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11/28/2009 10:28:06 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Gainesville, FL
age: 45
Interesting .Because great floods exist in almost all religions .Why do Christians think there religion is so different from others ? Cant post this in there forum becuase I have been excluded from posting there .Why this is I dont know ? Someone defending the dinos living with humans theory stated it was the flood of Noah that killed off all the dinosaurs .This is laughable but somewhat true .Sure at sometime or another floods killed some dinosaurs .So what does that prove ? Where did this great flood idea come from ?
Why does every great religion have a flood story?61
rate or flag this pageBy Shil1978
I believe that every great religion (culture) has a flood myth because somewhere in the very distant past there may have been an actual event of mammoth proportions. An event that stayed in the memories of those who survived it. Most myths do derive from actual events and I believe this to be case here too.
In fact, the number of cultures or religions that have the flood myth are amazing. Sumerian, Greek, Incas, Maya, Indian/Hindu, of course the Biblical one. So, it seems to me that there might have derived this from a common event from the distant past. Perhaps, those who survived that great flood repopulated various parts of the world and incorporated the story in their books.
Again I can find parallels with Christianity and almost all other religions .Yet Christians think the bible is something special and all its stories true . Fact is they are stories stolen from other religions nothing original about that . brave
11/28/2009 4:56:02 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Powell, TN
age: 56
Easily explained.The end of the last ice age when the ice caps were two miles thick over half of the northern hemisphere.When they started melting every valley turned into a river and washed away towns and villages built along those waterways.We still build our cities and towns along waterways to have a ready source of water.The floods caused by the melting were massive,larger than had ever been seen or remembered.Rivers and streams were suddenly a hundred miles wide and the only safe areas were in the higher ground where most people didn't live.So we have few survivors with only memories of the great flood that in their minds could only have been caused by an angry god.I believe that the Mediterranean was once a large valley that was suddenly flooded when the rising Atlantic breached a pass through the mountains between Spain and North Africa.The opening now is only seven miles wide and flood waters widened them to that point over many years time.For all purposes their really was a great flood,experienced by about everyone living at the time.Hence,the similar stories.Any costal towns were covered by the rising seas.They rose around 400 feet.The great flood did happen.It was just not understood.
11/28/2009 6:42:04 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
Also, no dams in those days, so a larger rise and fall in rivers, greater movement of water, regardless of climate
or location. A good example here in the USA is the Virgin River in Zion Canyon, which has been flowing for
thousands of years. At one time, a rockslide blocked the canyon and dammed the river for hundreds of years,
forming a lake. Then, a tremendous rainfall, and water pressure broke up the natural dam. A great wall
of water and flooding of the plain outside of the canyon obviously occurred. If anyone has not visited this
canyon and the Virgin River, I hope you will do so. The sense of ancient time is very close.
11/28/2009 8:11:39 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |


Burnside, KY
age: 35 online now!
Global Flooding
Why not? If That's What The Evidence Seems To Say
As I've said in early postings (Archives CATASTROPHISM), I'm pretty convinced that the doctrine of slow, gradual geological and biological change is wrong, and that things happen far more rapidly and more recently than is conventionally taught. This apparently causes some people to leap to the conclusion that I must be a Creationist. I'm not, in that I don't buy their answer either (showing that the butler didn't do it doesn't prove that the chauffeur did) although I think that some of their work pointing to what's wrong with the orthodox line is more solidly based than it's fashionable to admit. One person wrote a rather derisive note asking if I believed in a global flood too. Apparently, the answer to the question is taken as an indicator of one's political stripe and has nothing to do with what actual evidence from the surface of our planet might say -- which cares nothing for humanity's ideological differences and squabbles. Well, below are a few facts consistent with the idea of immense, planet-scale oceanic surges from equator toward the poles, resulting from an axial shift or crustal slip caused by a recent close encounter with a large astronomic object of the kind Velikovsky proposed.
* Immense deposits of sediment where such surges would have slowed or encountered barriers. Seismic reflections of the Arctic Ocean, where huge inflows would result from the northward narrowings of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, show stratified sedimentary layers from a minimum of two miles in thickness to five miles -- much more than can be accounted for by the rivers emptying into that basin. The foothills of northern India - where a north-rushing tidal flow would plow into the wall of the Himalaya - extend for hundred of miles and consist of sediments 2,000 to 3,000 feet deep. Sediments forming the seabed of the northerly-enclosed Bay of Bengal, extending east into the Gulf Of Siam average 20,000 feet and reach over 50,000 feet
* If seabeds were formed only by slow spreading outward from the ocean ridges, the sediments would be thinnest at the ridges and become progressively thicker with distance as the ocean bed grows older. Some textbook writers were so confident that this would be the case that they wrote it as fact before the evidence was in. Actual drillings showed, paradoxically, deep sediments at the flanks of the ridges, then little progressive change until sudden thickening at the continental margins -- precisely where huge oceanic flows would be slowed and shed their burdens.
* Enormous fossil beds containing the remains of millions of animals, torn-up trees, deposits of "muck" made up of gravel, soil, clays, mineral and organic matter, forming a circumpolar ring across Alaska, upper Canada, Siberia -- where the reverse flow from the polar surge would inundate the northern continents. Some islands off northern Siberia, several hundred feet high, consist of practically nothing but animal bones and broken tree trunks. The Siwalik Hills north of Delhi have been described as containing fossils of such variety and profusion that the animal world of today seems impoverished by comparison.
* Loess. A second circumpolar ring of lighter slurries (which would be carried farther) found deep inside North America (Texas, Colorado, Louisiana) and Eurasia (China, Mongolia, Turkestan, Russia), along the northern sides of mountain chains where floods from a south- flowing polar source would deposit them. Often grading into huge areas of sand beds (e.g. Nebraska, 21,000 sq. miles averaging 25 feet deep) difficult to reconcile with wind-borne origins but nevertheless usually explained that way. Smaller belt in the southern hemisphere, found in the Argentine Pampas, southern Australia, New Zealand.
* Erratics. Large rocks transported far from places of origin. The usual explanation of their being carried by glaciers runs into trouble with the physics of how glaciers actually move themselves and other objects. Essentially, glaciers move by melting at the base and flowing over, which gives them no way of moving large boulders uphill. Many large erratics are found at high elevations. The force exerted by water flows, however, varies with the sixth power of velocity, meaning that while current moving at 2-3 m.p.h might not be able to move more than a small pebble, 10 m.p.h can move upward of 5 tons, and 50 m.p.h., many thousands of tons. Further, erratics occur in great numbers in places that were never glaciated, such as Uruguay, Jamaica, Maryland, Georgia, Spain.
* Whales, whalebones, and other deep-sea remains found in hundreds of miles from the ocean in North Africa, southeastern and western USA, Central Europe, sometimes atop mountains.
So yes, maybe there's something to the 120-odd world-flood legends apart from that ofthe Old Testament, which range from the Hindus and Iranians, Lithuanians and Norsemen, Lapps,Voguls of the Ural Mountains, Kalmuks, Chinese, Eskimos, North American Indian tribes, Caribs,Mexicans, Peruvians, Polynesians, Fiji Islanders, Australians, Philippine Islanders, Andamans . . .
[Edited 11/28/2009 8:17:03 PM PST]
11/28/2009 8:47:51 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |


Burnside, KY
age: 35 online now!
Some more interesting observations from the same author.
Planetary Origins
Whatever the facts seem to say
Just because I don't buy the Biblical literalist account of creation, it doesn't mean the Creationists don't have some good points to make on the inadequacies of the conventional Darwinist theory. In particular, I think they muster some compelling arguments as to why the forces that shape the planet we live on happen much faster and more catastrophically than is conventionally taught, implying an Earth that is a lot younger than conventionally taught. (I'm talking about scientific arguments, not scriptural interpretations that lead to figures like 6,000 years.) The huge epochs marking the geological column that was worked out in the nineteenth century were premised, after all, on the assumption of uniformitarianism, which held that everything that happened in the past can be explained by the same forces that are observed today, operating at the same rates that are observed today, given sufficient time. This is just as much a dogma taken on faith as that of any fundamentalist, and today there's surely more than enough accumulated evidence to show that it's hopelessly wrong, as many scientists acknowledge. If uniformitarianism is dead, so, then, is the notion of a billions-of-years-old Earth that follows from it.
On a number of occasions in life I've modified or on some occasions reversed an opinion (I like to say "broadened") by taking some time to actually read what the people I disagreed with had to say. Here are a few items from John D. Morris's book The Young Earth, 1994, published by Creation-Life Publishers, POB 26060, Colorado Springs, CO 80917, Tel: 719-591-0800, that struck me as pretty strong evidence for the Earth perhaps not being as old as we're used to being told it is. Also, for things not happening in a pattern of slow, gradual change over millions years in the ways the textbooks depict.
Polystrate fossils: typically trees, extending through deposits supposed to have taken millions of years to form, e.g. coal seams separated by layers of shales and limestone. Frequently animals. Either on land or in the oceans, dead animals are quickly eaten and scattered by scavengers, and the remains decomposed by bacterial and chemical action. Clearly, fossils such as this were buried rapidly. The layers containing them didn't take tens of thousands or millions of years to form.
Clastic dikes: intrusions of clastic rocks (formed from previously existing rock, e.g. sandstones) from below into hardened layers such as limestone or granite above. For this to have happened the sandstone must still have been fluid, not hardened as it would have been if laid down far earlier.
Top layers of buried strata showing no traces of soil formation or the activities of climate and living things such as worms, roots, bacteria, as would occur with exposure on the surface for significant periods. Implies they were covered rapidly.
And yet, surface imprints such as ripple marks, animal tracks are preserved against erosion long enough for rock formation to occur. Again, suggests rapid burial.
There's more, but you get the idea.
Regarding significant changes being brought about by rapid, catastrophic events as opposed to gradual change, the very richness of many fossil beds itself speaks against the uniformitarian doctrine of slow burial. Fossils are preserved when burial and insulation from destruction and decay takes place quickly. A few unfortunates might fall into tar pits or crevasses, be overwhelmed by mud slides or avalanches, and so on, but what are we to make of the bones of millions of animals ranging from mastodons, caribou, horses, camels, rhinoceros, bears, and deer, smashed and broken, mixed with the splintered remains of countless trees, covering a band stretching across northern Europe, Siberia, Alaska, Canada, in some places forming islands in the Arctic Ocean hundreds of feet high? Or entire forests of trees sixty feet high preserved from their bases to their tops? Or valleys excavated by flash floods, and layers built up by successive lava flows, showing after a few years same characteristics as other formations that were supposed to have taken millions of years? For more from the Creationists, Steven Austin's Catastrophes in Earth History, 1984, available from the Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, CA, provides a fascinating collection.
11/29/2009 6:54:12 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

York, PA
age: 47
A bit off topic , but ...
This topic makes me think of the crack in Africa . The scientists think the Earth is creating a new sea . The scientists never knew this could happen (a common confession in science) .
To a novice like myself , it seems the Earth is trying to compensate for the rising sea levels .
11/30/2009 9:21:04 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |


Atascadero, CA
age: 36
Seems y'all got it right. Yes, at the end of the last Ice Age there was vast melting and probably a lot of storms from all the melting moisture. That caused a lot of flooding in the Mediterranean region especially, which is where most of the flood myths come from (ranging from Greece to Egypt to Israel.) There are also flood mythos from North America which may or may not be pre-Columbian. If they are pre-Columbian, they're probably related to similar ice age melting events as many of those cultures had ancestors in North America around the end of the last ice age.
11/30/2009 5:54:22 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |


Burnside, KY
age: 35 online now!
Not all of these can be the result of glaciers melting.
12/1/2009 2:36:22 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |


Atascadero, CA
age: 36
Not all of these can be the result of glaciers melting.
Perhaps not, but floods happen and, every so often, great floods, regardless of glacial presence or lack thereof. For many people they would see what is their whole world flooded and record it as such. In other cases flood stories are passed through cultures as various cultural mixes take place, through marriage, etc. Most of the versions of flood myths from Mediterranean regions are best explained currently as having been influenced by one or more events which occurred at the end of the last ice age, or can find their roots in the Sumerian and Babylonian records of these events.
[Edited 12/1/2009 2:37:17 PM PST]
12/1/2009 7:09:09 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Quakertown, PA
age: 48
There are a couple of more thoughts to consider, how about the circumference of the Earth? Would a younger Earth be smaller, do you believe that the Earth is growing with age? How about global flooding? At any point in history would it be possible to completely flood the Earth? We have to consider the age of all mountain ranges and their heights and are there any unknowns, any ranges that have eroded away? Not everything is as it was, there are many changes over a long period of time.
12/1/2009 9:05:53 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |


Burnside, KY
age: 35 online now!
Perhaps not, but floods happen and, every so often, great floods, regardless of glacial presence or lack thereof. For many people they would see what is their whole world flooded and record it as such. In other cases flood stories are passed through cultures as various cultural mixes take place, through marriage, etc. Most of the versions of flood myths from Mediterranean regions are best explained currently as having been influenced by one or more events which occurred at the end of the last ice age, or can find their roots in the Sumerian and Babylonian records of these events.
Yeah, that is why I posted the information on flood evidence above. I was not implying a supernatural reason, or one Great Flood.
I think something like the concepts Immanuel Velikovsky discussed back in the 1950s have some basis and are more probable than many want to believe or even consider. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that is consistent with Catastrophy theory.
12/2/2009 2:45:40 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Gainesville, FL
age: 45
Wow great stuff and much to consider here thanks .As far as the mediterranean flooding ? Interesting will check into this to see if and when it happened and if early humans where around when it did . Also couldnt the Atlantic ocean of been the culprit pouring in from the gibraltar straights from an earth quake ? But as far as a global flood killing 99% percent of humanity goes ?
Don't buy it . brave
12/2/2009 7:24:09 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |


Atascadero, CA
age: 36
Yeah, that is why I posted the information on flood evidence above. I was not implying a supernatural reason, or one Great Flood.
I think something like the concepts Immanuel Velikovsky discussed back in the 1950s have some basis and are more probable than many want to believe or even consider. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that is consistent with Catastrophy theory.
Well, I don't necessarily even rule out supernatural influences. I think the "God tried to kill us because you didn't follow him right" was a ploy by folks after the floods to gain control over the masses. In some ways that may have been even necessary. However, that doesn't rule out that "God" in some shape or form did indeed wish for the floods to happen, but it would seem (s)he/they used natural processes if so.
12/3/2009 3:55:12 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Powell, TN
age: 56
Perhaps not, but floods happen and, every so often, great floods, regardless of glacial presence or lack thereof. For many people they would see what is their whole world flooded and record it as such. In other cases flood stories are passed through cultures as various cultural mixes take place, through marriage, etc. Most of the versions of flood myths from Mediterranean regions are best explained currently as having been influenced by one or more events which occurred at the end of the last ice age, or can find their roots in the Sumerian and Babylonian records of these events.
So many variables came into play as the ice caps started to melt.First would have been the massive flooding,inundating any town or village built along a waterway.That would have included any place on the coast as the oceans began to rise.Ice mountains the size of entire cities suddenly collapsed into the ocean creating immense tidal waves.Tidal waves 500 feet high or more washing the coastal towns completely away and the rising seas hiding the evidence.These waves were probably a regular occurance for quite some time as the melting loosened these mountains of glacial ice.As the melt continued the land under the glaciers,once free of the weight that pressed it down,rose in some areas as much as a thousand feet and land that was once pushed up by crustal expansion then subsided and was covered by the rising seas.The Mid-Atlantic Ridge may have been above water at one time.With all this coming into play,it is possible that a large percentage of the population of the northern hemisphere was swept away in the deluges that occured over a lconsiderable span of time.The extent of the flooding is so massive as to be unimaginable to anyone not directly affected by it.Perhaps even a pole shift was thrown into the mix,but that is another thread.
12/4/2009 9:37:43 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Ingleside, TX
age: 57
Here's one probably none of you have heard as and explanation for the flood and the ice age. At one time the earth was enveloped in a canopy which caused the whole earth to be like a hot house. It was tropical all over the earth. The great flood happened when the canopy broke and flooded the earth. Once the canopy broke the earth cooled quite rapidly after that and the ice caps were formed and the ice age came about because of the rapid cooling. That was something I heard years ago and no I don't have the scientific data, at hand if there is any. It could be just a theory based on a verse in the Bible that seem to indicate that there were waters not only on the earth but, above the earth as well with a division in between. Here is one site that talks about it and explains it that I found in a search regarding this theory about the flood. It also gives other references as to where he got the info. Not trying to preach here. Just sharing some info about a theory you may not have heard about. There of course are other sites showing how this could not be. Like any theory or hypothesis there are pro's and con's. Makes for and interesting read.
12/5/2009 4:36:19 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Gainesville, FL
age: 45
From wikipedia .If its incorrect give me evidence to the contrary :
Scientific evidence against a global flood
Modern geology, and its sub-disciplines of earth science, geochemistry, geophysics, glaciology, paleoclimatology, paleontology and other scientific disciplines utilize the scientific method to analyze the geology of the earth. The key tenets of flood geology are refuted by scientific analysis and do not have any standing in the scientific community. Modern geology relies on a number of established principles, one of the most important of which is Charles Lyell's principle of uniformitarianism. In relation to geological forces it states that the shaping of the Earth has occurred by means of mostly slow-acting forces that can be seen in operation today. By applying this principle, geologists have determined that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. They study the lithosphere of the Earth to gain information on the history of the planet. Geologists divide Earth's history into eons, eras, periods, epochs, and faunal stages characterized by well-defined breaks in the fossil record (see Geologic time scale).[57][58] In general, there is a lack of any evidence for any of the above effects proposed by flood geologists and their claims of fossil layering are not taken seriously by scientists.[59]
12/6/2009 4:43:19 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |


Burnside, KY
age: 35 online now!
From wikipedia .If its incorrect give me evidence to the contrary :
Scientific evidence against a global flood
Modern geology, and its sub-disciplines of earth science, geochemistry, geophysics, glaciology, paleoclimatology, paleontology and other scientific disciplines utilize the scientific method to analyze the geology of the earth. The key tenets of flood geology are refuted by scientific analysis and do not have any standing in the scientific community. Modern geology relies on a number of established principles, one of the most important of which is Charles Lyell's principle of uniformitarianism. In relation to geological forces it states that the shaping of the Earth has occurred by means of mostly slow-acting forces that can be seen in operation today. By applying this principle, geologists have determined that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. They study the lithosphere of the Earth to gain information on the history of the planet. Geologists divide Earth's history into eons, eras, periods, epochs, and faunal stages characterized by well-defined breaks in the fossil record (see Geologic time scale).[57][58] In general, there is a lack of any evidence for any of the above effects proposed by flood geologists and their claims of fossil layering are not taken seriously by scientists.[59]
Yeah, the scientists who make up academia and thus what people call "the establishment" have as their way of dealing with types of evidence I listed above, to ignore it and/or not see it. It's funny actually. You may have noticed that they didn't much bother going into detail about how this "is not being taken seriously by scientists." My first two posts on this thread mentioned uniformitarianism, and some things that put it into question.
Obviously, there is NOT a lack of evidence.
Also, some of the "establishment" geologists explanations are frankly incredible. See, for example, how they explain certain top layers of rocks coming to be older than layers farther under. LOL, talk about bending over backwards to keep your theory afloat.
[Edited 12/6/2009 4:45:44 AM PST]
12/15/2009 1:45:26 PM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |
Lake Benton, MN
age: 49
My opinion is that the world is coming to an end when all the glacier melt the world will heat up so hot that it will kill us all. there is a glacier that has about 4 years left to go at the rate it is melting. some say it will be 2012 others say different. no one really knows.
12/16/2009 5:09:23 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Seattle, WA
age: 56
Christians have often tried to use the universality of the Flood Myth as proof of the Biblical story. Their approach is that the story in the Bible is the original version, kept unchanged by the Providence of God, whereas all other Flood stories are [you’ll pardon the pun] watered down versions of the original. [*]
The problem with this is the assumption that all great Floods in all the myths are the same. This is easily disproved:
The Flood of Noah [according to the Bible] occurred 1656 years after the Creation of the Earth.
The Norsemen tell a different story.
Before the world existed there was a land of Ice in the North and a land of Fire in the South. Between them was a great vast and empty space called the Ginnungagapp. Hvergilmir, the Well of Life was in the North and from its frozen waters the evil Frost Giant Ymir came forth. Three of the Aesir Gods—the brothers Odin, Vili and Ve fought and slew the Frost Giant. They took Ymir’s body and cast it into Ginnungagapp and from his corpse they made the world. The blood that flowed from Ymir’s wounds became the ocean—and there was so much of it, that it drowned all the other Frost Giants. Only one of them, Bergilmir and his wife escaped by riding on a log.
So the Christians need to shut their smug mouths, because the Flood Story of the Vikings is not another version of the story of Noah—since it occurs before the Creation of the World—and not fifteen hundred years after.
[*] [This is similar to their saying that stories of mythic heroes like Hercules are merely greatly distorted versions of the story of Samson.]

12/16/2009 5:39:24 AM |
Great floods and other biblical disasters |

Seattle, WA
age: 56
Here's one probably none of you have heard as and explanation for the flood and the ice age. At one time the earth was enveloped in a canopy which caused the whole earth to be like a hot house. It was tropical all over the earth. The great flood happened when the canopy broke and flooded the earth. Once the canopy broke the earth cooled quite rapidly after that and the ice caps were formed and the ice age came about because of the rapid cooling. That was something I heard years ago and no I don't have the scientific data, at hand if there is any. It could be just a theory based on a verse in the Bible that seem to indicate that there were waters not only on the earth but, above the earth as well with a division in between. Here is one site that talks about it and explains it that I found in a search regarding this theory about the flood. It also gives other references as to where he got the info. Not trying to preach here. Just sharing some info about a theory you may not have heard about. There of course are other sites showing how this could not be. Like any theory or hypothesis there are pro's and con's. Makes for and interesting read.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
[Genesis 1:7]
I’ve heard of this one before when I was in the Shiloh ministry. One problem I see with the “Cloud Cover” theory is that after the Flood, this canopy would no longer exist, certainly not as substantially as it had before the Flood. There would thus no longer be any real ‘waters above the Firmament’ Yet David wrote:
Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
[Psalm 148:4]
Thus David’s concept of the waters above the Heavens would have been the same as in our own day—since it would be the same sky that we know—but not the sky that Noah once knew.
