11/6/2009 8:51:49 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Forgive me....15 words is to hard!!!!! 
It IS harder than it seems !!! But, you can DO it !
Meet singles in your area, we're 100% free for everything! Join now!

11/7/2009 12:51:28 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

New York, NY
age: 40
running thru a field of dreams catching fireflies in a jar your love's inspiration has captured my heart my heart's softly pounding, thoughts of your touch, your whispers soundings sweet nothings n such embraced in your arms as i look in your eyes overcome with emotions of mysterious vibes silhouette of your body in a soft moon's glow as we lay absorbed by the flow awakened by sunrise burning bright red a smile ensues from his note on your bed
11/7/2009 3:30:28 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Milford, OH
age: 61
Would dying in your heart
Be any less
Than in your arms?
11/7/2009 3:34:16 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Milford, OH
age: 61
Once awoken, the senses want to play.
Once broken, the senseless run away.
11/7/2009 3:35:43 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Milford, OH
age: 61
Karma...what a wish for the hopeful.
There is no hope when all is lost.
11/7/2009 3:37:43 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Milford, OH
age: 61
I love with all my heart; it doesn't help.
The lover's stab anew.
11/7/2009 3:39:30 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Milford, OH
age: 61
Kind eyes; do you see them?
They meant well. They truly meant well.
...close softly....
11/7/2009 3:42:55 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Milford, OH
age: 61
This one shall rhyme,
Tho' why's not known.
It passes time
In hearts alone.
11/7/2009 4:47:18 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
We met on line
Thinking about
You all the time
Now we met
New begining
11/7/2009 4:50:00 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Kisses of passion
Kisses of love
Kiss me so sweetly
Show me you love me
11/7/2009 4:52:44 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Your love it
Warms me
Your touch it
Sooths me
Your smile
It completes me
11/7/2009 4:56:44 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
I felt so alone
FUll of sadness
And despare
till you came alone
....loved me
11/7/2009 5:41:58 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Kaufman, TX
age: 60
Once awoken, the senses want to play.
Once broken, the senseless run away.
Once awakened, the dream goes away...
Once spoken, words can lead to play...
Perhaps on Sunday?
11/7/2009 5:48:37 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Kaufman, TX
age: 60
Karma...what a wish for the hopeful.
There is no hope when all is lost.
I knew Karma... she was a handful...
Often wishing, "Hope our paths soon be crossed..."
perhaps this should be signed Burma Shave
11/7/2009 5:53:59 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Kaufman, TX
age: 60
Kind eyes; do you see them?
They meant well. They truly meant well.
...close softly....
Her blue eyes; you can't miss them...
A glance... that captures... when she
Smiles softly...
11/7/2009 8:08:08 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Bloomington, IL
age: 55
I don't remember dreams
But I wake up smiling,
So, I know you were there.

11/8/2009 9:31:36 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Milford, OH
age: 61
Her blue eyes; you can't miss them...
A glance... that captures... when she
Smiles softly...
How magnanimous thou,of
Hemmingway visage and style.
Hundreds of miles away
Yet connecting...intimately.
11/8/2009 10:29:46 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Laurel, MT
age: 19
Roses are red violets are blue this love shit is disgusting to me how bout you!
11/10/2009 6:05:43 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Plano, TX
age: 53
What can I do with you?
take a back seat or
No! come with me baby
11/11/2009 3:59:37 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Mayfield, KY
age: 29
Two hearts combine, They beat as one!
Love is everything. The stars moon and sun!
11/11/2009 7:35:17 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Intimate moments
Passion shared
Our bodys together
To be loved so completely
Dreams come true
11/11/2009 7:37:40 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
My broken heart
You have healeld
Showing me how
True love feels
Thankyou my love
11/11/2009 11:01:03 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
There's a shawdow that
Follows from it I can't hide leaves me afraid, confused inside
11/12/2009 7:35:13 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Mayfield, KY
age: 29
I feel your hurt, Feel you breath,
I died the day you had to leave!
[Edited 11/12/2009 7:38:30 PM PST]
11/14/2009 11:52:28 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 56
A glance,
garlanded by wafting perfume,
I am enveloped by the
possibility of you.
11/14/2009 6:04:48 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
I Feel my body tingleing
AS your breath touches
my skin pasionately
intangled together
11/16/2009 6:12:52 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Uncontrolable feelings
Irresitable emotions
Heart felt passion
Stirs within me whenever
I think of you
11/16/2009 6:16:52 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
You show me love
I've never
I give you my heart forever be mine
11/16/2009 6:36:19 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
You have empowered me blessing me with
Your sweetness
touching my life
So many ways
11/16/2009 6:39:45 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
No more lonelyness
For I have you
To walk with
To talk with
Enjoying eachother
11/16/2009 1:43:58 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 59
Your lips invite me, eyes of love that
do not see; magic in the air.
11/16/2009 8:20:02 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Bloomington, IL
age: 55
When you really
love someone,
You trust
that they will try
to never hurt you.

11/18/2009 5:40:25 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
you give in
you want to explode
feei like your floating
from head to toes
11/18/2009 5:44:24 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
true loves touch
oh what a feeling
as our bodys romance
in ultimate plesures
11/19/2009 6:50:26 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Bloomington, IL
age: 55
That special fluttery feeling
that doesn't happen often,
but when it does,
You just know...

11/19/2009 10:05:14 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Mayfield, KY
age: 29
The way that I love you
Does not judge.
Caring only,
For my true love.
11/19/2009 10:12:07 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Roff, OK
age: 56
the way I look
its no joke
just hug me tight
an kiss me goodnight
11/19/2009 10:28:45 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Mayfield, KY
age: 29
And I will love you without a doubt
Repeditively showing
What my love is about 
11/22/2009 6:33:32 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
love is the feeling
of complete forfillment
when that one person
capatures your inner soul
11/22/2009 1:02:33 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 56
there is no time
when hearts embrace
bodies entwine
it's not race
no finish line
Copyright Nov 2009 by hiker42 all rights reserved
[Edited 11/22/2009 1:05:10 PM PST]
11/22/2009 3:48:06 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Bloomington, IL
age: 55
I don't think I really believe
in love anymore...
I think people just use people.
But i dream of it.
Someone who is their own person
And just loves me ...
Wouldn't that be incredible?
11/22/2009 4:07:20 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 56
A correction as I missed the word count.
There is no time
when hearts embrace
bodies entwine
is'nt a race
no finish line
11/22/2009 4:46:15 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Lakewood, OH
age: 58
Your love filled eyes
Sweet embrace
Mingling spirits soar high in flight
True love ignites
for a knight in shining honor
11/22/2009 8:42:40 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Leicester, NC
age: 39
All Perfect Love
Is From Above
The Sight Of This
Deserves A Kisse
[Edited 11/22/2009 9:08:37 PM PST]
11/23/2009 9:08:28 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Bloomington, IL
age: 55
Look at the way
Our bodies transpose,
Variations of affection integrated into
Every move.

11/24/2009 2:46:11 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 56
sent rose
no thros
of ecstasy
she's far away
doesn't lay
anywhere next to me
copyright Nov 2009 by hiker42 all rights reserved
11/26/2009 4:00:56 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Martin, GA
age: 53
Salted drops of passion crash
like ocean waves,
across your eyes,
and down my cheeks
11/26/2009 9:48:58 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Kamloops, BC
age: 42
Do you know
I think of you
in quiet places
turns to
light ...
11/26/2009 10:01:42 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Stuarts Draft, VA
age: 57
standing on mountains...
trying to find love...
where else to look?...
not in the valley.......

11/28/2009 6:33:05 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Roff, OK
age: 56
lying here quietly
with you by my side.
i look around,
silently I cry
[Edited 11/28/2009 6:33:48 AM PST]
11/30/2009 4:06:33 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Warwick, RI
age: 40
painted sunset,
though lost in the mist
tainted, upset,
shows the cost of a kiss.
11/30/2009 6:01:45 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Bloomington, IL
age: 55
Sunsets on the shore
Take my breath
And carry me away
in the receding waves.
12/5/2009 7:53:48 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
all i can do
is sit and
think of you
is your love
truely mine
12/5/2009 7:58:15 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
i will
love you
take my hand
hold me tight
run away into the night
12/5/2009 10:04:49 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Martin, GA
age: 53
where shadows move with intimate grace like silhouettes in the night
12/6/2009 11:06:25 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Roff, OK
age: 56
the shadows hide
in loves disspare
leaves me
in darkness
ever more
12/7/2009 3:34:30 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Can love mend
My broken heart
You say were
Im left in the dark
12/7/2009 3:37:59 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Your love has touched
Me. From deep within
soul and sprit shall
Be free again
12/10/2009 3:13:02 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
A light shines through
an empty place
Calling me home
with gentle grace
12/11/2009 6:21:43 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Bloomington, IL
age: 55
I need to keep a distance,
With the right words
I can be easily swayed...
