8/23/2009 4:19:40 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
Stalking has become one of the most dreaded crimes against women in recent years. According to a 2000 study conducted by the federal Department of Justice, one woman in 12 will be stalked during her lifetime. This figure is startling when compared to the fact that 1 in 3,000 will be raped, based on current FBI statistics. Many women know their stalker personally and as a result, are hesitant to believe the situation is potentially dangerous. Being aware of these alarming signals can help you determine if you are being stalked and what to do about it.
Internet stalking.
Modern stalkers send numerous emails to their victim each day. They will bombard their victim with instant messages, invitations to chat rooms, or links to suggestive web sites. Internet stalking is often an extension of physical stalking, although not always. In some cases, the stalker may not even know the “true” identity of the victim, having seen the victim’s profile in an online forum.
This does not make Internet stalking, also called cyber-stalking, acceptable. In fact, Internet stalking can be even more dangerous than physical stalking because it limits the victim’s access to online information, intimidates the victim into changing their online habits and can open the victim’s personal computer and the information it contains to the stalker’s hacking. The good news is most law enforcement agencies have cyber-crime units and often Internet stalking is treated with more seriousness than reports of physical stalking. If you find yourself being harassed online, report the situation to both your Internet provider and local law enforcement.
Defamation of character or insults.
Stalkers often try to isolate their victims from family and friends. They release character-damaging information, regardless of whether it is true or not, in hopes of ostracizing the victim from those closest to her. When hurtful or damaging information is made public, your first reaction may be to retreat or withdraw from the public eye. This is exactly what the stalker wants. Instead, fight character defamation and public insults vehemently. If there is truth to the information, accept responsibility quickly and tell your side of the story. The important thing is to maintain your presence within your normal circles and not isolate yourself from support systems that could help you in the event your stalker moves closer.
Cumulative unwanted contact of any kind.
Perhaps no particular incident stands out in your mind as being dangerous, however, when you look at the entire picture, what you see alarms you. Do you experience repeated unwanted contact from the same person? If it is someone you know, tell him he is making you uncomfortable. If the situation continues, report him to the police. If it is someone you do not know, go directly to the police.
Stalking is often subtle, yet pervasive. In fact, the stalker is counting on you feeling as if his actions are ordinary demonstrations of affection. If you find yourself experiencing any of these situations on a consistent basis, you may be the victim of stalking, and your quick reporting to the police is the most effective tool in putting an end to the stalker’s terror.
this gave me a different look at a situation that continues here, and will not seem to stop. Have been looking at it from one prespective, which it is also right, but this adds a new demension and one that would follow if you look at what has gone on.
8/23/2009 4:33:49 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I was speaking with someone who is very savy about the web and internet. I mentioned a situation here that seems will not stop..including my views on it..and the subject of stalking came up..we do have one member that was stalked, and I was applying that experience to the situation here. I should not have been doing that as it can be very different.
I had considered the situation here abusive, which it is. I did not look at what could be a following aspect of an abuser..in aligning everything that has taken place, it is easy to see where in fact it does follow.
8/23/2009 5:38:46 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I think much of what we have on DH started out as Bullying and is now Stalking. Where they follow someone around and comment or slander them with every post.
From the reports and laws I see now in force, the DH Bully is now a stalker and subject to real jail term and fines.
8/23/2009 6:03:10 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
funny that is what this person stated do..seems there have been some flips, and as they say the palying ground has changed. Also another thing that was expressed is as we have the blocks in place..constantly making statements about someone you have blocked or they you..it again a new level...it gets scarry...
8/23/2009 7:28:04 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
All this is very real. The ones here must not have anything else to do with their time. If they are posting stuff to insult me they are really bored.       
8/23/2009 7:48:00 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I posted it for just that reason, so people would start to become aware..and share their thoughts and information, as you see some sites have been put up for further information...
and yes it is very real..I personally think all information like this should be shared so that we are all well aware of what may or may not be happening and what it is exactly and how to prevent it
8/23/2009 3:34:57 PM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
wouldn't it be nice to know you could come on a site and not have to put up with stuff like this...
8/23/2009 3:43:31 PM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |


Tioga, PA
age: 68
Things just keep getting worse out there....I EVEN TOLD MY GR-DAUGHTER to be careful of the baby's father taking off with him.... .
but she is going to domestic relations hopefully tomorrow........It is a scary world out there.......we need to all be aware of our surroundings....ya never know.......  
8/23/2009 3:53:02 PM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
and granted we have all slowed down a bit, but this all comes faster than we can keep up with! But that is when we put ourselves in a dangerous place.
8/26/2009 6:09:24 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I thought this was timely and important..seems it is even more than I thought.
Why when people have everything they want and accompolished the destruction they needed to both a site and people; is it necessary for them to begin the same routine again and again?? Is it what they and their life is all about, just this little place where they have to successful and recognized? How can they constantly go on and on about the same crap, however NEVER at any time even understanding the part they played and still are?
What do these people want? What will ever make them happy? Why don't the celebrate they shallow victories and leave their victims alone?? Wh y is it necessary for them tpo reduce themselves to the level of bone pickers????
I am tired of being the subject of peoples conversations..tired of hearing about my being a witch...tired of hearing about my dogs...tired of all of you. You have about said all there is to say about me..so why just not move on and be happy for what you have caused me. WHEN THE HELL ARE YOU EVER SATIFIFED????
8/26/2009 6:14:46 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
They love the reaction.. no matter how small, it feeds their issues.
8/26/2009 6:17:00 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
more than once they have been asked and asked to state what they want and what their problems are..NOTICE THE NEVER DO. Now I don't know what that says to anyone else, but to me it says they just want to be here to attack people, cause upsetment, and grind away on lie after lie. They say one thing, but act and react in a completely different manner.
I find it hard to feel sorry, upset, or concern for anyone who cannot tell someone what they want, or refuse to do so. It proves to me they are doing and being exactly what and who they are...A PROBLEM
[Edited 8/26/2009 6:33:06 AM PST]
8/27/2009 10:42:49 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
Page 2
8/27/2009 11:52:50 AM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
do stop by again when you can chat
8/27/2009 12:01:56 PM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Cedar Grove, WV
age: 67
why cant you just block your stalkers. ????
8/27/2009 12:07:51 PM |
a useful subject to research and discuss especially for women |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
you can, but what seems to take place is they continue to post the nasty negative things..thus..it does not stop..it continues and other participate. that is when it changes to stalking. (this is over simplified, but the general idea)