1/5/2008 9:25:33 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Alanson, MI
age: 39
It's harder on the parent who chose to stick around and love the child, it doesn't matter if it's the mom or the dad. But it's also more rewarding. The low-life that walked away is choosing to miss out on everything and won't have any rewards coming his way any time in the near or distant future. My daughter's father will have to deal with regret, if he's got it in him to feel it that is. Being both mom and dad to her has definitely been hard, but I don't regret it and I never will.
When both parents stick around, I'd say it's just as hard on both but for different reasons. The parent that gets the child most of the time has more of the daily responsibilities. The parent that only gets the child every other weekend has to deal with missing out on a lot of the childs life. For a parent that loves their child, missing out on things can suck in a big way. I don't have to be that parent to understand that fact. I'd hate to have to miss out on my daughter growing up on a daily basis. I like being there to hug the hurts away. Listening to her tunes blasting from her room on a nightly basis. Oh and bad singing, but then she and I are both guilty of that 
[Edited 1/5/2008 9:29:21 PM]
1/8/2008 7:08:16 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Baltimore, MD
age: 29
Single dad or mom....who has it easier i would say the moms do my kid ma left me
to be a strong dad and yes there is weak minded dads that just wanna hit and run that makes the good dads look bad
1/8/2008 7:42:51 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Westville, OK
age: 36
Financailly it is harder on the parent who is providing for the children, but I wouldn't change it. It might be harder mentally on the other parent, I wouldn't know, I have been the one who has always provided for and raised mine.
1/9/2008 6:50:07 AM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Galion, OH
age: 47
I think this is silly. I have to pay child support and raise a son. Financially it doesn't leave much. But then, not everything is financial.
I find it easier being a single parent as there is no one to contradict me (outside of my son, who does so constantly).
1/11/2008 6:54:56 AM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Apache Junction, AZ
age: 34
hmm let me see yes being a single parent can be hard at times it doesnt matter if its the man or the woman i have three 10,4,and 1. i dont collect child support im going to school full time and work my kids are my world so i guess its not all that bad.
1/13/2008 12:12:21 AM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

age: 27
So you would say i am not a single parent as i only get to have my 2 sons 2 days a week due to work commitments i would have them more if i could.My ex and i are still friends and we both pay for anything our boys need i remain in the area only so i can be close to my boys they are my world.between my boys and work i have very little time for anything else.
1/13/2008 7:56:20 AM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

New Haven, CT
age: 30
I think that it's hard for both parties regardless it's a hard thing to being a single parent ,even with child support you still have hard times cause you still dont have 2 incomes taking care of the child you still have one and then what ever you are getting from the other party.on top of that the other parent is picking up tha slack of the other and that is wrong.it's really is hard not just on the parent but the child too
1/19/2008 7:35:45 AM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Springdale, PA
age: 21
I think it's harder on the kids,I know I have two boys my first one had his mom for three years off and on because of drugs and my 4 year old had her for 6 months and they have'nt seen her since.i have my boys tear my heart out because they miss her but i just tell them she is sick and needs help but how far will that go so it's not about mom or dad it's all about them they have to know that the one they're with is there for them.My boys are my without them I could not live.Thanks from jim in Pa.
1/19/2008 5:55:56 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

New Ellenton, SC
age: 38
i think they both have a hard time i know it kills me not to beable to see them when i get home everyday i can't help but miss them and i know there mother miss them when there with me.it sucks that they have to go trough this because we do,but its better that they see we are happy.
1/19/2008 10:11:58 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Texas City, TX
age: 34
i think it is hard no matter if you are a mom or dad. Whether you are a man or a woman and a single parent, you have to learn to balance all the jobs that are meant for two parents PLUS try to balance a dating life. It is hard to try to be a father to my son when I've never been a man. I don't know what little boys go through in puberty, dating, becoming a man, and guiding them through the pressures of boy vs man in a man's world. And a man/dad doesn't know how to deal with their growing teenage daughter....it is hard on both sides!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1/20/2008 9:21:29 AM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Owensboro, KY
age: 44
In my belief is that it is harder on the children. My kids were a hand full and I thank God they are grown. I raised them without a father, or help. As hard as it was I wouldn't change a thing. It made them better adults and me a better person in the long run.
1/20/2008 7:57:45 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

London, KY
age: 45
it isn't easier on one or the other. each circumstance is going to be different.
but I agree with many others, it is hardest on the kids. whether both parents are in their lives or not. but both parents that are fighting like cats and dogs in an unhappy house don't help either.
1/23/2008 2:40:25 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Fremont, NE
age: 37 online now!
I believe that anyone that has there child full time...as a true single parent deserves a month at a spa...LOL. My daughters sperm donor disappeared 3 months before her birth. So i dont have weekends free..she is with me all the time except when i am at work. And i really love that fact that I dont have to share her with another parent. I make all the choices. Guess could call me a control freak...lol. And yeah its rough financially raising her on one income...but i am teaching her valuable lessons. That you can make it through anything.
[Edited 1/23/2008 2:43:18 PM]
1/23/2008 4:33:32 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Vienna, OH
age: 49
depends on the single person i am a single dad for over six years love it lots of work very rewarding kids first
1/24/2008 6:26:36 PM |
Single dad or mom....who has it easier |

Midland, NC
age: 27
I guess it would be hard for both. I am a single mom and it is only has hard as the other parent makes it. You can be a single parent and be ok if the other parent helps out but too many times when people split up they assume they do not have the same obligation to the child as they have when they live with them. It is not all about money either. The hard part is taking off work when the child is sick, making it to meetings at the school, and explanning to the child why you can't take off work to have lunch with them at school. Jobs don't care about single parents and because the child support system is a joke then work can't be missed. I have great respect for all single parents.