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10/21/2009 5:32:02 PM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
Glen Beck brought up a good point today on his show.Glen says that the whitehouse's attack on Fox News is just a diversion and we should all keep an eye out for the games that obama,the crooked senate and house are conjouring up behind our backs.Glen brings up another good point in that,anyone that attacks a news media "espicaly Fox",is stupid and there is no way they could win. So beware my friends.
Semper Fi !!!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/21/2009 5:35:54 PM |
Diversion is the name of the game |
Bloomsbury, NJ
70, joined Oct. 2008
agreed...they are slowly digging their own graves....good ridence!!!!
10/21/2009 8:14:51 PM |
Diversion is the name of the game |

Mackinaw, IL
62, joined Sep. 2009
Wish they would dig faster....I can hardly wait to cover them up.
10/25/2009 2:28:42 PM |
Diversion is the name of the game |
Kalispell, MT
30, joined Aug. 2009
Glen Beck brought up a good point today on his show.Glen says that the whitehouse's attack on Fox News is just a diversion and we should all keep an eye out for the games that obama,the crooked senate and house are conjouring up behind our backs.Glen brings up another good point in that,anyone that attacks a news media "espicaly Fox",is stupid and there is no way they could win.  So beware my friends.
Semper Fi !!!
Isn't this what distroyed Nixon? I can't see anyway anything good could come out of Obama playing the school yard bully with the news companys.
10/25/2009 4:34:08 PM |
Diversion is the name of the game |
Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
Plateman: GREED and being hungry for unlimited power is what destroyed Nixon...
But little Barry thinks he's God, and that moves him one more degree of evil from Nixon. At least Nixon wasn't a TOTAL narcissist...Barry IS!
10/27/2009 1:42:14 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Prescott, AZ
37, joined Mar. 2009
They think we believe in magic. If they keep us in aw of their stupidity maybe we won't notice the bull$hit they keep feeding us. They must really think we are mushrooms keep us in the dark with closed door meetings and feed us manure on the t.v. and in all the bills they try to pass "for our own good" like we don't know what we need. Most of them have never had a real job in their entire lives and have been in congress so long they don't know what it is like in the real world. kick them all out on their fuzzy asses.
10/27/2009 10:14:01 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |
Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
Talk about diversion, get a load of this piece of propaganda: (my own comments are in parenthesis)...then I have some brief comments below the article...
SEC and Homeland Security need Web backup, GAO says
Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:53pm EDT
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Securities exchanges have a sound network back-up if a severe pandemic keeps people home and clogging the Internet, but the Homeland Security Department has done little planning, Congressional investigators said on Monday.
The department does not even have a plan to start work on the issue, the General Accountability Office said.
But the Homeland Security Department accused the GAO of having unrealistic expectations of how the Internet could be managed if millions began to telework from home at the same time as bored or sick schoolchildren were playing online, sucking up valuable bandwidth.
Experts have for years pointed to the potential problem of Internet access during a severe pandemic, which would be a unique kind of emergency. It would be global, affecting many areas at once, and would last for weeks or months, unlike a disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake.
H1N1 swine flu has been declared a pandemic but is considered a moderate one. Health experts say a worse one -- or a worsening of this one -- could result in 40 percent absentee rates at work and school at any given time and closed offices, transportation links and other gathering places.
Many companies and government offices hope to keep operations going as much as possible with teleworking using the Internet. Among the many problems posed by this idea, however, is the issue of bandwidth -- especially the "last mile" between a user's home and central cable systems.
"Such network congestion could prevent staff from broker-dealers and other securities market participants from teleworking during a pandemic," reads the GAO report, available here "The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for ensuring that critical telecommunications infrastructure is protected." (OH, REALLY?)
Private Internet providers might need government authorization to block popular websites, it said, or to reduce residential transmission speeds to make way for commerce. (Isn’t this cherry picking?)
The Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security, a group of private-sector firms and financial trade associations, has been working to ensure that trading could continue if big exchanges had to close because of the risk of disease transmission. (Remember, create fear and chaos and then slide in with the solution…and they think we are STUPID!)
"Because the key securities exchanges and clearing organizations generally use proprietary networks that bypass the public Internet, their ability to execute and process trades should not be affected by any congestion," the GAO report reads.
However, not all had good plans for critical activities if many of their employees were ill, the report reads.
Homeland Security had done even less, it said. "DHS has not developed a strategy to address potential Internet congestion," the report said.
It had also not even checked into whether the public or even other federal agencies would cooperate, GAO said. (I can tell you that this private PUBLIC citizen will never cooperate with the loss of free speech! Because that is EXACTLY what this will be!!!)
"The report gives the impression that there is potentially a single solution to Internet congestion that DHS could achieve if it were to develop an appropriate strategy," DHS's Jerald Levine retorted in a letter to the GAO.
"An expectation of unlimited Internet access during a pandemic is not realistic," he added. (Excuse me while I go throw up my breakfast) (end of article).....
This is how the planners and proponents of the One World Government manipulate people’s thoughts, behaviors and fears.
Remember the acronym for FEAR: FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL! F-e-a-r!
Additionally, it is a very old trick the basics of which was dreamed up by Marx, then refined and promoted in the Cloward-Piven Strategy: Create the conditions you need to advance your agenda. Create chaos and then offer the solution to the problem…except it was THEIR manufactured chaos that started the problem. Let me quote:
“”Cloward-Piven is a strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis.
The strategy was first proposed in 1966 by Columbia University political scientists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven as a plan to bankrupt the welfare system and produce radical change. Sometimes known as the "crisis strategy" or the the "flood-the-rolls, bankrupt-the-cities strategy," the Cloward-Piven approach called for swamping the welfare rolls with new applicants - more than the system could bear. It was hoped that the resulting economic collapse would lead to political turmoil and ultimately socialism.
The National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), founded by African-American militant George Alvin Wiley, put the Cloward-Piven strategy to work in the streets. Its activities led directly to the welfare crisis that bankrupted New York City in 1975.
Veterans of NWRO went on to found the Living Wage Movement and the Voting Rights Movement, both of which rely on the Cloward-Piven strategy and both of which are spear-headed by the radical cult ACORN.
Both the Living Wage and Voting Rights movements depend heavily on financial support from George Soros's Open Society Institute. “”
Would anyone like to debate NOW who is actually running the White House and thus, the nation of America?
[Edited 10/27/2009 10:14:44 AM ]
11/5/2009 4:40:21 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |

Minneapolis, MN
59, joined Aug. 2008
Posted for Mike (Tileman) 
11/5/2009 7:53:41 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
Thanks Deb,I hope everyone will watch and listen very carefuly to this video.Our whole way of life is at stake here.
Semper Fi !!!
11/5/2009 10:19:15 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |
Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
OMG! I am SOOOOOO glad someone posted this! I don't know how or I would have. Thanks Deb for a great job, extremely well done!
We need to get this video into every single hand we can think of and then have those we forward it to, to get it into as many hands as THEY can think of and keep this going until it infects each and every AMERICAN HEART so that we can stop this insanity!
Major Cudos to Deb! 
11/6/2009 12:42:48 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Prescott, AZ
37, joined Mar. 2009
somebody should post that video on the current events page and watch the liberals go nuckig futs. 
11/6/2009 8:36:48 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
somebody should post that video on the current events page and watch the liberals go nuckig futs.  
I hope to hell that someone does post it over in C&P.The idiot liberals over there are always up for a fight.It's to bad they are always unarmed.
Semper Fi !!!
11/6/2009 8:46:14 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Simms, MT
63, joined Mar. 2008
a friend sent me this article ....
figured you all may want to read it ....
as if the rest of us didn't figure this out when it first hit main stream media ....
obama file
Firing Squad
The excuses for this jihadi are already coming from the sympathetic left.
Then, there's the Obama-Left:
"Behavior of this sort is a regular occurrence in the US Armed Forces.
However killing themselves, although it happens from time to time, is
unusual. It is normally friendly troops, villages of indigenous peoples or
schools, and wedding parties!
All over the Net sympathetic words provide a rationale for the murderer --
it was the wartime horror stories he heard from his patients that set him
off -- someone keyed "Allah" into his car (not this bogus trick again?) --
because of his ethnicity -- because someone called him a "camel jockey."
Everything but poor potty training.
All this stuff comes from a phone call from an alleged cousin, and none of
it is a defense for his atrocities.
According to his aunt, Noel Hasan of Falls Church, Va, Hasan was a devout
Muslim who prayed every day at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring,
Md. Hasan "did not make many friends" and "did not make friends fast," his
aunt said. "He had no girlfriend and was not married. He steered clear of
female colleagues."
Faizul Khan, the former imam at the center said, "He came to mosque one or
two times to see if there were any suitable girls to marry." Khan said. "I
don't think he ever had a match, because he had too many conditions. He
wanted a girl who was very religious, prays five times a day.
Ironically, Hasan was brought down by a female police officer. She was
wounded by Hasan in an exchange of gunfire, but she got the bastard -- go
On the other hand, Col. Terry Lee (ret) who worked with Hasan quoted Hasan
as saying, "Muslims should stand up against the aggressor," and also said
Hasan often verbalized his opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lee told Fox News that Hasan, "was hoping that President Obama would pull
troops out. ... When things weren't going that way, he became more agitated,
more frustrated with the conflicts over there ... he made his views well
known about how he felt about the U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan."
This guy has a history. The AP is reporting that federal law enforcement
officials say Hasan had come to their attention at least six months ago
because of Internet postings he made. These postings related to suicide
bombings and other threats. The Feds say an official investigation was not
Hasan was listed as a participant in a Homeland Security Policy Institute's
presidential transition task force last year. He participated in disaster
preparation -- he knew the drill. Here, he's listed on a page with the
ironic title, "Thinking Anew -- Security Priorities For The Next
Administration" -- I have a security priority -- keep Muslims out of the
military. There's plenty of Arab-speaking Christians in the country that
can serve as translators. This episode is unsettling for a number of
reasons, but most of all because it exposes the fact that plotocal
correctness has forced military commanders to ignore the presence of
radical, anti-American Muslims in the ranks.
Hasan was a psychiatrist. The United States Army provided him that
education. He gladly took that education, but when it came time for him to
do his duty he murdered 13 human beings and wounded 30 more.
This was premeditated, up-close murder. He took the time to load several
magazines. The weapons he used accommodated 13 rounds -- he had two of
them. He would have to reload. He took the time to put on his uniform.
He took the time to drive, with his personal weapons to Ft. Hood. He had
time to make a U-turn. He murdered those poor souls up close, and personal,
inside buildings where they had nowhere to go. Soldiers who witnessed the
shooting rampage at Fort Hood that left 13 people dead reported that the
gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar!" -- Arabic for "God is great!" -- before
opening fire, the base commander said Friday. One of the soldiers, who was
shot, said he was laying on the floor for cover, when Hasan shot him from 5
feet away.
This is treason. It was a slaughter. It was jihad, plain and simple.
Right now Hasan is on a ventilator in a local civilian hospital under
military and civilian guard. I sure hope they are withholding any and all
pain medication.
The only logical and reasonable end to this horrible incident is to put this
son-of-a-b*tch up against the wall, and give him what he gave.
But you watch all the apologists from the Left -- they'll plead for mercy --
and for any BS reason that they invent out of whole cloth.
And the military-loathing Obama will said, "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah . .
Permalink . . . Opinion
11/7/2009 11:13:18 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |
Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
Dove quoted: "" It was jihad, plain and simple. ""
You better believe it!
There are 2 'nations' in this world according to Islam; The 'nation' of Dar Al-Islam and the nation of Dar Al-Harb (unbelief). That's it. Only 2.
The Qur'an demands that Muslims adhere to jihad wherever unbelievers are. Wahabbism teaches violent jihad.
Anyone who does not worship their phony 'god', Allah, is an unbeliever.
Doesn't that tell you something?
11/7/2009 12:47:09 PM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
somebody should post that video on the current events page and watch the liberals go nuckig futs.  
Those idiots over in CE & P are way beyond nucking futs. They are suffering from terminal stupidity. It's time we take them all ice fishing in the Gulf of Mexico!
11/7/2009 9:06:52 PM |
Diversion is the name of the game |
Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
(I swear, Bill...you are on a roll today!) LAUGHED MY A** OFF!!!!!      
11/9/2009 7:33:14 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Treaty might not be signed until late in 2010. Let's hope so!
By Suzanne Goldenberg and John Vidal
The US has given up hope of reaching a global climate change treaty at Copenhagen and is working towards a deal late next year, the Obama administration said today. The decision ends hopes of a legally binding deal being sealed next month.
“We have to be honest in the process and deal with the realities that we don’t have time in these four weeks to put the language together and flesh out every crossed t and dotted i of a treaty,” said John Kerry, who chairs the Senate foreign relations committee.
Todd Stern, the state department climate change envoy, agreed. “It doesn’t look like it’s on the cards for December,” he said. “We should make progress towards a political agreement that hits each of the main elements.”
The scaling back of US ambitions follows a growing international consensus that a binding legal agreement on global warming could not be reached at Copenhagen – now just 32 days away. The US shift resets expectations for what will be accomplished at Copenhagen, once billed by the UN as a last chance to avoid catastrophic global warming.
Read the rest of this story at the Guardian.
Editor’s note: The treaty isn’t dead yet, and despite this story, it, or domestic cap and trade laws could still be just around the corner. Remain vigilant. This story (and ones like it) could even be a smokescreen to throw people off guard.
obama-200By Marita Noon
This year, amidst reports of cooling temperature, the climate change debate had apparently cooled as well. Then the Waxman/Markey Bill, pushing cap and trade as the solution for global warming, was introduced. Now, with President Obama addressing the UN and calling for extreme measures to prevent catastrophic consequences, suddenly it’s front page news again.
I predict climate change will be Obama’s Iraq
Obama’s advisors are telling him that climate change legislation is imperative. They believe there is consensus. But the temperatures have stabilized and dropped-—despite increased CO2 emissions. Even the NYT admits that the declining temperatures will make legislation a hard sell to the public. But Obama is not backing down. He is willing to kill off the American economy based on bad advice. The people do not want it now and they will hate it later. We’ll spend billions of borrowed dollars for minimal results. He is focused on overthrowing hydrocarbons, but renewable energy is many years away from being ready to take over—-leaving us floundering between the light and freezing in the dark. The folly of climate change legislation will define his presidency and turn citizens against him.
11/9/2009 8:59:54 AM |
Diversion is the name of the game |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
Treaty might not be signed until late in 2010. Let's hope so!
By Suzanne Goldenberg and John Vidal
The US has given up hope of reaching a global climate change treaty at Copenhagen and is working towards a deal late next year, the Obama administration said today. The decision ends hopes of a legally binding deal being sealed next month.
“We have to be honest in the process and deal with the realities that we don’t have time in these four weeks to put the language together and flesh out every crossed t and dotted i of a treaty,” said John Kerry, who chairs the Senate foreign relations committee.
Todd Stern, the state department climate change envoy, agreed. “It doesn’t look like it’s on the cards for December,” he said. “We should make progress towards a political agreement that hits each of the main elements.”
The scaling back of US ambitions follows a growing international consensus that a binding legal agreement on global warming could not be reached at Copenhagen – now just 32 days away. The US shift resets expectations for what will be accomplished at Copenhagen, once billed by the UN as a last chance to avoid catastrophic global warming.
Read the rest of this story at the Guardian.
Editor’s note: The treaty isn’t dead yet, and despite this story, it, or domestic cap and trade laws could still be just around the corner. Remain vigilant. This story (and ones like it) could even be a smokescreen to throw people off guard.
obama-200By Marita Noon
This year, amidst reports of cooling temperature, the climate change debate had apparently cooled as well. Then the Waxman/Markey Bill, pushing cap and trade as the solution for global warming, was introduced. Now, with President Obama addressing the UN and calling for extreme measures to prevent catastrophic consequences, suddenly it’s front page news again.
I predict climate change will be Obama’s Iraq
Obama’s advisors are telling him that climate change legislation is imperative. They believe there is consensus. But the temperatures have stabilized and dropped-—despite increased CO2 emissions. Even the NYT admits that the declining temperatures will make legislation a hard sell to the public. But Obama is not backing down. He is willing to kill off the American economy based on bad advice. The people do not want it now and they will hate it later. We’ll spend billions of borrowed dollars for minimal results. He is focused on overthrowing hydrocarbons, but renewable energy is many years away from being ready to take over—-leaving us floundering between the light and freezing in the dark. The folly of climate change legislation will define his presidency and turn citizens against him.
It's my hopes that this treaty is never signed.
obama is listning to his climate advisors,why the hell is he not listiniong to his military commanders in Afganistan?
Oh yeah! Hey hoot al gore,did you hear that the Gulf of Mexicos waters are 5 degrees below normal?,"you stupid son of a b*tch"
Semper Fi !!!
11/10/2009 11:29:58 PM |
Diversion is the name of the game |
Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
""Obama’s advisors are telling him that climate change legislation is imperative.""
ADVISORS?... or DIRECTORS? (handlers)
soetoro, alias Obama, can't string a 10 word sentence without his script or teleprompter.
He does as he is told to do by the Board of Directors of the New World Order.
Anyone seen Kissinger lately?
Climate change is the issue to push cap and trade thru. Don't think they will drop it just like that. They have retreated into the back room to iron out the details...just like that plasticized alien, the Speaker of the House, did when she handed every last Rep in the House an IOU or a get out of jail free card....Monopoly money reigns supreme in the Capitol!