12/10/2007 7:03:50 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
find 2 people crazy enough I guess lol
12/10/2007 7:19:21 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Tru ....... honestly ..... and I repectfully say, tongue in cheek, I think you've been reading the kids section again. I think Lotus put it well.
12/10/2007 8:45:40 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
Tell me people what would you call a 3 day contract, or a 1 hour contract, or even a 10 minute contract? And what about insurance, social security, and taxes? The dog--who gets the dog? What if one of you hits the lotto while you are together?
12/10/2007 10:35:43 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Bend, OR
age: 60
I purchased a LIVING TOGETHER book complete with contractual agreements about 25 years ago...I most likely have it in storage. Perhaps you can google or Amazon for
Living Together Handbook...it will provide interesting reading. Food for thought on a cold night!
THE IRS is the # 1 problem with the contractual agreement. YOu are still single,and will have to file separate returns. How do you split the mortgage interest, unless the house is in both of your names? IF the loan is in both of your names, you are back to square one...what happens if you do not want to renew the contract?
You can take DEED to the real property in many forms...depending on what your intentions are, at the time of signing, and hopefully at the time of separation it will still meet your needs.
NOw if one of you die, the social security will not recognize the living together agrement...so if you are the woman...good luck! You might have been able to draw on a larger amount, if you were married. In this age, some women make more money than a man... of course.
12/11/2007 6:39:39 AM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Overland Park, KS
age: 52
I think that what we have today is much like a temp contract. We enter with all intent of making it for the long run, and break up with no idea what we are doing. My own experence, My ex wanted out> I agreed to split everthing equal. She got the house, all the money, and I got to live by myself. Not mad, just don't think we often think propery.
12/11/2007 6:47:20 AM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Mountain View, MO
age: 55
talking about paper work again are we   
12/11/2007 6:56:58 AM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Why not keep it simple... if ya like em .. stay with em.. if ya don't like em ... get on out and don't look back.. no paper...no nothing.. just feelings on what you want to do..
12/11/2007 7:10:34 AM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
this sounds like a "lease agreement" where you trade it in once it has to many miles on it.
12/11/2007 7:39:11 AM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Kingston, TN
age: 65
Paper is all it is unless it is a union of faith in the eyes of God then it is just a the same as a verbal contract. There are enough problems with the way marriage is handled today without adding more fuel to the flame. Can anyone tell me just how this Marriage thing started and why. Surely way back when ,it was not a requirement. If two people are meant to stay together for their lifetimes that is great but If it is not meant to be then let it go, It is a two fold thing in my opinion, kids are a different story though,( thats a different topic because again sometimes it is good and sometimes it is not) I don't really know what to answer to that, at this time in my life I would rather just live together with preumps and enjoy what time we have left with someone.
12/11/2007 1:42:04 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Hey now.. it was just a thought! lol I have no intentions of remarrying OR doing a contract. I will live in sin thanks very much. This idea simply came up in a coffee discussion the other morning and it was food for thought.
12/11/2007 4:34:03 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Geneseo, IL
age: 63 online now!
Okay! I would like a two week contract with a woman living in Anaheim, California - near the Rose Bowl and two tickets to the game - so I can watch the Illinois play. And if everything works - I could stay for the winter! But she can’t be crazy!
12/11/2007 7:42:55 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Mountain View, MO
age: 55
let`s keep the paper work`s where it belongs  in the bathroom,, OK??
12/11/2007 7:54:05 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Hillsboro, TN
age: 57
I think the concept of Marriage ought to be re-enforeced thru this current and suceeding generations. We need to go back to the tradition of marriage. People are free to do as they please, however, they can also do what used to be an honor and a privilage and not look for excuses but rather what worked right and build on it...maybe it is just me.I think we can do a better job of setting an example for our children for when they become parents...I sound like my dad.
12/11/2007 7:57:10 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
It would be great if that could happen.. but I don't see it happening. Marriage is as disposable as most everything else now
12/11/2007 8:01:25 PM |
Temporary Contracts Offered In Lieu of Marriage? |

Kingston, TN
age: 65
ceej, I like your style, Just a funny guy.