1/22/2010 2:36:35 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 24
Well ive been with this guy for 6months. All of the holidays have passed including our birthdays and he waz unavaliable during all days! Im so pissed i know what i should do but need your opion.   
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1/22/2010 2:38:00 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

La Habra, CA
age: 38
dump him. everyone needs attention. specially around the holidays
1/22/2010 2:53:08 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 24
I love this man to death and our conection is so strong when we are together. Thats why im holding on and i did breakup with him on new years but i took it back and told him why i was upset! he made me promise to never break up with him again but ditched me again on hiz bday last week after i spent some money on him. Maybe im just hiz FB thats he calls his girlfriend idk im so confused
1/22/2010 2:54:52 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Burlison, TN
age: 20
Your sexy. Make him jealous.
1/22/2010 3:17:19 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

La Habra, CA
age: 38
let it go AZ before you get too much in to this relationship. hes not going to change and its only going to get worse.
1/22/2010 3:20:32 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |


Northport, WA
age: 45
Find a date and go to where ever he is going.
1/22/2010 3:25:23 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Burlison, TN
age: 20
This lady needs help. XD
1/22/2010 3:29:55 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Idaho Falls, ID
age: 19

1/22/2010 3:51:51 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Mount Orab, OH
age: 46
If he is only there when its convenient for himself,What good is it being with him period?? I would think its a preveiw of things to come... god forebid you have a kid or marry him ,he would just run out on you... is that what you want??? If you want to make him set up and notice you do something that you have never done before in the relationship... give him his walking papers!!Sometimes you just have to be a B*tch and quit being the mans door matt.
1/22/2010 3:56:44 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Ogden, UT
age: 45
take these guys advice .. many fish in the sea.. get your education unless you your finished and explore the world, so much to enjoy!
Man, am I talking like a father... 
Good Luck 
1/22/2010 4:28:58 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Brooklyn, NY
age: 57
Wash that man right out of your hair and move on, and don't look back. Go foward with your life and enjoy yourself. You'll meet the right one some day and you'll forget all about this guy. Life sometimes has it's ups and downs. Learning by your mistakes make you stronger so you don't make the same mistake again and again. Don't worry tomorrow is another day. Good Luck
1/22/2010 4:44:10 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Hazlet, NJ
age: 48
You should never drive your car without a spare. Life goes on.
1/22/2010 5:09:28 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Franklin, NJ
age: 54
Whatever his reasons are, he's a selfish, inconsiderate a**hole!! Period. Dump his useless punk a** and find a real man.
1/22/2010 5:20:32 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |


Evansville, IN
age: 41
So, he doesn't stay in touch with you, he doesn't include you in his daily life, and he hurts your feelings. What do you love about him?
1/22/2010 5:27:52 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Knoxville, TN
age: 45
I love this man to death and our conection is so strong when we are together. Thats why im holding on and i did breakup with him on new years but i took it back and told him why i was upset! he made me promise to never break up with him again but ditched me again on hiz bday last week after i spent some money on him. Maybe im just hiz FB thats he calls his girlfriend idk im so confused 
Sounds like the connect is only one way. If it were both ways he would never be unavailable.
1/22/2010 5:27:59 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Aberdeen, NC
age: 34
Sometimes we give too much love to the wrong people, you are a beautiful young lady, don't sit back and wait on him to decide he wants to please you, please yourself and do the things that make you happy, and obviously he is not, a strong connection when the two of you are together that is settlement, and that's not something worth doing for him, point is he doesn't realize what he has thats his fault move on and find someone (and you can) that appreciates you for YOU!
1/22/2010 5:55:53 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 47
Take a step back and look at this thing.
There's lots of stupid breaking up - taking back crap going on......if you guys have been together such a short time, then you relationship is drama-laden and this behavior will probably continue.
The moments of happiness grabbed between days of misery are going to dwindle the further it goes. Ask yourself if that's what you want.....because that's your future.
1/22/2010 6:33:21 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Medford, NY
age: 34
If the two of you were calling it what it is, (which is dating) feelings wouldnt be so hurt.
Whys everyone gotta go committing all the time?
It is what it is..
I say, agree to see others too, and you wont have a problem.
Set yourself up for less disapointment. Seriously.
1/22/2010 6:39:23 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 24
well i know i should let him go because he dosent treat me like i want to be treated and i have told him this several times. I think im just not gonna call or txt him and see how long it takea him to realize that im gone just as he hurts me im gonna break up with him for myself and not even say anything to him.
1/22/2010 7:16:54 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 47
I think im just not gonna call or txt him and see how long it takea him to realize that im gone just as he hurts me im gonna break up with him for myself and not even say anything to him. 

No, that will probably have him looking for you which means he'll eventually find you and you two can start the sick revolving behavior again.
Why ask for advice if you are ingrained in behavior that you refuse to change?
1/22/2010 8:16:09 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 24
hes the one that asked me to make the commitment after the third date and i agreed. therefore we are not dating.
1/22/2010 8:46:17 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Katy, TX
age: 44
i did breakup with him on new years but i took it back and told him why i was upset!
You'll make a fine mighty wife someday. Learn to use PMS in your favor and prepare him for the menopause. 
1/22/2010 9:20:56 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Norwich, NY
age: 41
Stalk him or have him followed to see what he is up to
Oh real good... feed a mislead fire.
Hey pretty23hot1, You might be a hot1. But, if you don't have self esteem and confidence, You fall to a wavering warm1. Warm dates are easily replaced. Don't put yourself in that position!
True love can't be found in six months. period! Read "A Road less traveled", especially about the second stage of love. He wasn't there for the holidays, what was your first clue that he might be using you? If not for the money you spend on him, He may spend time with you just to be kind to someone/anyone. Tag, your it, for today anyway. That is just the beginning of selfish. Shake the loser and find someone that knows how to treat of women.
1/22/2010 9:30:50 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |


New Baltimore, MI
age: 49
So, OP, sounds like your fix is:
I won't call/text him for awhile so he'll miss me, or maybe I'll make him feel jealous if he thinks I found someone else...
That will make him come running back...
So we'll restart and everything will be fine...
Until the next drama and cycle starts all over again.
Don't enable. Move on. Be smarter next time and don't get into the cycle in the first place.
1/22/2010 9:59:46 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Sacramento, CA
age: 67
Simple, he doesn't care.
1/22/2010 1:19:58 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 30
You don't need advice, you need attention.. Odds are he was out with his real girlfriend and you're just a f**kbuddy on the side.. Guys are douchebags and you got yourself a real winner.. He tells you what you want to hear, actions speak louder than words, and he clearly shows you he don't care but you still believe the bs out his mouth. Real men don't treat their women like that, we cherish them.
1/22/2010 1:38:57 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Plainview, TX
age: 31
1/22/2010 4:29:14 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 24
well i called and talked about it today i guess the best thing is open communication everything is alright i guess i just blew things out of porportion. I have my reasurance back. 
1/22/2010 4:47:53 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 24
1/22/2010 4:48:49 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 47
well i called and talked about it today i guess the best thing is open communication everything is alright i guess i just blew things out of porportion. I have my reasurance back. 
We look forward to your next, "I got ditched" thread in a few weeks.
1/22/2010 5:24:04 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Chandler, AZ
age: 34
lol @ my boyfriend ditched me, but I guess I blew it out of proportion.
That just means the girl he was f**king is boring him or ditched him.
1/22/2010 5:31:59 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Grantsburg, WI
age: 39
1/22/2010 5:37:23 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Lake Benton, MN
age: 50
best thing to do is just move on with your life forget him dont stalk him or have him followed by anyone. after all two wrongs dont make a right. there are a lot of sick people out there like my ex she has me followed where ever i go people like this need help bad . i just sit home and leave the mental case alone. people have told me about her.
1/22/2010 6:02:04 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |


Sunman, IN
age: 40
i say have sex with his best friend.....he will think twice next time about leaving u alone 
1/22/2010 8:00:05 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 30
Typical female. I'm not gonna waste my time replying to this thread anymore. Wish there were women out there that weren't so naive
[Edited 1/22/2010 8:04:21 PM PST]
1/22/2010 8:26:30 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |


Walton, KY
age: 49
Well ive been with this guy for 6months.
All of the holidays have passed including our birthdays and he waz unavaliable during all days!
Why was he unavailable ?

1/22/2010 8:33:27 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Madisonville, TN
age: 37
he either is hiding something or doesnt want you in that part of his life. i would be looking into that one
1/22/2010 8:40:02 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Austin, TX
age: 35
Are you kidding?? Dump him. If he isn't giving you what you want why are you wasting your time. If he wants to be with you, he;ll catch up. Stop being the girl in waiting!! Sorry to be so blunt but come on. Strong connection or not, you deserve to be treated better!! Too many people hang on to a relationship that isn't really a relationship. Its like being in a row boat and your the only paddling with one paddle. All you're doing is going around in circles. And you're all alone doing it!! Dump him. Just being honest.
1/22/2010 9:15:04 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |


Olathe, KS
age: 50
Whatever his reasons are, he's a selfish, inconsiderate a**hole!! Period. Dump his useless punk a** and find a real man.

1/22/2010 9:30:24 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |


Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 62
If it walks like a duck---and squawks like a duck--IT IS A DUCK. If he isn't a nice guy---and you are constantly barraged with this much stupidity from him---then is is NOT--I repeat---NOT a relationship. Not even close. I don't know why or what he is doing to cancel and be so distant to you--BUT THIS IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP. IS this what YOU want?? Are you this lonely and dependant?? Are you this needy?? Why are you allowing yourself to be treated this way?? Do you always wind up with losers?? Is this repeat behavior??? Have you EVER dated a normal guy who is around to go out and have real mature fun and share good times with you?? I know you want to complain about it--BUT WHY?? You are allowing this happen--if you didn't want him--you would tell him to get lost. If he walked up and punched you in the face--would you allow that also??? He is mistreating you and you are ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN. There is NO law saying you have to tolerate his behavior. You are free to tell him to get lost. Having NO ONE is better than having this "shadowy figure" who shows up once in a while. This isn't even a casual dating scenario---its just plain stupid. Sitting around all pissed off is NOT the way to handle this---you should be asking YOURSELF--why am I allowing ANY guy to treat me so poorly????? Aren't there one or two other guys in your area to date?? You seem to be stuck on this guy like hes the only one for miles around. It doesn't register to me---why would you tolerate this?? What are you so mad about??
1/22/2010 9:30:26 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Grande Prairie, AB
age: 43
OK - I'm going to be serious cause I really have something valuable to share with you... I had a boyfriend exactly like yours and I really loved him. He forgot my birthday, he went to his families for xmas and went to visit an ex lover, and he spent his birthday out with other people. Then Valentines day, he asked me out and said to meet him at the restaurant. He was 1/2 hr late and we had no reservations. We got a corner table by the coats and when he arrived at the restaurant he was on the phone with a client. He was late he said because he was fixing the tub faucet and had to run to costco for a part. But he didn't show up with a card or candy or a flower. He didn't have time to pick up anything at costco but a part. And he came directly from costco, but oh - how convenient he forgot his wallet at home in his coat (how did he pay for the part at costco?). We had supper and thats when he said I had to pay for the meal (and he peeled the decoration off the wall of a cherub and gave it to me in lieu of his valentine).. Then he said he wasn't going to take me home because he had to go see a client he was meeting at our restaurant for which he HAD a reservation right after our meal. I stood up and gave his chocolates I bought him and his card and gave it to the hottie sitting at the bar next to the coat rack. And I left. Stupid me, I moved in with him in April after that and we lasted 2 weeks cause he was emailing 6 women (in french) and thought I couldn't read his letters and left his computer on. I speak 3 languages fluently and 3 other languages about 30%. He didn't want to spend Easter together and planned on working and his cousins were coming to stay with us. So I went to my moms. His cousins never showed and he didn't work and he called me after Easter and said he missed me. I told him I was leaving him and now he's dating one of those women he was emailing. He never cared about me (I was just his flavor of the month). If he really cared about me, he'd spend those special occasions with me and would be looking for opportunities to make them memorable. Dump the Bum. He's just not that into you and there are guys out there who would order a tub full of jello and whipped cream for valentines day for the two of you rather than you putting up with burnt toast user boyfriends. He doens't deserve you... walk.
1/22/2010 9:33:54 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Overland Park, KS
age: 39

-- SR1
1/22/2010 9:35:47 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Corpus Christi, TX
age: 47
Are serious or just mentally challenged? He is Using you. The holidays & birthday thing should been a hint. If he is expected to shell out money he has something else to do. Why don't you just adopt him?
1/23/2010 7:18:55 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 24
thanks you guys for all of your input i totally get it and i should not listen to his excuses! I dont understand how i spend alot of time thinking about him and he dosent seem to think about me as much as i do him i ask myself has things changed between us ind i dont think they have things have always been the same. come on now he told me he loved me after our second date. that should have been a red flag. I think i just love the idea of what can be rather than what it actually is. and i do see a patern now that you mention it. Everyone knows how to love and i realize this is not it. and if this is what his love has to offer i dont think i really want it. he is just so confusing. his words say i love you but his actions say i dont care. what a waste of thime thank god he never met my kids. 
1/23/2010 7:42:17 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Waynesboro, VA
age: 52
isn't one definition of insanity " doing the same things over and over and expecting different results" think on that one
1/23/2010 8:27:30 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Nashville, TN
age: 30
Well, I can relate. I have a similar post on here myself. And, I guess I will give you the same advice everyone gave me. Although I didn't want to hear it....Let him go. I know its easier said than done..Trust me, I know. but, how much really do we have to take before we realize that we do deserve better?
1/23/2010 10:26:21 AM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Assiniboia, SK
age: 46
If he is only there when its convenient for himself,What good is it being with him period?? I would think its a preveiw of things to come... god forebid you have a kid or marry him ,he would just run out on you... is that what you want??? If you want to make him set up and notice you do something that you have never done before in the relationship... give him his walking papers!!Sometimes you just have to be a B*tch and quit being the mans door matt.
This is your best answer
1/23/2010 1:40:38 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

North Sioux City, SD
age: 41
i agree
1/23/2010 3:42:28 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

York, PA
age: 41
Honey he isn't your boyfriend. What an ass~!
Kick him to the curb and find a real man...the world is full of great guys you just need to find the one for you....
1/23/2010 3:54:20 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 29
some men are asses and deserve to be dumped right on their ass.he is no good believe me been there seen that go on.
1/23/2010 4:01:11 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |


Omaha, NE
age: 30
ha ha funny
1/23/2010 4:15:45 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Meridian, ID
age: 49
sorry got to be a d*ck its your fault from now forward, what i mean is your letting him do this to you and you know how he is your connection is stroge but his is all in his pants move forward
1/23/2010 4:33:55 PM |
My boyfriend ditched me! |

Rosedale, NY
age: 48
Just be strong, and move on sweety, that's all. Only the strong survive, winners never quit, and quiters never win, and you are a winner sweety.       