1/10/2010 2:45:06 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
ARIES - The Aggressive
Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny... Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world..
TAURUS - The Tramp
Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight. Fight for what they want. Can be annoying at times, but for the love of attention. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. They can be self centered and if they want something they will do anything to get it. They love to sleep and can be lazy. One of a kind. Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth!
GEMINI - The Twin
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good at confusing people... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Geminis will not take any crap from anyone. Geminis like to tell people what they should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Geminis can be very sarcastic and childish at times and are very nosey. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud. Talkative. Outgoing. VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.
CANCER - The Beauty
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.. Very romantic.. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An Ultimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your a** good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to!
LEO - The Lion
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun.. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive.. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
VIRGO - The One that Waits
Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. A pushover. Loves to gamble and take chances. Needs to have the last say in everything.. They think they know everything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quickly lose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them and never regain respect. They do not forgive and never forget. The one and only..
LIBRA - The Lame One
Nice to everyone they meet. Their love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However, not the kind of person you want to mess with...you might end up crying. Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithful friends to the end. Can hold a grudge for years. Libras are someone you want on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sports fanatics. Very creative. A hopeless romantic.
SCORPIO - The Addict
EXTREMELY adorable. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Will try almost anything once. Loves to be pampered. Energetic. Predictable. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want.. Attractive. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Loves to party but at times to the extreme. Loves the smell and feel of money and is good at making it but just as good at spending it! Very protective over loved ones. HARD workers. Can be a good friend but if is disrespected by a friend, the friendship will end. Romantic. Caring..
SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One
Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found... Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Loves deeply but at times will not show it, feels it is a sign of weakness. Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones with all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying.
CAPRICORN - The Passionate Lover
Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times and annoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy. But when they find a job or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud, understanding and sweet.
Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signs especially Gemini's in sports. Likes to cook but would rather go out to eat at good restaurants.
Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart.
AQUARIUS - Does It In The Water
Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind, loves being in long-term relationships. Can be clumsy at times but tries hard. Will take on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do.. Messy and unorganized. Procrastinators. Great lovers, when they're not sleeping. Extreme thinkers. Loves their pets usually more than their family. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter but will Knock your lights out..
PISCES - The Partner for Life
Caring and kind. Smart. Likes to be the center of attention. Very organized. High appeal to opposite sex. Likes to have the last word. Good to find, but hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers.. Fun to be around. Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. VERY caring. They always try to do the right thing and sometimes gets the short end of the stick. They sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good sense of humor!!! Thoughtful. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Good friend to other but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be. .
[Edited 1/10/2010 2:51:39 PM ]
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1/10/2010 2:46:15 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
I am a cancer
CANCER - The Beauty
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.. Very romantic.. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An Ultimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your a** good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to!
[Edited 1/10/2010 3:08:54 PM ]
1/10/2010 2:51:29 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Paducah, KY
age: 55
I'm a Virgo and most of it fits. But some of it is waaayyy off base.
1/10/2010 2:52:01 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Hayden, AL
age: 59
I am a Sagittarius but the horoscope is not close. I am NOT promiscuous! 
1/10/2010 2:53:10 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
somebody sent me this in email ......just thought we could have fun with it. I dont believe in horoscopes lol wish mine was accurate
[Edited 1/10/2010 2:55:24 PM ]
1/10/2010 2:56:20 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
I am a Sagittarius but the horoscope is not close. I am NOT promiscuous! 
maybe it was talking about the part where it said you are amazing in bed 
1/10/2010 2:58:57 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Hayden, AL
age: 59
maybe it was talking about the part where it said you are amazing in bed  
I am amazing in bed, that's true........I flip/flop around like a fish out of water and snore like a man.  
1/10/2010 3:03:38 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Grant, AL
age: 50
Im a Cuspy...Sag, and Cap. All Fit ......which ever personality is out!   
1/10/2010 3:05:33 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Vinemont, AL
age: 58
LEO - The Lion
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun.. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive.. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
Have no complaints except that I do not believae that horsoscopes can tell the future we read then sub conscienously we look for way s to make it come true.
1/10/2010 3:06:05 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 47
Libra.....it's pretty close   
1/10/2010 3:07:06 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
i agree, this is just for fun@sandy
[Edited 1/10/2010 3:09:13 PM ]
1/10/2010 3:16:15 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Paducah, KY
age: 55
I'm a cuspy too, Leo and Virgo, funny how some of the traits intwine. Don't believe in them either but they are fun to read and check how close you are...not can become.
1/10/2010 3:19:48 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Vinemont, AL
age: 57
I am
LEO - The Lion
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun.. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive.. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
I am not sure how true. Someone else must answer this one for me.
1/10/2010 3:21:54 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Paducah, KY
age: 55
I am
LEO - The Lion
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun.. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive.. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
I am not sure how true. Someone else must answer this one for me.
I can definately see some truth in some of it! Can't confirm the kisser part though LOL.
1/10/2010 3:25:03 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Higdon, AL
age: 58
ARIES - The Aggressive
Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny... Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world..
Lord Oh Lord I'm Aries all the way
1/10/2010 4:00:15 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Bryant, AL
age: 51
Sounds like me don't ya think lol
GEMINI - The Twin
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good at confusing people... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Geminis will not take any crap from anyone. Geminis like to tell people what they should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Geminis can be very sarcastic and childish at times and are very nosey. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud. Talkative. Outgoing. VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE
1/10/2010 4:02:36 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


San Diego, CA
age: 58
capricorn: understanding, sweet,sexy,intelligent, gets what she wants, private, proud, focused, fun. Pretty much "me" never annoying or grouchy:
[Edited 1/10/2010 4:03:25 PM ]
1/10/2010 4:33:08 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
mine says im a freak??? guess that could be a good thing?
1/10/2010 4:36:10 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Florence, AL
age: 31
SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One
Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found... Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Loves deeply but at times will not show it, feels it is a sign of weakness. Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones with all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying.
This is mine 100% You nailed it!
1/10/2010 5:05:10 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Guntersville, AL
age: 49
I am a Sag. oh yea that's me almost to a T
1/10/2010 5:19:59 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Fultondale, AL
age: 53
ARIES - The Aggressive
Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny... Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world..
I think that fits me. I see that someone else is just like me Never have kissed myself though
[Edited 1/10/2010 5:23:01 PM ]
1/10/2010 6:08:59 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Higdon, AL
age: 58
Judy I didn't know you were an Aries also..
1/10/2010 6:12:30 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Cullman, AL
age: 45
I am a Scorpio. That is almost scary that it is so close to the truth. lol
SCORPIO - The Addict
EXTREMELY adorable. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Will try almost anything once. Loves to be pampered. Energetic. Predictable. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want.. Attractive. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Loves to party but at times to the extreme. Loves the smell and feel of money and is good at making it but just as good at spending it! Very protective over loved ones. HARD workers. Can be a good friend but if is disrespected by a friend, the friendship will end. Romantic. Caring..
1/10/2010 7:19:43 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 58
Mine got me right, sorta kinda!!! (it was RIGHT on all the good stuff!!)

1/10/2010 7:27:32 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Somerville, AL
age: 48
Scoriopo-comes close to being te REAL me 
1/10/2010 7:38:32 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Oxford, AL
age: 43
LEO - The Lion
Great talker . Attractive and passionate . Laid back . Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish . A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem . Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous . Knows how to have fun .. Is really good at almost anything . Great kisser . Very predictable . Outgoing . Down to earth . Addictive . Attractive . Loud . Loves being in long relationships . Talkative . Not one to mess with . Rare to find . Good when found .
1/10/2010 7:38:51 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Decatur, AL
age: 21
of course capricorn fits me well
1/10/2010 8:45:54 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Gardendale, AL
age: 58
Libra..... Guess mine is pretty close.
1/10/2010 8:50:33 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Vinemont, AL
age: 57
Peggy my late husband was a libra and he was the most laid back person I have ever met...
He didn't say much, but when he did talk...it always paid to listen. It was either very good advise or it was so rolling in the floor funny.  
1/10/2010 9:16:07 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Huntsville, AL
age: 22
SCORPIO - The Addict
EXTREMELY adorable. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Will try almost anything once. Loves to be pampered. Energetic. Predictable. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want.. Attractive. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Loves to party but at times to the extreme. Loves the smell and feel of money and is good at making it but just as good at spending it! Very protective over loved ones. HARD workers. Can be a good friend but if is disrespected by a friend, the friendship will end. Romantic. Caring.
And don't take no B.S    
[Edited 1/10/2010 9:20:48 PM ]
1/10/2010 9:26:49 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Fultondale, AL
age: 53
Judy I didn't know you were an Aries also.. 
You know why we are the way we are now  
1/10/2010 9:59:55 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Childersburg, AL
age: 43
Im a Capricorn, its pretty close!!!hahaha!!!
1/11/2010 4:52:36 AM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Oxford, AL
age: 43
somebody sent me this in email ......just thought we could have fun with it. I dont believe in horoscopes lol wish mine was accurate
I don't believe in them either, but in a way they are true. All of those are character traits that would fit most anyone. For instance I could take any other sign and a lot of it would apply to me, with the exception of one or two things...same as mine does
1/11/2010 9:57:47 AM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Calera, AL
age: 49
Taurus here, most was right on except I wouldn't do ANYTHING to get what I want, lazy and celf centered. no, is why I am still wanting things, but hey, I'm the most attractive on Earth? LOL 
1/11/2010 3:48:38 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Chicago, IL
age: 91
< libra , Yes even Trolls have Birthday's !
Fits me about right.
1/11/2010 5:54:24 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
hmmmmmmmm you sound familiar....wonder why your profile says your a taurus
[Edited 1/11/2010 5:58:22 PM ]
1/11/2010 5:59:37 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Grant, AL
age: 50
With All That Space And The Stars......Seems To Me , It Would be alot of wasted Space......Must have some meaning?? JMO 
1/11/2010 6:09:35 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Smiths Station, AL
age: 50
June 21, Born the CUSP...many people...damn, no wonder I stay confused..instant harem here!
GEMINI - The Twin
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good at confusing people..AND THYSELF. Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Geminis will not take any crap from anyone. YE Geminis like to tell people what they should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Geminis can be very sarcastic and childish at times and are very nosey. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud. Talkative. Outgoing. VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.
Pretty damn close!
CANCER - The Beauty
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.. Very romantic.. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An Ultimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your a** good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to!
Extremely close!
[Edited 1/11/2010 6:11:13 PM ]
1/11/2010 6:15:01 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Oxford, AL
age: 43

1/11/2010 6:20:41 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Smiths Station, AL
age: 50
1/11/2010 7:44:42 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Chicago, IL
age: 91
hmmmmmmmm you sound familiar....wonder why your profile says your a taurus
Cause I'm A Troll,and I can't remember chit.
It's A troll trait along with pickin my nose in public,
scratchin my butt and blowin my nose in the new clean
towels at Wally-World.
1/11/2010 8:00:33 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Crane Hill, AL
age: 59
PISCES - The Partner for Life
Caring and kind. Smart. Likes to be the center of attention. Very organized. High appeal to opposite sex. Likes to have the last word. Good to find, but hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers.. Fun to be around. Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. VERY caring. They always try to do the right thing and sometimes gets the short end of the stick. They sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good sense of humor!!! Thoughtful. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Good friend to other but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be.
I'd say about 50% right...
Caring & kind could be questionable
Smart... depends on who you compare me to..
Likes to be center of attention.... NOT!!! Definitely NOT!!!
Very organized.... That's a joke... I like to organize but stay totally disorganized and constantly rearranging things.. and can't keep up with anything.
High appeal to opposite sex... again, depends on who you're talking to.
Likwa ro have the last word... sure, who doesn't
Good to find/hard to keep... depends on whether or not I want to be kept.
Passionate, wonderful lover... of course... you don't think I'm going to say that I'm not do you?
Too trusting at times and sometimes gets hurt easily... DEFINITELY
Very Caring... depends on the situation/person.
Fun to be around... not ,really, kinda boring.
Always try to do the right thing and sometimes get the short end of the stick... HELL YEAH!!
Sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their trusting... Oh Hell Yeah!!!
Extremely weird but in a good way... Yep, and damn proud of it!
Good sense of humor? Depends on what you think humor is...
Thoughtful. Kind of but you'd never know it...
Loves to Joke... I think so.
Very Popular.... Not in my opinion.
Silly, fun and sweet.... some think so.
Good friend to other but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be. ...Most definitely...
1/11/2010 8:20:30 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Lincoln, AL
age: 45
LIBRA - The Lame One
Nice to everyone they meet. Their love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However, not the kind of person you want to mess with. ..you might end up crying. Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithful friends to the end. Can hold a grudge for years. Libras are someone you want on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sports fanatics. Very creative. A hopeless romantic.   
hey i resemble that  
1/21/2010 8:38:57 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Montevallo, AL
age: 49
Leo what can I say?
1/21/2010 9:37:14 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Lansdale, PA
age: 65
CANCER - The Beauty
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.. Very romantic.. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An Ultimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your a** good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to! 
I am CANCER the BEAUTY ...I agree with all of it except:
I am no beauty and can't kiss at all so my appeal is low. I love like everyone else and romance does not matter at all. I don't really care about anyone and am not very creative in telling you so. I am no artist. I think sex is just ok, but don't really know because I seldom do it, well, ok...NEVER. I am boring so I never attend parties. Forget my wing, I will keep you under my foot for just as long as you allow me. I have to think about something for an hour before I considering doing it. I make war with a passion...you should have seen me in Iraq! ANd when I have gout, I can't kick anything. LET ME GO RIGHT NOW, YOU FOOL!
So, that leaves an insane, random, freak, Whadda you think?
Naaa, I am just funnin with ya. Actually, I am pretty close to some of those statements but I am not going to tell you which ones...You'll just have to guess!

So, horoscopes can sometimes be fun but they do not tell me what happens in life and do not predict my life. That is left to a being who REALLY knows me best, and truly cares.
1/21/2010 9:51:12 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Foley, AL
age: 43
I am a Gemini/Cancer cusp (also called the cusp of magic) so some of both horoscopes fit, but only half of each. Its very hard to find horoscopes for cusps, I know because I've been studying astrology for over 20 years. Anyway I only put about 65-70 percent in astrology since no matter how your traits are you still live in a dynamic world and experiences change us from moment to moment. I put more value these days in Carl Jungs personality traits. I'm a INFJ which is very rare and a bit odd.
1/21/2010 9:57:16 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Fultondale, AL
age: 53
ARIES - The Aggressive
Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny... Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world.. 
1/22/2010 1:46:02 AM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Hartselle, AL
age: 53
I am a CANCER and the beauty is within is my opinion. It does match me pretty good. Even the last line. I will not physically kick you but you will feel like I kicked you to get you up and on the right track if I can.
1/22/2010 3:37:04 AM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Grant, AL
age: 50
I am a Gemini/Cancer cusp (also called the cusp of magic) so some of both horoscopes fit, but only half of each. Its very hard to find horoscopes for cusps, I know because I've been studying astrology for over 20 years. Anyway I only put about 65-70 percent in astrology since no matter how your traits are you still live in a dynamic world and experiences change us from moment to moment. I put more value these days in Carl Jungs personality traits. I'm a INFJ which is very rare and a bit odd. 
Very Cool and Interesting....Carl Jung is One of My Favorites!
1/22/2010 7:10:38 AM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Hartselle, AL
age: 50
Aries...wow pretty much on the button! 
1/22/2010 9:25:38 AM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |
Foley, AL
age: 43
Yes elaine77 Carl Jung was a very interesting person, we also share the same personality type if I remember correctly. Also it was nice seeing that another on these forums share my cusp (uhhhlifeis). Actually we are only a day apart. 
1/22/2010 11:58:25 AM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Murrieta, CA
age: 57
PISCES - The Partner for Life
Caring and kind. Smart. Likes to be the center of attention. Very organized. High appeal to opposite sex. Likes to have the last word. Good to find, but hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers.. Fun to be around. Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. VERY caring. They always try to do the right thing and sometimes gets the short end of the stick. They sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good sense of humor!!! Thoughtful. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Good friend to other but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be. .
Pretty close except for "Likes to be the center of attention. Very organized. High appeal to opposite sex."

1/24/2010 5:12:28 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 47
VIRGO - The One that Waits
Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. A good lover!. Loves to gamble and take chances. Needs to have the last say in everything.. They think they know everything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quickly lose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them and never regain respect. They do not forgive and never forget. The one and only..MMMMMM This is Scary! 
1/25/2010 7:04:57 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Summerdale, AL
age: 60
CANCER - The Beauty
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.. Very romantic.. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An Ultimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your a** good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to
so they say this is me hum
[Edited 1/25/2010 7:07:08 PM ]
1/28/2010 6:28:45 PM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
CANCER - The Beauty
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.. Very romantic.. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An Ultimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your a** good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to
what a dang shame , i have all this going on and I am here alone. Dang I could be freaking with someone
1/31/2010 12:31:13 AM |
2010 horoscope how close is yours? |


Decatur, AL
age: 41
Virgo......some things are true.............some way off.