5/11/2007 7:23:44 PM |
Conversations With God |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
oops my mistake but the ones i read are published by tyndale publications the new living translations sorry if i offended
5/11/2007 7:37:52 PM |
Conversations With God |

Reno, NV
age: 53
Misunderstanings are not taken as offencive just an oppertunity to clarify. I remember a week or so ago the some guy was being rude calling me a heifer and Queen thought he was saying it to her. ROTFLMAO evry time I read it.
Here is a link to the vidio of Conversations with God.
It is mainly the story of the authors life. It is Christian, it is about God trying to tell us things im many ways. The Author writes like I pray. Hello God, This is Bob and I need to talk with you about today before i start it. The book refers to the old and new testiments often once saying Quote from God, "I said it in the bible and you did not listen what do you want me to do Write it in the sky? and yet I have done that also and still my children ignore me." These books have deepened my relationship with God and strengthened my Walk with Jesus. It is not always complimentary of the church organization but always Christian.
5/11/2007 7:52:06 PM |
Conversations With God |

Reno, NV
age: 53
I agree that God speaks to us in many ways hoping we will listen and save ourselves a few mistakes but he gave us our free will choice and sometimes I know he is sitting up there shaking his head saying Oh no not agian, Just like my Grandfather used to do when he knew I was making a bad choice. He would stay close in case I needed help but he let me take the bumps and bruises for my poor choices. The Audio is narrated by Ed Asner and Ellen Burnstyn as the voices of God. Yes, male and female representations of God. The conversation is like one you would have if Gods answers to your questions were heard with your ears not just your heart.
I hope warthog is able to share some of the text with us here.
Queen I hope this gives you an idea of the wonderful things in the books. I want to add that I believe the Bible is the standard by which I hold everything else up to and kind of sift it through. If it matches up with my belief of a loving creator I have come to know in the Bible and I call God then I take it into my life.
Love and light
5/11/2007 9:41:06 PM |
Conversations With God |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
As I was saying Jon I am on a search these things are just the impressions that I got when I was alone, for long periods of time, and in the woods living by myself. I don't know anything just feelings, impressions and a few visions or delusions or whatever it was. All I know is there was a peace that came over me in a confusion brought on by dissatisfaction with organized religion.
I apologize to Hollywood as I thought this was something different than it was. I am the one that misunderstood.
5/11/2007 9:55:39 PM |
Conversations With God |

Reno, NV
age: 53
No misunderstanding on your part. I think we have much in common. I can turn away from the church but not God. In this country we tend to believe that islam is bad and yet Mohamad commanded every person to read the new testimate ( they call it the ANGEAL) poor spelling. I am a Jesus freak and shun the religion founded in his name. We have much to talk about.
5/15/2007 7:13:48 PM |
Conversations With God |

Denver, CO
age: 51
Hi Jondalar, I'll work on the text thing. I'm not real sharp with some of this techie stuff, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the suggestion, it's a good one.
5/15/2007 7:19:57 PM |
Conversations With God |

Denver, CO
age: 51
Miss QOH, you are not alone in your thoughts. Like you I have had some of my closest moments with God out in the woods or on the beach, anywhere out in nature. I agree with your thoughts on our purpose being to make our own choices and live our lives happy and loving. Thanks for joining the discussion.
6/14/2007 5:14:49 PM |
Conversations With God |

Hollywood, FL
age: 39
HAHA Hilly,I spoke to GOD and that is between me and him,no one else.
6/14/2007 5:16:41 PM |
Conversations With God |

Hollywood, FL
age: 39
On the topic,I did not read the book,sorry
6/21/2007 9:54:36 PM |
Conversations With God |

Bloomfield, KY
age: 51
Greetings my brothers and sisters. Please allow me the chance to comment. I did not read the specific books. However, I did have a conversation with god and he told me this: "If a man tells you he has spoken to god, ask him what was said, and if he says 'love and forgiveness' know that he speaks the truth, if he says 'defend and preserve' know that he speaks of what he has put before god.
6/21/2007 9:56:40 PM |
Conversations With God |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
u can have conversations with god it is called prayer
6/22/2007 4:38:14 AM |
Conversations With God |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Conversations go both ways other than thru other humans what conversations has god had with you. And when you answer remember the hands of men wrote the bible.
Thank you Warthog I do love discussion that are not hateful or people saying I know it all I am the next Jim Jones or David Koresh follow me. I do respect people who say I am on a search for the truth and I will hear what you have to say.
I have been involved with most of the christian religions and jehovahs witnesses all my life and have found myself wanting. They have not filled my spititual needs.
[Edited 6/22/2007 4:57:18 AM]
8/4/2007 10:20:08 AM |
Conversations With God |

Bartlett, IL
age: 42
it's all over now
baby blue?
baby blue...............