11/11/2009 1:46:09 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
11/11/2009 3:03:41 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Wayne, NJ
age: 57
Shari i couldn't take it any longer seeing no one post to it so I'll break the ice 2 hrs later but not in any order follows...
I'm momma approved and she says I’m a good catch and that help to burst my bubble. 
I am qualified to chase the opposite sex and have papers to back that up, I weigh over 200 lbs, well somewhat well over 
I’m as attractive as any guy, own a queen sized bed and dream a lot. 
Have the name sorp here. Enough said Can't be duplicated (thank goodness )
I sing but always make sure I wear ear plugs while taking showers 
I can lift heavy objects as long as someone helps me with anything over 50 lbs 
Known to cook well or have someone share the kitchen with me 
Did I tell you I can dance but what good is it without a partner or one that wants to learn???  
I do clean but hate doing floors and windows. 
OK who's next 
11/11/2009 3:19:33 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Ellicott City, MD
age: 53
I've said this before and don't want it to sound as though I'm bragging, but ....
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue. 
11/11/2009 3:21:37 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Roanoke, VA
age: 58
As the Beatles once said, "I Believe In Luv"..........
11/11/2009 3:32:38 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
Well I am back and I did say I would tell since no one is brave enough lol
I am happy sincere loving and love taking care of my man..Good cook, love to try new things. Not set in my ways and open to new ideals. Have a good job and will travel anywhere..Not ugly and have 95% of my teeth lol..Even thought I have not been through the change, I have been fixed lol.
11/11/2009 3:34:49 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Roanoke, VA
age: 58
I believe I have changed from young and handsome to old and ugly, but I still mean well.
11/11/2009 3:36:08 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 52
I've said this before and don't want it to sound as though I'm bragging, but ....
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue. 
Could you elaborate on that a little more?

[Edited 11/11/2009 3:36:24 PM PST]
11/11/2009 4:41:28 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Crestview, FL
age: 61
Gee Whiz, Whatsluv, I wish I could do that.
Brag all you want, it's an artform in a man's world.
11/11/2009 4:55:43 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Columbus, WI
age: 61
yes, but can you do it when it is still connected to the cherry?
11/11/2009 4:56:44 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Ellicott City, MD
age: 53
OK, I'll elaborate and even share my only talent.
If you would like to earn your bragging rights and tie cherry stems into knots with your tongue, you must practice this ancient art. Follow these steps and you'll soon be inviting the envy and awe of an impressed audience.
Step 1. Pick a cherry with the longest stem you can find, especially if you are trying this for the very first time. Eat the cherry or save it as a little reward for yourself after you've finished Step 7.
Step 2. Chew on the stem awhile all the way up and down to soften it up a bit and make it more flexible.
Step 3. Push your tongue on the middle of the stem to bend it into a "U" shape long ways on your tongue. Bite down on it to make it cross into a loop.
Step 4. Hold the stem in place with your teeth at the cross.
Step 5. Push on the end of the stem that is on the top of the cross downward from the tip of the stem while at the same time pushing the loop upward toward the stem with your bottom teeth.
Step 6. Maneuver the knobby end of the stem through the loop and pull it through with your teeth.
Step 7. Tighten the knot by pulling the stem out of your mouth from one end while holding the other end in your teeth.
11/11/2009 5:04:40 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Roanoke, VA
age: 58
Seems like a lotta work and preparation. How bout just a big, ole wet kiss on the mouth?
11/11/2009 5:08:11 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Wayne, NJ
age: 57
OK, I'll elaborate and even share my only talent.
If you would like to earn your bragging rights and tie cherry stems into knots with your tongue, you must practice this ancient art. Follow these steps and you'll soon be inviting the envy and awe of an impressed audience.
Step 1. Pick a cherry with the longest stem you can find, especially if you are trying this for the very first time. Eat the cherry or save it as a little reward for yourself after you've finished Step 7.
Step 2. Chew on the stem awhile all the way up and down to soften it up a bit and make it more flexible.
Step 3. Push your tongue on the middle of the stem to bend it into a "U" shape long ways on your tongue. Bite down on it to make it cross into a loop.
Step 4. Hold the stem in place with your teeth at the cross.
Step 5. Push on the end of the stem that is on the top of the cross downward from the tip of the stem while at the same time pushing the loop upward toward the stem with your bottom teeth.
Step 6. Maneuver the knobby end of the stem through the loop and pull it through with your teeth.
Step 7. Tighten the knot by pulling the stem out of your mouth from one end while holding the other end in your teeth.
any novacane after all that was an exciting 29 seconds of action 
11/11/2009 5:09:55 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |
Wichita, KS
age: 56
Well do you believe? You say what do I believe in.? You..!!! Yes do you believe in you?
Then what is it that you believe makes you a good mate, partner, lover and a keeper? Tell us what your good qualities? What makes you a catch?

11/11/2009 5:14:10 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
Oh I sure there is something..
11/11/2009 5:28:55 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Des Moines, IA
age: 55
Do I believe in me? and Why?
OK, I'll give it a shot.
Yes I believe in me!
Why? Well,
1. I'm old enough to have a good deal of life experience. I don't sweat the small stuff. If I fall down and go boom, I get up and have a laugh and move on. (After I've made a minor drama for attention of course)
2. I'm healthy enough to run the britches off of a lot of younger men on the tennis court. (It's all about ball placement ya know) Age and slyness wins out over youth and enthusiasm almost every time.
3. I hear what women have to say to me and do a pretty good job of guessing the right answer when they ask me to make a synopsis of what they just said.
4. I'm principled. I stick to my guns. I'll not be bribed or otherwise coursed. (unless there are erotic favors in play, then well......)
11/11/2009 5:37:40 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
captainbc2 glad to see you back and thanks for a honest post..But I see you moved.. Whats going on? lol
[Edited 11/11/2009 5:38:28 PM PST]
11/11/2009 5:38:27 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Flower Mound, TX
age: 56
Yes, I believe in me..I'm pretty dadgum real..I've been places and done stuff and learned all my lessons well...I can do anything I set my mind to and I've got the papers to prove it..while I can't tie a cherry stem with my tongue, I do have a little hidden talent..and I am well worth the effort...just ask me..
11/11/2009 5:43:27 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
Yes, I believe in me..I'm pretty dadgum real..I've been places and done stuff and learned all my lessons well...I can do anything I set my mind to and I've got the papers to prove it..while I can't tie a cherry stem with my tongue, I do have a little hidden talent..and I am well worth the effort...just ask me.. 
I know that damn whats took all the glory..Whats up with that lol..Men.. Give them a woman that can tie a cherry stem with her tongue and they go all ga ga..tell me how many men email you about your talent lol
[Edited 11/11/2009 5:46:28 PM PST]
11/11/2009 5:45:31 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Roanoke, VA
age: 58
Nope, I said that seems like a lotta work. So how bout a bid ole wet kiss instead?
11/11/2009 5:48:48 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Milwaukee, WI
age: 59
I have Very Few Qualities...I'm Simply...
Able, Accepting, Accurate, Achieving, Adaptable, Adorable, Adventurous, Affectionate, Alert, Alive, Altruistic, Amazing, Ambitious, Analytical, Appreciative, Appealing, Artistic, Assertive, Astonishing, Attentive, Attractive, Aware, Awesome, Balanced, Beautiful, Blissful, Blooming, Bountiful, Brave, Breath-Taking, Bright, Calm, Capable, Careful, Carefree, Caring, Cautious, Centered, Certain, Charitable, Charming, Cheeky, Cheerful, Chirpy, Civic-Minded, Clean, Colorful, Competetive, Clear-Thinking, Communicative, Compassionate, Compatible, Competitive, Complete, Confident, Conscientious, Considerate, Consistent, Content, Co-operative, Courageous, Conscientious, Courteous, Creative, Cuddly, Curios, Cute, Decisive, Delicate, Delicious, Delightful, Dependable, Desirable, Determined, Devoted, Disciplined, Discrete, Discriminating, Dynamic, Easy-Going, Eager, Efficient, Elegant, Empathetic, Enduring, Energetic, Enlightened, Enthusiastic, Excellent, Exciting, Experienced, Fair-Minded, Faithful, Farsighted, Feeling, Flexibile, Flourishing, Focused, Forgiving, Fortuitous, Free, Fresh, Friendly, Frugal, Funny, Generous, Gentle, Good, Glorious, Graceful, Gratuitous, Great, Groovy, Handsome, Happy, Harmonious, Healthy, Heavenly, Helpful, Hopeful, Humble, Humorous, Honest, Humble, Idealistic, Imaginative, Having Integrity, Independant, Industrious, Innovative, Insightful, Inspirational, Interesting, Intelligent, Intense, Intuitive, Inventive, Invigorating, Joyful, Juicy, Just, Kind, Leading or Leader, Learned, Loving, Loyal, Lucky, Luscious, Luxurious, Macho, Magical, Manly, Magnificent, Masculine, Mature, Moral, Motivating, Natural, Neat, Needed, Noticeable, Nurturing, Obedient, Objective, Open, Optimistic, Original, Organized, Outgoing, Outstanding, Passionate, Patient, Peaceful, Perceptive, Persevering, Persistant, Persuasive, Playful, Poetic, Polite, Popular, Powerful, Practical, Precious, Precise, Profound, Progressive, Proud, Professional, Punctual, Pure, Purposeful, Questioning, Quick-witted, Ravishing, Realistic, Refreshing, Reliable, Resiliant, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, Rich, Romantic, Rosy, Seductive, Selfless, Self-Aware, Self-Confident, Self-Disciplined, Sensitive, Serene, Sexy, Sharp, Simple, Sincere, Sizzling, Skilled, Smart, Smooth, Soft, Special, Spectacular, Spiritual, Splendid, Spontaneous, Stable, Steadfast, Strategic, Stunning, Strong, Strongwilled, Stylish, Successful, Supportive, Supreme, Sympathetic, Tactful, Talented, Tasty, Tenacious, Tender, Terrific, Thinking, Thorough, Thoughtful, Thrifty, Thriving, Tolerant, Tough, Trusting, Trustworthy, Unassuming, Understanding, Unwavering, Uplifting, Useful, Valuable, Verbal, Vibrant, Vital, Warm, Wholesome, Willing, Wise, Worthy, Youthful, Yummy..
11/11/2009 5:50:18 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Roanoke, VA
age: 58
Dayum...........I give up. I'm just a guy.
11/11/2009 5:51:41 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Des Moines, IA
age: 55
Hey there Shari and Settee; nice to see you ladies again. Good to be back. I'd explain the move here but if you click my profile it'll be easier.
11/11/2009 5:53:47 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Des Moines, IA
age: 55
Damn clay, I gave up at the "E"s.
11/11/2009 5:54:11 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Nicholasville, KY
age: 59
Well, Shari, we know one fellow on here knows how to copy the dictionary. Do keep in mind, I did say copy not able to read WHAT was copied. 
Likealaff, you may just still be in the running for your honesty and humbleness.
11/11/2009 5:57:17 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
Well, Shari, we know one fellow on here knows how to copy the dictionary. Do keep in mind, I did say copy not able to read WHAT was copied.
Likealaff, you may just still be in the running for your honesty and humbleness. 
lol lol You saying he needs to add dumbass lol..to smart a** lol
11/11/2009 5:58:52 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Des Moines, IA
age: 55
I ran spell check on that deluge of self appreciating expressive words. He should have too! (sorry clay)
11/11/2009 6:03:08 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Roanoke, VA
age: 58
Miss Shari, I'm hurt deep. You cut me deep. But I'll get over it in the morning.
11/11/2009 6:08:09 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Milwaukee, WI
age: 59
Oh, I forgot to include my very Best Quality.... I'm also Fulla Chit!  and Believe me...Some of these Fellow Poster's would wholeheartedly Agree with that. 
and it wasn't the dictionary,, Guess again! 
[Edited 11/11/2009 6:09:26 PM PST]
11/11/2009 6:12:45 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Nicholasville, KY
age: 59
If you say so...............
11/11/2009 6:24:35 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Cumberland, MD
age: 62
Yes, I believe in me. Still practice most of the qualities of a boy scout- Trustworthy, Honest, loyal, cold nose, fixed, etc. Enjoy laughter, watching a lady smile, and I still believe in love. Still look forward to the rush when you KNOW the chemistry is right, and is shared, at last.
Oh yeah, I believe.....
Now don't blame Whatsluv. I believe she just aroused the natural curiosity of man's inborn sense of awe for the sciences of Physics and Anatomy. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!) 
11/11/2009 6:28:17 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
Miss Shari, I'm hurt deep. You cut me deep. But I'll get over it in the morning.
Looks like you got in on a multi put down meant for cley lol..Glad you heal fast lol
Now don't blame Whatsluv. I believe she just aroused the natural curiosity of man's inborn sense of awe for the sciences of Physics and Anatomy. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!) 
Coming from a fellow md person lol..I am not too hard on her she is my bud. What ever ya got work it..lol
11/11/2009 6:30:42 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Milwaukee, WI
age: 59
Coming from a fellow md person lol..I am not too hard on her she is my bud. What ever ya got work it..lol
Damn!! I Thought Multi...er... Stuff.... waz a Good thing.. 
11/11/2009 10:41:44 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Rock Hill, SC
age: 62
11/11/2009 10:56:03 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Bolivar, NY
age: 67
I believe I can make a man very happy..I will probably get the feminists down on me but, I am a woman who doesnt feel complete without a man. 
11/11/2009 11:45:35 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Onaway, MI
age: 57
Yes I do, if not me then who?
11/12/2009 6:31:49 AM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Paint Rock, AL
age: 56
... from the Andornot ... I am the Andornot, so no more need be said ...
11/14/2009 4:06:56 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |
Lexington, KY
age: 49
it is sad but true i read all of this.....
i can only tell you that i can preform as well if not better than most men in a seual surrounding. however i do not believe none of us are looking for this deep down.
we are looking for a friend and companion and our lives are getting more and more complicated the more we play high school on some website.
yes i said high shool. the women are looking for the bbd like they are something that is not out numbered by the men on these web sites. i really can say i am better off in singles bars and the frozen food section than i am trying to make conversation with most of you women who are saying i want to cuddle up on a couch and watch tv.
bull snot is about all i have seen and heard from anyone of you and i am about ready to take my spot light down
i guess i don't beleive.
11/14/2009 4:16:36 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
menaumakes2 I am really not sure what you are trying to get at and why you picked my thread to vent your anger toward woman and the dating site.
But maybe your high shool (school)could see you preform (perform)in your seual (sexual I think)but I beleive (believe) you maybe out numbered (outnumbered). Thanks for showing that what they say about ky people maybe true. Something I have been fighting all my life. We are really not illiterate redneck people with caveman ways.
11/14/2009 4:27:05 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |
Lexington, KY
age: 49
wow you took the more time to read than i took time to write my post.....
venting... well i guess i did a little... but oh well i have earned it....
11/14/2009 4:28:23 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |
Lexington, KY
age: 49
and lady i suggest you get to know a ky man before you punish him... for being from ky
11/14/2009 4:33:22 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
and lady i suggest you get to know a ky man before you punish him... for being from ky
Real Kentucky men don't wine and b*tch about their failures. They stand up like real men take their hits learn from them and solve their issues. Well the real MEN do..
[Edited 11/14/2009 4:33:50 PM PST]
11/14/2009 4:39:50 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |
Lexington, KY
age: 49
wow i cannot recall not being a real man.
I am not crying i am meerly saying that you do not know me. lady if you knew me you could not or would not say that about me, or suggest that manhood is something i do not have. I am not talking the manhood that may or maynot be between my leggs. I am not a walk away from any fight kinda of person nor have i forgotten how to cry or how to say i am sorry if was wrong in what i am saying. Pride seems to be one of your flaws. you my lady seems to be ready to look down you nose at people you do not know anything about.
11/14/2009 4:43:41 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Flower Mound, TX
age: 56
Ouch! I'll bet that one left a mark..
11/14/2009 4:44:35 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
What I had to judge you by is the way you behaved in your first post. Maybe if you approach a woman the way you did in your last post you may have better results. Then have nothing to b*tch about..
I am not one to usually pick on the way people spell but I have seen a lot of mistakes in your posts and yes I looked at your profile. The women that are bothered by that are not all bad women but they are turned off by it. I suggest you copy and paste your profile write up to a word doc and correct your spelling.
[Edited 11/14/2009 4:45:49 PM PST]
11/14/2009 4:45:35 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |
Lexington, KY
age: 49
yeah i guess i meant to
11/14/2009 4:50:46 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |
Lexington, KY
age: 49
that was a lot nicer than what you first wrote. i am not a teacher i am an electrican. i have lic in several states. that may scare you but i am not all together stupid. i do not attest that i am the most well versed nor do i care. i sent a son to center college and he is well on his way thru grad school. that young person is smarter than the both of us put together.
if you look at it thru the scholastic point of view.
i am a hard knocks no bull kinda of person and i did take offense in what you said about ky men as a whole.
sorry if i offended you in any way. It was good to see you took your son to dinner and i hope i did not make you want to throw it up.
take care
11/14/2009 4:52:30 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Flower Mound, TX
age: 56

11/14/2009 5:02:27 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
i am a hard knocks no bull kinda of person and i did take offense in what you said about ky men as a whole.
sorry if i offended you in any way. It was good to see you took your son to dinner and i hope i did not make you want to throw it up.
take care
I never said anything negative about ky men. The insults were directed to you in general.
The dinner was the other day and I don't permit people to ruin my day.. So everything is fine thanks for asking lol..
11/14/2009 5:06:19 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |
Wichita, KS
age: 56
Watch what you say will ya . I get blamed for every dumb a** post that is made in this room. OK
Wanna know what fer? I just love dumb hick-a-billies, sharri is a hickabilly like you maybe usin three could git togather sometime?

[Edited 11/14/2009 5:08:41 PM PST]
11/14/2009 5:15:18 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Calhoun, GA
age: 57
Think I'll get back on topic by sayin I'm a good cook,honest,caring,take baths regular,brush my teeth,don't live in a trailer or own a pit bull.
This was said to cover all the the things said about people in the south.
11/14/2009 5:22:43 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Wooster, OH
age: 54
I b elieve that I am a good catch as I am a very good cook. I don't cheat in my relationship. I give all my heart when I give it. I am always on time keep my house clean and a very good dancer. I work every day, not a lot of drinking don't do drups,and not controling.
11/14/2009 6:16:27 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
do I need to tell you two to get a room lol..I see he likes to be under you sorplady lol
Wannabe you have no clue lol..You are a sick f...k lol..
11/14/2009 6:21:00 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Calhoun, GA
age: 57
I noticed that shari-verrrrry interesting-and we have plans to finally meet at Thanksgiving     
11/14/2009 6:23:36 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |

Wooster, OH
age: 54
11/14/2009 6:23:41 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Flower Mound, TX
age: 56

11/14/2009 7:08:52 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Butler, KY
age: 54
He will be passing right by me..lol..
11/14/2009 7:10:48 PM |
Do you believe? Then tell us why.. |


Calhoun, GA
age: 57
I'm going to sisters in Ind. so I'll probably be close by you too-do you live far from I65?