Arcadia, MO
age: 58
I think there should be a renewal policy added to the marriage contract--say every five years. I know in my first marriage of thirty years I would have renewed the first four times, definitely not the last couple of times.
Everyone assumes it's going to be for life but in reality now it isn't in most cases because we don't feel we need to work as hard at it as our own parents did--maybe they didn't work harder. It was just an unthinkable concept--"Divorce" Now it's unthinkable if you haven't been divorced at least once!

Sarasota, FL
age: 55
when there are no family values, when people dont take the time to get to know each other, you cannot expect a marriage for life
married people are a minority
the "long term relationship" is the option for marriage, and the "contract" can be anulled as soon as one find a better partner

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
People have become more greedy. They don't want what they have.. They want what they cannot have. To find someone who believes in marriage and all that it consist of is going to be very unlikely.. sadly enough

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Times have had major changes..years ago ... one store in town.. one church. one jail, one bar, one maybe two hotels.. now we have dozens and dozen of each kind of almost anything a person can imagine...include the internet which expands it world wide.. can get most everything right away.. years ago might have had to wait weeks for it to get there if ordered..
life is competitive now to the point where people have a hard time figuring out when to be in competition or make love...

Tioga, PA
age: 66

This would never work for me--as a Christian--If I fall in love and we decide we want to be together--It has to be for life.
The world is spinning out of control--you can see couples of different colors living together with babies not knowing if they are black or white,ladies getting murdered just because the man gets sick of her--------watch Nancy Grace:
Marriage is a contract w/ each other before God--and if the two work together hard enough
I still believe it can last for a lifetime:
The people have become like The folks in Sodom And GOMMORAH---anything goes,no matter who they hurt to get there lust.
Nope --Marriage is the only way to go--jmo----- NOT MEANT FOR ANYONE HERE----that is JMO: