10/13/2009 4:46:01 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

Edison, NJ
age: 29
Hey is there any situation that you can encounter and just have sex with the other person and not get in to felling tell your experience or situation 
10/14/2009 7:39:18 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

Somerville, NJ
age: 29
never works
10/15/2009 7:00:30 AM |
no strings attached men and women |

Audubon, NJ
age: 63
never works
I disagree.
You can pretend they're your fav blowup friend or electric toy.
10/16/2009 11:18:06 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

Clifton, NJ
age: 37
always turns bad in the end
10/17/2009 5:40:22 AM |
no strings attached men and women |

Garfield, NJ
age: 27
I've been involved this type of situation. Unfortunately the woman with whom I was with had to move for reasons of her job (transferred). However, it was the most simple situation and easiest to manage. Whenever we felt an urge, we would call one another up (she would call me much more often than I would call her). But then we would also go and hang out as friends or catch some dinner either before or afterwards.
What makes it simple and easy is that you know what's expected, what is not going to happen, and the vision of the goal is clear from both people. It was by far one of the easiest, simplest, and least stressful relationships in which I have been engaged.
10/22/2009 9:22:02 AM |
no strings attached men and women |
Kearny, NJ
age: 39
i think it's all timing and understanding between the two
10/22/2009 9:58:28 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

Gloucester City, NJ
age: 20
yea it can work as long as theres a understanding with eachother (please dont ask me how do i know)
10/28/2009 10:28:05 AM |
no strings attached men and women |

Villas, NJ
age: 47
yup...people I spoke with call it "friends with bennies" and "f*ck buddies"
i know several people that like those types of relationships...some say there is no accountability or responsibility to the partner involved except satisfaction
but others say they like it only if it remains monogamous, until they meet someone worth expending emotions on...then they end the sexual relationship for a committed emotional relationship...lol 
I have never tried it...I would not do well in this type of relationship...but hey...to those that do...more power to ya 
11/29/2009 8:32:25 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

Salisbury, MD
age: 49
I just believe someone is going to get screwed in this relationship, lol no pum intented......... not for me
11/30/2009 8:41:26 AM |
no strings attached men and women |

Toms River, NJ
age: 61
The problem with a "friends with benefits" relationship is that sometimes one of the people involved would like it to be more.
12/7/2009 5:01:09 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

Mount Laurel, NJ
age: 52
Sure....anything is possible. I had a 4 year sexual relationship with a man. At that time in my life, coming off a bad relationship, that was all I wanted and all I could handle. He did not want any ties either, so it worked for both of us. (We are still friends without the benefits these days.)There has to be an understanding in the beginning, but I think the younger you are the harder it will be to maintein this type of relationship. Now that I am older and wiser (ha ha), I want that monogamous relationship. I want someone to be able to depend on. That's me. Just be honest and safe. Good luck.
12/12/2009 11:13:17 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

South Amboy, NJ
age: 32
sup everyone
12/12/2009 11:14:25 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

South Amboy, NJ
age: 32
isee nothing wrong with friends with benefits as long as u have an understanding and r real with eachother and truthful u gd
12/29/2009 11:38:38 AM |
no strings attached men and women |

Mount Laurel, NJ
age: 31
u are so cute baby ilove mature......
12/29/2009 11:40:25 AM |
no strings attached men and women |

Mount Laurel, NJ
age: 31
u are so cute...
12/30/2009 4:59:22 AM |
no strings attached men and women |


Toms River, NJ
age: 51
There are always strings attached,in friendships good or bad,be they ties that bind you together or keep you apart,velvet ropes or barbedwire and others in between
in regards to friends with benifits an the like,,all my friends have benifits that we
share together,,not just sexual stuff,,if thats the case its just a booty call
1/4/2010 5:02:02 PM |
no strings attached men and women |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 48
Blacks do not respect wwoman or them selves
1/5/2010 4:35:13 AM |
no strings attached men and women |


Toms River, NJ
age: 51
There are always strings attached,in friendships good or bad,be they ties that bind you together or keep you apart,velvet ropes or barbedwire and others in between
in regards to friends with benifits an the like,,all my friends have benifits that we
share together,,not just sexual stuff,,if thats the case its just a booty call
no not a prude at all thanks ha ha
over the years friends have turned into lovers and some back to friends
and some not,,friendships and other relationships are ever evolving
and thus subject to change accordingly,,just try and play nice and careful
not to injure others along the way,,,living and enjoying life,together,
1/5/2010 10:15:32 AM |
no strings attached men and women |

Toms River, NJ
age: 61
no not a prude at all thanks ha ha
over the years friends have turned into lovers and some back to friends
and some not,,friendships and other relationships are ever evolving
and thus subject to change accordingly,,just try and play nice and careful
not to injure others along the way,,,living and enjoying life,together,
I totally agree.
1/6/2010 12:04:28 AM |
no strings attached men and women |

Millville, NJ
age: 23
yes it can work i will admit that i was in a non-relationship for bout 4 months we were and still are good friends if you know that its just sex and understand that it works fine but be sure to not lead the other person on in any which way
1/6/2010 5:45:12 AM |
no strings attached men and women |


Toms River, NJ
age: 51
i think that they are all RELATIONSHIPS just some are non-conventional ones,,
nothing wrong with them , when two consenting adults agree n such,just different
from the perceived normal,,,and hopefully handled with care,discretion,safety and respect