Greenville, MI
age: 57
is it just me, or are the ESPN people more out to build their celebrity rather than provide objective/unbiased reporting??
Keith Oberman....Chris Berman...Skip Bayless...Kenny Mayne the list goes on and on....c'mon they're not quite the Tom Brokaws of reporting.

Fayetteville, AR
age: 22 online now!
and how about their "unbiased" coverage of the heisman trophy???
i think if i hear one more thing about how much of a saint tim tebow is i'm gonna puke

Greenville, MI
age: 57
I couldn't agree with you more !!! Is it for visibility on their part?? Air time?? Plus the HYPE THEY gave him?? Soon it'll be ALL about WHO'S announced on ESPN........
McFadden got the SHAFT
[Edited 12/10/2007 7:19:09 PM]

Hazleton, PA
age: 41
ESPN is out to build celebrity. I don't think there's much doubt about that. And their lack of objectivity isn't limited to the Heisman alone. It falls all over itself being PC. I really wish ESPN had some truely national competition but it doesn't. Fox Sports is regionalized. Versus has little national penetration, and spends too much time on things such as rodeo. In the Philadelphia region, we've got Comcast and it's pretty decent, but it's far from national. ESPN has something of a monopoly. I wish it weren't the case, but it is.

Greenville, MI
age: 57
I couldn't agree more !! I'm sick of their sensationalizing "themselves" !! I'd love to see some REAL broadcasters "critique" some of those announcers or maybe even Coaches give ESPN feedback like the Monday Morning Qtrback that they've become. Anyone can critique the Weatherman and how well they forcasted the weather. Now wew're gonna be inundated with the Baseball Steroid report.