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12/19/2007 6:54:43 AM The BIG C word  

Tunnel Hill, GA
age: 40

We all say we wont more.Freind,compainion...etc...Why is it when we find it the big word commitement can scares us off? Is it how much we have to commite? The word itself?That we loose our freedom? What?????? Maybe the answer is we really didnt want more to begin with,like we thought.HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear so many peeps complain about being lonley and yet dont want to give up certain aspects to gain not being lonley anymore.I personally have been with someone and still felt lonley with the Big C word

12/19/2007 7:07:10 AM The BIG C word  

Gloucester, MA
age: 22

I hear ya....I do want a commitment but I think right now I want to take things slow because there are alot of other priorities that I need to take care of for myself before I can fully commit to someone else. So there could be several reasons why people havent committed to someone yet....and a big one is maybe they just havent found the right one.

12/19/2007 7:09:45 AM The BIG C word  

El Reno, OK
age: 40

I'm in a very Commited relationship right now. I'm just here for the spam!

*waves* Hiya Britbaby

[Edited 12/19/2007 7:10:24 AM]

12/19/2007 7:19:54 AM The BIG C word  

Gloucester, MA
age: 22

Hey peaches!! heard you been having fun!!!!

12/19/2007 7:28:24 AM The BIG C word  

Maquoketa, IA
age: 46

I myself would like to find commitment. It is the men I meet that do not. Why get involved with someone if commitment is not a factor? After the sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's no one wants to commit themselves to anyone or anything. I long for the days when commitment was a good thing not a bad word.

12/19/2007 7:34:34 AM The BIG C word  

Tunnel Hill, GA
age: 40

Do you think the big c word is a matter of morals?Todays generation seems to have less morals or values.

12/19/2007 7:37:46 AM The BIG C word  

El Reno, OK
age: 40

I have known the guy i'm dating for over 2yrs. He didn't like the "C" word at first. We've taken things very very slowly (I heard snales go faster than I did) but, I looked and looked for someone I thought more appropriate to date and guess what?!.....Didn't find one...And thru all of this, There was my friend. Ever faithful and still luving me for me. so, I am giving it a shot. He's reconsidered and said He too wants something more long term. We never know.

12/19/2007 7:43:59 AM The BIG C word  

Clinton, IN
age: 35

I think the biggest problem is that people try to seek commitment right off the bat. When I first meet someone, I'm not going to assume they're "the One". A lot of men and women think that when they start dating someone, they need to be exclusive right away. I don't buy it. And that's not an attitude that comes from looser morals; it's an attitude that comes from being burned once too often. Now I want to take my time and learn all of someones quirks and idiosyncrasies before I say, "You're the only one I want to be with."

12/19/2007 7:46:39 AM The BIG C word  

Spotswood, NJ
age: 37

Good luck peaches. U seem like a very nice person and deserve to be happy with someone special. As far as committment issues. I think some people are scared because they might have been hurt. I personally look forward to the committment, and being happy.


12/19/2007 12:26:50 PM The BIG C word  

Jacksonville, FL
age: 57

well there is so much cynacism and so much promiscuity, that people are just afraid to comit. I have found my true love on this site and am definitely committed to her. So much we are moving in together and there is marriage in the future.

I also do a conservative radio talk show that can be heard anywhere in the country on

WWW.1460THERIVER.COM On my show we talk about relationships and problems with them. I am on m-f 12-2 eastern time. You can also call in at 904-854-1460

This is the best site by far that I have been on.

12/19/2007 6:13:42 PM The BIG C word  

Sarasota, FL
age: 55

i belive gals do not encourage guys for comintment

after two three dates they want a comintment so they can sleep with the guy
dont ask for commitment so soon, ake your time to get to know each other, and dont be in a hurry to sleep with him in less than a week

12/19/2007 6:16:41 PM The BIG C word  

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48

Good for you Peaches , I wondered where you'd been.

12/19/2007 6:17:42 PM The BIG C word  

San Clemente, CA
age: 38

hey peach nice to see you and glad to hear it

12/19/2007 6:25:15 PM The BIG C word  

Johnstown, PA
age: 54

glad to hear that peaches good luck

12/19/2007 6:26:25 PM The BIG C word  

Dallas, TX
age: 33

Congrats Peaches!

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