1/28/2008 2:54:10 PM |
What the F*** People? |

Boise, ID
age: 24
i can talk politics, philosophy and news, i like a good discussion.
i think women or men, with a interest in what's happening besides the celeb gossip are great people, and the ones I would choose to befriend.
1/28/2008 5:59:29 PM |
What the F*** People? |

Farmersville, TX
age: 27
Apparently the 80's didnt suck, just our parents did (they chose to swallow and not spit)....otherwise most of us wouldnt be here!!! 
I was starting to enjoy the what the f*cking!!  
1/28/2008 6:26:01 PM |
What the F*** People? |

Crescent City, CA
age: 26
ya I am looking for a bi chick around my age or younger.     
1/29/2008 10:49:50 PM |
What the F*** People? |

Jolo, WV
age: 27
Ok, so what does anyone think about all the conspiracy theories going around? thats something intelligent to talk about. If your not scared
1/30/2008 4:46:54 PM |
What the F*** People? |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 18
wow, looks better than the "am i hot?" topics but I gotta agree, the new generations are soo dense they think that Harry Potter is a type of soda pop!     
1/30/2008 5:01:55 PM |
What the F*** People? |

Houston, TX
age: 23
i work as a bouncer and i swear to god that half the people that i have to deal with every night are so f*cking dumb. i dont understand what happened in the 80's, but i swear that most of my peers IQ's are comparable to that of a large rock. Thats about it. Is there anyone out there who can carry on an intelligent conversation? I'm sure there are. But they are so scarce i think that intelligent young people are an endangered species of some kind.
1/30/2008 9:27:54 PM |
What the F*** People? |

Jolo, WV
age: 27
What happened? MTV, Public school, corporate Media, Religion, the breakdown of families into single parent families. ect. ect.
1/31/2008 10:49:39 AM |
What the F*** People? |

Mountainburg, AR
age: 25

MTV has programmed our youths minds that its all about the b*tches and benze, f*ck'n and suck'n, bang'n and slang'n, ect.
How dirty a girl can dance, how sexy the striper is, and how much he wants to f*ck her or how he is f*cken her.
I get so tired of it... and the youth just looking for sex... what happend to "I want to know what love is" or "I'll do anything for love"?
We don't have to get into politics, or some deep meaningful discussion. Just something that has intellectual weight.
1/31/2008 12:16:17 PM |
What the F*** People? |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 21
I absolutely agree, I can't carry a normal english, (let alone spanish) conversation with my cusins it's soo bad that what ever I or my 18 year old sister say it's "old school" to them HELLO I'm only 21,  soo, sad  
[Edited 1/31/2008 12:16:43 PM]
2/1/2008 12:45:26 AM |
What the F*** People? |

Jolo, WV
age: 27
I loved the eighties and nineties. When everything seemed to be going good, and the music was killer. Oh and the pot damn that was good. Then DAMN I woke up and realized we lived in a really F*CKED up place, and nothing was what it seemed. It was like someone lifted a blanket from off my head.
2/1/2008 8:04:03 AM |
What the F*** People? |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 21
I think, that we've all come to that point in our lives when we realize not verything is what it seems! sad part is I'm still in f#@%ing aww! 
2/1/2008 10:51:22 AM |
What the F*** People? |

Attleboro, MA
age: 26 online now!
Our generation is full of dumbed downed, sex crazed children who have yet to discover the meaning of "intelligent conversation". Anyone who went through school and actually was able to produce A's was ostrasized and belittled until they no longer desired to succeed at academics. Yeah...that was me.
What is really frightening for me is that I have a child who just began kindergarten and I have spent the first 5 years of her life teaching her how to speak correctly and express herself in an intelligent manner. (the kid says "May I please have a snack?" as opposed to "gimme a snack moooooooooooooooooom") Apparently, her teacher at daycare instilled a fabulous word into her vocabulary..."ain't". Of course, she can't pronounce it properlly and it comes out like "ant"...so we get "I ant gonna do it!" one night and I went spastic. 
Her teacher is fresh out of college and just about my age. I seriously called her and reamed her ass. She then went on to ask my advice on what she could do to get her class of 5 year olds to listen to her. WHAT?!?!?!?
*sigh* I figured our generation is already so f*cked there's not much to be done, and then I realized our generation is teaching my daughters generation and I became silently,horribly, terrified...
2/1/2008 5:45:44 PM |
What the F*** People? |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 21
I don't have kids, but I feel your pain! I mean can't we just have a normal english conversation without saying "aint" and "Cause" and "you know what I'm sayin" (just to mention a few) not ment to offend anyone just my opinion.
2/2/2008 12:27:16 PM |
What the F*** People? |

Statesville, NC
age: 27
I've been thinking that for the past ten years my English may not be perfect but damn at lest I try, more people speak so much slang that you have to carry a dictionary around to translate sad to say but whoever came up with calling us the groundhog generation is probably right sad part is now people that I graduated with are becoming teachers and the government only worries about the standardized tests and could care less if the kids actually learned anything. My friend told me that she can only teach 20 min of a lesson a day. The rest of 8 hours is spend getting the kids ready for the tests. Is that teaching? I do not think so, how about you guys? This is are future that is being thought we are charged with the task of making them smarter not dumber
2/2/2008 7:39:56 PM |
What the F*** People? |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 21
the thing is that they're leaveing all the work to technology, so the government could care less if they learn or not as long as they know how to use the latest gadjets!
[Edited 2/3/2008 12:53:31 PM]