10/17/2009 8:50:06 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Hi ! I saw this challenge (contest) on a writing site some time ago and thought it would be fun to try here. Critics get ready to vote for your favorite. Writers....start you ink pens!
Tribute to a Lost Soul
Wounded creature of wind and fury,
Blue eyes of pain,
My heart holds you forever.
10/17/2009 1:22:36 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Oklahoma City, OK
age: 37
Beauty within truly reigns supreme.
A loyal heart,an inquisitive mind, are my romantic dreams.
10/17/2009 1:50:19 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Tucson, AZ
age: 52
Forward, head held low and into the wind
Into uncharted territory ! Let our Adventure begin !
10/17/2009 2:15:07 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Charleston, SC
age: 48
roses are red vilots are blue im so very sad that i cant see you
10/17/2009 6:11:19 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Campbell, CA
age: 86
Warming me....
Your words take me
From spark to fire
Engulfing me....
One heart's desire
Good poems, I tried this out, even though I am a wordy one, lol.
10/17/2009 7:21:21 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Magna, UT
age: 67
The full moon is bright,
The sunshine brighter,
Your love makes my life even brighter..
10/17/2009 9:06:44 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Flushing, NY
age: 28
Lust defines your true affection
Obsession to posses
Vibrant tender body
Eternal in a memory
10/18/2009 8:28:31 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Wow!!! I got busy outside today and just checked in !!!
I bow to you all !! Great stuff!! 
10/18/2009 9:32:02 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Abilene, TX
age: 47
Looking into your soft eyes.
Taking you into my heart forever.
Precious love for you.
10/24/2009 7:14:54 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Plano, TX
age: 53
I can't let go
I can't let go
of winter
splinter in my heart
10/24/2009 8:41:08 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Spring, TX
age: 34
loving expressions always shared
hearts balanced simply cares
beliefs faith trust endured
future forever insured
so want to put now between the last 2 words
[Edited 10/24/2009 8:42:09 PM PST]
10/24/2009 9:28:23 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


The Plains, OH
age: 53
A heart bound
By mortal emotion
Willing prisoner
To the one I love.
10/25/2009 12:05:12 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Kamloops, BC
age: 42
Senses honed
His touch alone
Ignites the hidden places
that live between
dreams and reality
10/25/2009 12:23:20 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Tucson, AZ
age: 52
by your leave...
Senses honed
His touch alone
Ignites the hidden places
that live between
dreams and reality
She moves in delight
Soft breeze, summer night
Spirits entwined we climb
Heart's in time
10/25/2009 12:39:47 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Kamloops, BC
age: 42
nice takeoff writer ... I'm sorry I can't do the quote thing yet
Eyes gaze
Beyond this moment
And glimpse that place
Where bodies melt
And spirits live
10/25/2009 2:38:23 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


Tucson, AZ
age: 52
nice takeoff writer ... I'm sorry I can't do the quote thing yet
Eyes gaze
Beyond this moment
And glimpse that place
Where bodies melt
And spirits live
Together where eagles fly
Fingertips touching, thigh to thigh
Heart, sky-- Heavens above
PS- I simply reply by clicking Quote-- yet only in Pow Wow. Sometimes many writers collaborate in plutonic orgy and sometimes QUOTE in continuity without possession. Plutonic Orgy LOL. IAROTFALOL. That reads like Military Intelligence and we all KNOW that's an Oxymoron. Hey ! What's an Oxymoron ? I know ! It's that stuff you add to laundry detergent in order to make your WHITES bright !
[Edited 10/25/2009 2:40:00 AM PST]
10/26/2009 1:18:24 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Spring, TX
age: 34
wings beating to rise above
the only thing we need is love
alway's is enough
10/26/2009 2:38:09 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Roff, OK
age: 56
Love is like the morning dew,
for awhile it drenches you.
with warmth it renews,.
[Edited 10/26/2009 2:39:35 PM PST]
10/26/2009 4:23:46 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
age: 45
Painfully torturous within this love.
Heart expands to beyond the realms
of imagination,
.... without condition.
[Edited 10/26/2009 4:23:59 PM PST]
10/26/2009 7:59:01 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
In my memory
She's always there
Soft skin against me
Making me feel
Such desire  
[Edited 10/26/2009 8:13:12 PM PST]
10/26/2009 8:25:20 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
Your eyes
Such loving eyes
Look into my soul
And know just what I want  
10/26/2009 8:30:08 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
  Your love waits
For me alone
I am eager
For the pleasures
Your love bestows
[Edited 10/26/2009 8:30:43 PM PST]
10/27/2009 3:51:49 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Wow!! I am really impressed with the talent on here! I've been in creative writing classes where this was more challenge than most could handle. Hope you're having fun....I sure am enjoying your poetry!!
10/27/2009 3:56:55 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Tulsa, OK
age: 30
A gentle caress
a loving bite
what is this
a woman of such lovley sight
10/27/2009 4:05:13 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Tulsa, OK
age: 30
few wemon
I will find
but with you
I have peace of mind
10/27/2009 4:11:06 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Tulsa, OK
age: 30
nicotine you are to me
the lover I do dream
ahhhh I sceam
this insanity
10/27/2009 8:25:05 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Roff, OK
age: 56
died in your arms
ahh such sweet charms.
loves blossums,
blissful, awesome
in loves arms

10/27/2009 8:33:02 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Evanston, WY
age: 29
eyes on the prize so full of lies i hate you devil woman and hopes that you dies lol. 
10/27/2009 10:21:47 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
Annie my love
With you I'd be free
From my prison of
Deep dark loneliness
10/27/2009 10:25:16 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
Darkness closes over us
The will to escape
Passes with each and every
Loving touch
10/27/2009 10:37:46 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
Like an eagle
Her love sends me soaring
Higher than anything else
I've ever known
10/27/2009 11:33:44 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Ahhh....so nice!!!  
10/28/2009 8:17:57 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
my love
Your eyes they sparkel,with a smile that warms me from within. You complete me.
10/28/2009 8:21:49 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
I found you at last, faded memorys from the past,together we become one forever
10/28/2009 8:38:40 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Baby your amazeing, I've never known love like this. Thank you sweethert for loving me.
10/28/2009 8:39:56 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Bronx, NY
age: 19
The strongest emotion
Bonds of trust
Passion of lust
Vibrant movement in
Oceans of love....
Tell me what you think? I ususally don't write poems this short
10/28/2009 8:53:06 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Winter,spring, summer, fall togethere we shall see it all, as our love blossoms together.
10/28/2009 8:55:13 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Very touching I like it sweet
10/28/2009 9:05:53 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Moments of lust emotional trust, passion we share indulging each other forever embraceing sweet love
10/28/2009 10:02:18 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
The sweetness of true loves kiss the tenderness of your touch I will forever miss
10/28/2009 10:27:32 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
In such playful ways you make me feel the love we share is for real
10/28/2009 10:29:17 AM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
The beauty of the world is ours to share hold me close have no fears
10/28/2009 2:11:06 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Kamloops, BC
age: 42
in my eyes
and I'll dance
in yours
forehead to forehead
each breath
10/28/2009 2:44:13 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Spring, TX
age: 34
surrendered to the moment
laughing at the size
love is everywhere
captured in your eyes
10/28/2009 4:09:41 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Plano, TX
age: 53
If not immensely uncertain
is all this talk of love's-pull & push
though it be lovely
in all it's colors,
it's storms, it's remarkable sea-like shuffle
I won't attempt to dissuade you from this
but listen:
committment is the rock
the rest sand
10/28/2009 6:03:35 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Is it passion
Or is it lust
With my heart
Can I trust
In you
10/28/2009 6:07:30 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |


age: 48
Forever seeking
never within sight
Does it always have to be a fight?!
Heart yearns!
10/28/2009 6:09:44 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
My body tingles
With your touch
So soft, so sweet
Embrace me forever
My love
10/28/2009 6:37:03 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
As endless as the deep blue sea our love will forever be embrassing every memory
10/28/2009 7:09:16 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Fall River, MA
age: 39
Our bodys
Closely exploring,
Loves truest beauity,
Passionatly together
Enjoying our bodys
Ultimate pleasure.
10/28/2009 7:27:39 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
artgurl's so cute
But gave me the boot
So I guess I'll scoot
On away----------------------
[Edited 10/28/2009 7:29:09 PM PST]
10/28/2009 7:39:24 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Artgurl rocks at this !! I love the last one "swim in my eyes" the best !
10/28/2009 7:46:33 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
A yellow hued rose
A candle that glows
Sets the mood
For our night alone  
10/28/2009 7:50:42 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Gotta make that rose red for passion, Micmo! 
10/28/2009 8:06:13 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Spring, TX
age: 34
broken dreams pursuaded
true love never faded
illusions seem so real
blinds tend to conceal
10/28/2009 8:10:05 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Ah...Thunder, that's sad ! But, so true !
10/28/2009 8:13:37 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
here's one just for you Annie:
When twilight comes
Our heartbeats synchronize
And passion becomes
Our only goal for the night------  
10/28/2009 8:22:02 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
Her eyes are diamonds
Set to bedazzle
One look into them
And escape isn't possible----------  
10/28/2009 8:33:39 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |
Grand Bay, AL
age: 45
Could I kiss
Those lips and know
That this love's true
Or just passionate
[Edited 10/28/2009 8:35:05 PM PST]
10/28/2009 8:33:43 PM |
Challenge: Write a Love Poem in 15 words.. |

Summerville, SC
age: 48
Oh...the last one!! I want the last one to be for me !!! 
The one about the diamonds!
[Edited 10/28/2009 8:34:48 PM PST]