Abilene, TX
age: 39
I can freely say this because I accept the fact that I am one of the damned.
Whites want a white messiah.
Blacks want a black messiah.
Arabs want an arab messiah.
Spanish catholic want a spanish catholic messiah.
Jews want a jewish messiah( Yes, I know Jesus was Jewish)
The idea behind the entire theory is that he is an individual messiah that can relate to any given individual. You know that he looked just like YOU wanted him to. Can you prove otherwise?

Wilmington, DE
age: 50
krupa -
Albinos want a white messiah
Caucasians want a whitish messiah
Black as coal want a...
Brown want a...........
Moaca coffee brown want a....
Nestle milk chocolate brown want a...
South beach tan want a.....
Erythema solaris want a....
Jaundiced want a......
Arapahoe want a...
Inuit want a....
etc. etc. ect.
Jesus couldn't get a Koda photo, but he, at least, could have sat
for a portrait painting

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
people i got a question for you please answer this, why do you all insist on playing the race card about jesus meaning oh he is black no he isnt he is white um wrong he is arabic come on people. the bible described jesus in the bible he has hair like a lamb and brass feet his hair is white use your own minds what does that tell you.
in the mean time why keep geussing, we all will find out once we expire and go to heaven and come face to face with the savior of mankind

Seminole, FL
age: 52
Look in the mirror, he is mankind

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
jesus is god