12/28/2007 9:33:32 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Canyon, TX
age: 57
Hi! I have heard about online dating and just now decided to give it a whirl. So far, ( I have been signed up for a week or so) it has been great fun! I hope to meet lot's of special people and make new friends!
Til we meet again...
12/28/2007 9:35:07 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Woodlyn, PA
age: 48
Welcome to DH. You'll have fun here in the forums.  
12/28/2007 10:49:49 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Lubbock, TX
age: 41
Welcome to DH from Lubbock
12/28/2007 11:06:04 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
Hi from Missouri and welcome.
12/28/2007 11:07:24 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Delanson, NY
age: 44
From upstate New York!
12/28/2007 11:07:25 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Milford, OH
age: 46 online now!
I thought them Texican girls had fun everywhere they went
12/28/2007 4:52:23 PM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Lockhart, TX
age: 61
Welcome to DH from Lockhart, Tx. Hope you have fun here.
Ferrari - We do!!!
12/29/2007 1:15:16 PM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Milford, OH
age: 46 online now!
12/29/2007 1:17:17 PM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Youngstown, OH
age: 33
hi from ohio
12/30/2007 10:46:34 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Selah, WA
age: 46

1/1/2008 12:59:40 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Fairplay, CO
age: 55
Charlsie,-- welcome too...I've been here a week or so and I've already learned more about my likes, fears, desires, hopes and phobias by people's feedback then 20 years of psychoanalysis ever could teach me. Just kidding about the analysis, though...good luck!
1/1/2008 8:18:40 AM |
What fun for a girl from Texas... |

Fremont, NE
age: 37
Hi Charlsie.
Happy New Year.
From Nebraska...Teresa