12/13/2007 5:46:23 PM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Hebron, IN
age: 53
I met someone on this dating site. We only met once. He brought me a rose, which I haven't gotten in a very long time, which was very nice, and so was he. I thought we got along great. We talked for hours, found out we have a lot in common. I had never tried this type of dating, I 'm recently divorced and have been hurt very badly three times in my life, by men I truly loved. We kissed for a while which I have not felt sparks like that in some time, anyway he left and said he would keep in touch. I ended up emailing him all the time he only emailed back when I emailed him. I asked him if he was interested or not since it has been 3 or 4 weeks and he said he yes, he wanted to continue our kiss. I know with his job he is very busy, but come on. My point is if you guys are interested let us know, why act like your interested if you really aren't? I don't see how you can be honest in a relationship if you can tell someone you really don't want anything to do with them? I haven't heard from him in a month now, He said after a curtain date he had some time off. Guess not with me.
12/13/2007 5:52:35 PM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Selah, WA
age: 46 online now!
Some people have issues with confrontation and don't want to see anyone get hurt. By him not responding except when you take the initiative then obviously he is no longer interested. Just pull up the boot straps and move on.
12/13/2007 5:59:56 PM |
Did I do something wrong? |

West Fargo, ND
age: 56
Not to pick loney, but you said you were recently divorced. I've been divorced, and also lost my second wife. Be careful not to confuse what you are feeling. I've been there myself. And I had to learn not to be confused either. Don't just let anything be better than nothing. I wish for nothing more than for you to find true love. Take it one step at a time. Maybe it will just find 'you'.
12/13/2007 6:11:47 PM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Pinellas Park, FL
age: 54
It's not you, it's him. If you're recently divorced you need to give yourself time to be by yourself first before you go from the frying pan to the fire. Make the right choices with as clear head. If he hasn't contacted you in 3 or 4 weeks, he is not interested. Don't make excuses for him.
12/13/2007 6:13:08 PM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52 online now!

12/13/2007 6:43:14 PM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Hebron, IN
age: 53
I'm not that recently divorced. It has been two years. The only hurt is my ex came back quite a few times, slept with me, acted like we were getting back together and 1 week later married the you know what he was cheating on me with. I moved on, just to find someone like this who can't speak up either. I really don't want to spentd the rest of my life alone, oe on the internet looking. A lot of people have told me this is not safe, but my son is a cop and he told me I could find a wacko down the street. The only thing is I have COPD, and I really can't go out to the bars to meet anyone, I can't be around cigarette smoke. Where I live they haven't banned it in the bars yet. I just would like to have someone just once come into my life and be true. I don't like being alone.
12/13/2007 6:50:19 PM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Winter Springs, FL
age: 50
dear lonely,
try getting involved in other organizations - u dont have to go to bars to meet men. most of those guys are bums or married anyway!
OH dear - im gonna get hit for sayin that!!! lol
try volunteering at a couple of places and see who u meet. Go to free events around town, ever heard of meetup.com? check it out and sign up for anything and everything - you dont have to kayak to be part of the group. Just say you want to learn more about it, and hear there stories at the meetings.
Good luck to you!
12/13/2007 8:26:38 PM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Lake Worth, FL
age: 37
aaahhhh man i hate when that happens......better luck next time......there are lots of really nice people on this sight......havent found love yet...but made lots of good friends.....good luck....
12/14/2007 8:24:17 AM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Fayetteville, GA
age: 32
ahhh see my threat mental mind F***, that is all it is a game. Been there, sucks
12/14/2007 8:46:09 AM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Lumberton, NC
age: 51
it happens a lot these days, ashamed. wonder why some is protected with a brick wall? Isn't much easy to be honest and up front with what you looking for and save others the desapointment? Sorry sweetheart, don't give up, not all men like that. Somethime it takes a lot of tries to get one right.
12/14/2007 8:55:06 AM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Saint James, MO
age: 88
it is almost like that "law of attraction" really is a law ....
12/14/2007 9:14:13 AM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 60
Dear Ms. Heart,
True Love and Friendship travel the same road at the same speed, to the same destination: Togetherness. While on that journey each brings to the other person an equal measure of desire, energy, giving, listening, sharing, & caring. That is, there is a quid pro quo, a Balance of these exchanges between the two.
The relationship you describe is not in balance. And being out of balance, it will go to a destination called NOWHERE. No one can give anyone the directions to NOWHERE, but when a Love relationship is out of BALANCE, we all end up there.
As to your Ex, he used you again, and hurt you. And you let him, because you are kind, giving, true in your feelings and desire for love, and so hopeful. As the Indian Chief once said to the white man, who was trying to steal more of the Indian's land for a second time:
"First time, you hurt me. Second time, I hurt me."
I do not judge here, I observe, and offer insights from experience in my desire to be helpful to everyone. As to the first gentleman, it is time to consider SILENCE on your part. When the bee desires to return again and again to its favorite honey, for the remainder of its short life, it does not do so in silence. Be silent, and time will tell you if he truly cares.
In this Life, we may have traveled down different roads to come to meet each other..... But when we meet and truly love in balance, we travel the same road of Joy together........
[Edited 12/14/2007 9:17:33 AM]
12/14/2007 9:40:44 AM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Petersburg, IN
age: 46
hey dave - i agree with you!!!
chopperbabe- i believe larry the cable guy said something to that same affect!
ahh-h-h-h yes! i believe it was: " PULL UP YOUR BIG GIRL BLOOMERS and GIT R" DONE!"

12/14/2007 9:46:01 AM |
Did I do something wrong? |

Louisville, KY
age: 49
lonely, the only mistake you made here is you didnt pick lonesome....lonely=lonesome!!  