12/23/2007 6:23:46 AM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

Glen Lyon, PA
age: 33
I just bought this game and imho It's one of the best games I've played in a very long time. Since Gears of War and Ninja Gaiden. Anyone else have thoughts on this game??
12/23/2007 9:59:49 PM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
I used ta play the original COD. I was on dialup (still am)The rest of em wud say my Ping was too high. whutever that was? Didnt stop me from pingin em when I got em in my sights, tho. lol
I didnt even know they had COD 4?
12/30/2007 3:14:39 AM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

Piscataway, NJ
age: 28
I haven't played it for the 360, but I have cod4 for the DS. It's a very fun game. Especially the multiplayer. Me and my 3 friends play it a lot on multiplayer and have a blast. xD The only disappointed aspect about it is that there is no online wi-fi for cod4 for the DS. Other than that, the game kicks ass.
1/7/2008 9:15:40 PM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

Renton, WA
age: 38
I have it for PC, and it's absolutely amazing. Everybit as good as the previous titles bearing the CoD name. I love the scenario where you are the gunner on the AC130 Gunship. That's friggin awesome!
1/11/2008 11:09:05 AM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

Estes Park, CO
age: 46
I just got if for xmas and love it though am not too far yet. Have been a warfare gamer for years its going to be one of my favs.
1/14/2008 4:42:12 PM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

Statesville, NC
age: 27
haven't played it yet getting it tomarrow though love call of duty seriers LONG LIVE THE LIVING GODS clan Liferator [LG]
1/20/2008 9:11:48 PM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

age: 34
Infinty ward has really pulled out the stops on this game, and has really given all other software houses a tight kick up the ass.This game is amazing from start to finish. Even after the credits roll there is another little titbit of shooting action to keep you happy. Take my advice, shoot the abductor in the legs between the hostages legs, it is much easier to do that then to go for the clean head shot although the head shot is possible cos i have done it.
The stealth/sniping mission is just surreal. I cleared the entire game in one night, but Oh boy! what a great night.
To sum up call of duty 4 modern warfare, i will use this little guy 
All gamers, miss this at your peril!!!
1/27/2008 3:49:07 AM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

Irvine, CA
age: 28
The best shooting game I ever played... Looking for friends to play with...
1/28/2008 2:09:54 PM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

age: 34
@ inyamind, I am currently offline at the moment but should be online in about 8 weeks. Feel free to mail me your gamer-tag id and i hope to hit you in about two months. Great game. I love all fps and all games. I am from Ireland by the way!!!
2/7/2008 10:43:26 AM |
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare on Xbox 360 |

Milton, FL
age: 18
i'm on the leaderboards in that game, it's really fun! i play at LEAST 70hrs. a week... unless i have skewl...