanting to get out and about and explore the world and feel that an older man may just want to kick back and enjoy his retirement?
The reason I ask this is because I have noticed that in many ladies profiles, they are looking for a man who may be 10 years younger but they put a limit of perhaps 2 years older. I am not judging their ideas, I am only questioning their motives.
I don't seem to understand and would like to know your opinions and that of the men who have noticed this also. Thanks.
8/18/2009 1:55:41 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Seymour, TN
age: 62
Could it have anything to do with the adage that women outlive men?
8/18/2009 1:59:29 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
well first I do not believe men in their 60s do not have gusto for life..I believe they do..maybe not in the same way or timing as they did..but life is adjustments..adjust!
younger men..I have never wanted a younger man so that part I can't comment on..I have always been married to someone at least 5 yrs. older than myself.
8/18/2009 1:59:31 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
I think it depends on each person, and how they interact with others , no matter what age ..really!!
8/18/2009 2:01:04 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I would like a man near my age..in years??? well the years are not the issue..at this time in my life it is so important that we be on the same page of life. want to do the same things..I can be happy at home many times.
I have talked to men that claimed to ride Harley's, boating, dancing, etc..Then I meet them and I would say it has been a while since they did much of any of that..and many are not willing to be on an exercise program.
Men and women..If you do not use it you loose it and that included the ability to climb stairs.. Dance a couple of hours one evening.
I do not care if the gentleman is 5 years younger or 10 years older or somewhere else..what I do want is for it not to bother him if I am older in years or for him to be looking for a young woman then email me. I do not want to eventually feel uncomfortable with my age..what ever it is. I healthy..I am 66.. When the profile says he wants 45-55
Sorry, that leaves me out.
8/18/2009 2:07:38 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Bath, PA
age: 69
Well I have 10 years plus or minus....have date both youner and older before and since my marriage. I do draw the line though. I had RE Attorney from NYC just yesterday tell me if I ever get to NY he would like to take me to lunch, as he was enamored with my profie....how lovely NOT hes 48....this was on another site by the way ....so my answer was ,,,,,lunch would be lovely but it cant be called a date. He stated he had dated older women......well I have dated younger men but none that I could have given birth to.
I do have to say it is the younger men that seem to ask me out. The question for the men then whould be why.////And just 3 today that are my age viewed me and didnt contact me....but had the age gap on their [profiles like 45 to 58 huh.....so to reverse your question....are they looking for someone to keep THEM feeling young.
I enjoy being home....I'm not looking for someone to backpack through China......just a walk on one of the trails on the mountain on occassion. Or a short 2 or 3 day trip from time to time. I dont play golf or go horseback riding anymore so I think I am a fairly calm woman. When I say come on an adventure with me......it an exploration of love.... 
8/18/2009 2:35:22 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
I can only speak for myself,age does not matter, but I do not wish to be with someone more than a few years difference in age either way, I feel some folks no matter the age will be more energetic than others, and that is where the connection comes into play, i do not want to be with someone that is strictly a couch potato nor am I looking for someone that has to climb the tallest mountain or bungie jump to prove they are still young.. just want to be with someone compatible with my lifestyle and me with thiers and until you really get to meet and begin to know a person ,how on earth can you tell.
8/18/2009 2:41:32 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
Now isnt that whatI just said **smiles** but with less words..
Wonder why hes asking ?? .
8/18/2009 2:42:42 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Gulfport, MS
age: 64
Here we set an age..some act their age others act younger. I once dated a guy 12 years younger than me. When I discovered his real age it threw up a red flag for me and I with drew emotionally. Is it wrong??? I have asked myself that. Maybe that too much is put on age since the person, the company and how well they get a long should be the primary thing.
Fear is one thing with someone a lot older than me. Fear of the person leaving too soon and I do not want to have to bury another love one. I think at our age the span is not as great in energy levels for most. We just want to slow the pace and find some peace, tranquility, and happiness.
8/18/2009 2:43:00 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
Margaret ...
yes you did but I wanted to say it too   
great minds think alike..
[Edited 8/18/2009 2:43:43 PM PST]
8/18/2009 2:44:51 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Sacramento, CA
age: 64
I have dated SLIGHTLY younger men in my 60's due to my passion for being physically active. Love to hike,
swim, bike, travel. Take no meds and have no ailments other than old age related ailments. Few men older
than I can do the hikes and so forth I enjoy. That may change as I age.
8/18/2009 2:49:32 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Morehead City, NC
age: 60
OK, Ladies, you have been pretty up front I believe with your thoughts on this. Now let me be honest and interject my thoughts regarding "Younger Women".
I can say that I am not interested in a gal who is not "Post-menapausal". Oh My!!! He actually said THAT???
I have experienced being in 2 relationships that were both so very influenced by the subject, that I can say. "I never want to experience that again".
Men will rarely talk about this subject because it embarresses them and they feel uncomfortable with it.
I would prefer to be with someone who has already adjusted to the fact that their life has changed and who are ready to enjoy what time they have to pursue their interests. I would like to have us share some of the same interests. For some reason, I don't believe most men broach this subject and therefore end up having to deal with problems that take them by surprise. Am I wrong in believing this?
8/18/2009 2:57:30 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
Most men will not discuss it and the ones that will..say that most women will not..so I think both men and women need to discuss this and the time is during the get acquainted time..not when your are starting the relationship.
If I get to the point where I am thinking a relationship..I bring it up..
I think it is so important to make it clear what each want..what you are willing to do and the relocation and many other things need to be settled.
Edited for spelling..
[Edited 8/18/2009 3:03:13 PM PST]
8/18/2009 2:57:32 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Gulfport, MS
age: 64
If I were a man I would feel the same way. Geeze, hot flashes, mood swings, lack of energy, who needs that more than once. As a woman, I certainly do not wish to go there either. Do think perhaps a lot of younger ladies are looking for a Sugar Daddy to keep and take care of her financial needs. Have seen and heard of this but of course those cases are only the ones I can know for sure about. Then regretfully, it is the man that is hurt if he is not very careful mentally and financially. Caution is also true for the ladies...many guys that are not totally honest either...so Caution should prevail first and foremost. JMO..
8/18/2009 3:10:42 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
Shar,I couldn't agree with you more or you either Bones
only thing is. there are some women just plain mean and it has nothing to do with the "change".. those are really the ones ,If I were a man ,I would certainly be cautious of.. as for men , most men mellow out as they age and thank God that happens, still others I see as still going through a midlife crisis, hanging out with younger women, trying to look and act twenty years younger than they are and most just come off looking and acting like damn fools
8/18/2009 3:12:47 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Bath, PA
age: 69
Bones.....not every woman has problems when going through menopauase.......I had none......well I did have weight gain that stressed me a bit, only because I has to buy new clothes and I was only 46 and working and had an extensive wardrobe         I think I will throw my fit about that now lol lol lol somehow forgot at the time
the key to at relationship st any age is communication. If you dont have that at the beginning its not likely to develope......
8/18/2009 3:17:02 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I forgot to say that men can be as bad or worse than women.. I really believe they go through some of the same things many women do..
All are different..you have had two....well that is more than your fair share..
8/18/2009 3:18:00 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
Well i'll be honest - I raised one son - don't care to raise another one but i'm also not wanting a man that is young enough to go through a mid-life crisis either.
I'm not looking for anyone that wants to climb Mount Everest unless there is a helicopter to take me up there to meet him but I also don't want someone that just wants to sit on their duff and do nothing....plenty of time for that when I get old(er)
8/18/2009 3:18:28 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Morehead City, NC
age: 60
I am so glad that every one of you has seen this as an intelligent conversation and have shared your thoughts so honestly. Thank you. There is so much for us to still learn, even at our age!
Sure beats the heck out of politics. 
8/18/2009 3:18:55 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 64
I think all has been said and I agree with all of it.
I have read profiles of men in their 70 that claim activities like a 39 yr old well he is to active for me. I wont one close to my age and not a couch potato or looking for someone to be their nurse do that don't really wont to again.
8/18/2009 4:27:49 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
I agree with most of the ladies and Bones too-- much better than politics..
And thank Gawd my body didnt give me a hard time when it went through the menopause
like it does for so many of the female gender!!My mother suffered , it was awful!
Good thread Bones.
8/18/2009 4:56:42 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Eugene, OR
age: 68 online now!
I think I have been having my womanopause for quite a while now. They have less & less to do with me all the time. Now I really pause when they toy with me. 
[Edited 8/18/2009 4:58:49 PM PST]
8/19/2009 5:11:18 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Morehead City, NC
age: 60
I also think (as has been mentioned) that men often go through some changes. Called "Mid Life Crisis". They sometimes think that perhaps they are missing out on something, but they can't quite figure out what it is. When you see some guy in his 50s or early 60s trying to dress like a teenager and driving a sports car, you have to wonder. We've all seen these guys who are afraid to age gracefully and accept the fact that they are not young any longer.
Perhaps I am guilty of that to some degree. I still like to ride a Harley. But when I get too old to ride the bigger bikes, I'll get a Honda (small) before I'm ready for a "Hoveround"
8/19/2009 7:05:58 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I also think (as has been mentioned) that men often go through some changes. Called "Mid Life Crisis". They sometimes think that perhaps they are missing out on something, but they can't quite figure out what it is. When you see some guy in his 50s or early 60s trying to dress like a teenager and driving a sports car, you have to wonder. We've all seen these guys who are afraid to age gracefully and accept the fact that they are not young any longer.
Perhaps I am guilty of that to some degree. I still like to ride a Harley. But when I get too old to ride the bigger bikes, I'll get a Honda (small) before I'm ready for a "Hoveround" 
Glad you said 50s and early 60s...now at my age..IF I want to dress like a teenager with my belly button showing my new pierce and drive a red sports car..What could it possible hurt.?
8/19/2009 7:18:13 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Bath, PA
age: 69
I have pretty much always done my own thing. If you dont pay my bills please dont tell me how to live, dress, or who to love....Anything I do is legal....thats all anyone has to worry about. I have never worried about being judged by other people as most of the time that is their particular way of getting noticed....
Now lets all go ride our Harleys or any other form of bike that will keep us at least thinking young..
8/19/2009 7:23:14 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Oak Ridge, TN
age: 62
Oh, gosh, I'm so torn on this one  
Before I ended up sitting so much......just a couple months worth did it.....I coulda boogied all night. Now, I'm stiff and ache. I was def a cougar till then. Now, I'm not sure.
Went through menopause over twenty years ago. So, I been the same forever. However, if you are talking about men lacking the ability to perform sexually, I don't like that worth a darned and want a younger man. I don't mind deminished ability. I just don't want a man with "no" ability......not till we been together a few years. That's a problem with aging...men lose the desire and women gain more. I've had men I dated tag me over sexed!! What's with that? Now, they complain? LOL the old farts.
Also, as you might recall, I decided to just go with the sugar daddy in the spring. We all know how that turned out. Hey.....btw......he's forgiven me.  
too funny.
Age doesn't matter.....it's souls....how compatible....and what you are willing to tolerate.
8/19/2009 7:32:00 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


San Antonio, TX
age: 65
Geez...thanks for the compliment of being Mellow Sassey...
[Edited 8/19/2009 7:34:21 AM PST]
8/19/2009 7:37:29 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |

Cedar Grove, WV
age: 67
I think the sports cars, boats, and motorcycles, have to do with finance. It is not that men are wanting them to stay young. when raising a family, it usually takes about all your money, but after they are gone, and out on their own, a man finally has a little extra cash to get some of the things he has always wanted. Like faster cars, and younger women 
8/19/2009 7:39:47 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
and then a heart attack...sorry could not resist...then spend the money on the hospital bills...giggles
8/19/2009 7:54:16 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Eugene, OR
age: 68 online now!
think I would settle only on/for the "faster women" 
8/19/2009 7:54:55 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |

Cedar Grove, WV
age: 67
Lynn, you are a real joy. lol
8/19/2009 7:56:59 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I am sorry darling...but you are a wonderful straight man..personally I think once the kids are gone we should all do for ourselves anything and everything we want..we are not accountable to anyone but ourselves...go for it and live!
8/19/2009 8:13:41 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Morehead City, NC
age: 60
8/19/2009 8:16:55 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Bath, PA
age: 69
hahaha bones......there are grandma's and then there are GRANDMA'S
8/19/2009 8:23:20 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
Bones, wonder if that was a B Day present for Grand Paw?
8/19/2009 8:31:49 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Morehead City, NC
age: 60
I have a feeling that the dancing grandma is going to say when she reaches the end of her life.....
"Wheeeeew, what a great Ride"... 
Let's all hope for the same.
Flirty, I think she may have "worn out" Grandpa a long time ago!... 
[Edited 8/19/2009 8:33:05 AM PST]
8/19/2009 9:00:21 AM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Naperville, IL
age: 68
Love Belly Dancing Grandma ... and I'll bet Grandpa does too.
On Topic:
Honestly, I am looking for an adventureous man but not a younger man. I know there are many men my age and older that have not retired to the couch but are active in the community and their hobbies and have energy and gusto. I am guilty of talking with men 64 but I don't think that makes me a cougar ... or makes them young 
I agree that we all can kick back and enjoy our retirement but that does not mean lose interest in life or sit in the rocking chair every night.
Still smiling at Alawishes' comment and hoping he does find those faster women.
8/19/2009 4:39:32 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


San Antonio, TX
age: 65
Many if not most are on this site
...are here for the social function
......I find that many have a man
.........(except for the witches)...LOL
..........and do just the opposite
............of what most don't want and that is
.................."A Game and Head Player"
[Edited 8/19/2009 4:43:36 PM PST]
8/19/2009 4:41:57 PM |
Ladies, be honest with the men! |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I have a feeling that the dancing grandma is going to say when she reaches the end of her life.....
"Wheeeeew, what a great Ride"... 
Let's all hope for the same.
Flirty, I think she may have "worn out" Grandpa a long time ago!...  
I sure hope she did..