12/23/2007 5:03:18 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
ok, here goes do you recall a 3 line poem that has a 5-7-5 syllable rhythme to it----i will give you my version of a haiku i wrote once--try your own this may keep our brains from getting bored--contribute one folks
here's mine:
My New York Yankees (5)
are the best money can buy (7)
Believe that everyone (5)
ok but it does follow a 5- 7 -5 syllable rhythme--have fun writing one for everyone too see--Happy Holidays to all--no one will be graded because school's out for Christmas and New Years...
12/23/2007 5:14:24 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
Mushy one?
Was the start of time
I knew your love was just mine
Now alone at end time.
Ha........did it.
12/23/2007 5:37:13 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Martinsville, VA
age: 57
For you Sorprano! 
Sorprano likes to joke,
His tales are hilarious too,
Applause he deserves.
(a flower will have to do. No smiley with hands clapping.)

12/23/2007 5:42:08 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Martinsville, VA
age: 57
I am on a roll. 
Sugahsouth has heart
Caring for us is an art
Thank you from our hearts

[Edited 12/23/2007 5:49:31 PM]
12/23/2007 6:23:57 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
not bad, right--pass the time//
as time goes quickly
it seems everyone is shopping
right up to midnight
12/23/2007 8:06:40 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
Lib is such a gem
Friends such as she are so rare
No wonder I care ty Lib
12/23/2007 8:15:24 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
Soprano da man
Italian Stallion supreme
Is every woman's dream
broken down as such.....tell me if I'm right
So pran o da man
I tal ian stal lion su preme
is every wo man's dream
Regardless......you go stallion  
12/23/2007 8:20:31 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Jolly Santa Claus
Good or Bad, He's on his way
CHAOS! What a day!
12/23/2007 10:02:58 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
suga makes me blush
is it Christmas time again
hope all a great day
12/23/2007 10:06:30 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
Hehehe....wondered when you would see that. hugs....Merry Christmas.
12/23/2007 10:29:35 PM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Martinsville, VA
age: 57
Online I am liz
My two cents replies-priceless
Research is my biz

[Edited 12/23/2007 10:38:16 PM]
12/24/2007 6:28:43 AM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
Haiko Supermarket has been soft launched in June 2000 with its first outlet at Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai.
Did you mean Haiku?
I am sorry I can't resist this and please don't take it wrong. If you do I apologize in advance.
First you look it up
Then spell it right the first time
happiness will be thine
Merry Christmas --=Oletafive=--
edit: I need to explain--I am a notoriously bad speller. When first attended English 101(only after taking English 96--Bonehead English) Sometimes referred to as English for dummies, my very patient teacher said to me. "Raymond there is no shame in being a bad speller, the shame comes from not using the dictionary." (Now I am the husband of the spell checker on my windows explorer toolbar). If I have a lot to write I write it first in MS Word then check everything before I copy and paste it into the DH Post. Hope I have helped lots of people who have spelling troubles. Happy New Year too.
[Edited 12/24/2007 6:45:03 AM]
12/24/2007 6:53:02 AM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
haiku, spelled wrong
holy schitt me stupid fool
Christmas is tonight
12/24/2007 7:02:24 AM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
I hope this helps.
Haiku listen is a kind of Japanese poetry. It was given this name the late 17th century by Masaoka Shiki by a combination of the older hokku and the haikai (or verses) in haikai no renga. Haiku, when known as hokku were the opening verses of a linked verse form, haikai no renga. The traditional haiku consisted of a pattern of 5, 7, 5 on. The Japanese word on, meaning ‘sound’, corresponds to a mora, a phonetic unit similar but not identical to the syllable of languages such as English. The words onji (sound symbol) was used incorrectly for a long time and moji is also sometimes used. A haiku may contain a special season word (the kigo) representative of the season in which the renga is set, or a reference to the natural world.
Haiku usually combine three different lines, with a distinct grammatical break, called kireji, usually placed at the end of either the first five or second seven sound units. These two parts of a haiku are called the ‘phrase and the fragment’. In Japanese, there are actual kireji words. In English, kireji is often replaced with commas, hyphens, elipses, or implied breaks in the haiku. These elements of the older haiku are considered by many to be essential to haiku as well, although they are not always included by modern writers of Japanese ‘free-form haiku’ and of non-Japanese haiku. Japanese haiku are typically written as a single line, while English language haiku are traditionally separated into three lines.
‘In Japanese, nouns do not have different singular and plural forms, so ‘haiku’ is usually used as both a singular and plural noun in English as well.
12/24/2007 7:13:31 AM |
anyone, recall what a Haiko is??? |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
Old guy wants a friend--
Snow falls at my feet-
I am cold standing alone
Share your fire with me!
It expresses the season which is now, winter. But winter is also a time in life, old age. Standing alone says there is no one else (a woman in my case) in my life. And obviously, Share your fire with me is a plea/request/invitation for a woman who is also in old age, alone and cold (lonely) to enter my life with her own and together we will rock each other. Now you are the expert so get writing. --=Oletafive=--