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12/27/2007 11:10:13 AM The Inquisition  

Arlington, TX
age: 41 online now!

Inquisition...From Wikipedia
Before the twelfth century, the Catholic Church gradually suppressed heresy usually through a system of ecclesiastical , proscription and imprisonment. Although many states allowed the Church to use the death penalty, initially it was not frequently imposed, as this form of punishment had many ecclesiastical opponents.

"The church has an innate and proper right to coerce offending members of the Christain faithful by means of papal sanctions" Cannon 1311

Does the Code Canon laws still apply?

12/27/2007 12:04:05 PM The Inquisition  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

There are many "christian" groups that use the "spirit" of that law...

There are many within the "christian" community that would take it upon themselves to impose their beliefs upon others if they could get away with it outside their cult/group....

And the, so called, moderates and liberals are just as guilty by their cowardly stance toward the right wing "crazies".

12/27/2007 1:05:48 PM The Inquisition  

Springfield, MO
age: 53

deserted, the actual canon reads-
Can. 1311 The Church has the innate and proper right to coerce offending members of the Christian faithful with penal sanctions.
You can actually go to the vactican web site and look up the canons and what the sactions are.
The inquisition itself offically ended during our lifetime. I don't know exctly when. It was after the 1950's. The popular horror movie type stuff associated with it ended centeries ago.
To answer your question yes the canon is still enforced but not overly used. Last person I know about being penalized was John Kerry during his bid to become president. Because of his views and voting record on abortion several dioceses refused to given him communion.