Billings, MT
age: 57
this foto i did with a digital camera and just before pushing down the shutter button
i moved the camera in a circular motion. Oh yea i was on a hill above the city lights
can you see the Froggs. no computer was used to enhance the photo, its a one in a Zillion shot.


Billings, MT
age: 53
You know, you could do wire sculptures following the images that you've created with your camera...They do actually look like frogs... lots of frogs! Frogs on Lily pads!
Kind of fun to blow the pic up and then display it with sculptures! Fun Stuff.

David City, NE
age: 49
You are very imaginative.But then good artists usually are. I am 650 miles away, but you are a cutie. So I had to send a little note. Tee Hee
I haven't finished my profile yet. I just found this site...wow...and its free! So far anyway. I have been alone for a while now, and ready to burst into the world now that my youngest has left the nest. But I don't like to travel too far alone.