2/16/2010 2:20:41 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Attleboro, MA
51, joined Dec. 2009
I am so tired of liberals trashing Sarah Palin. It's just so terrifying for them to even consider the possibility of a conservative woman - a woman in the the spotlight, with some amount of influence and a possible future in politics, who is pro-life, against same sex marriage, against big gov't and high taxes, supports the military and is against the gov't health plan. If she suddenly feel into lockstep with NOW, they would be proclaiming her as brilliant.
I have someone on my Facebook friends list who posts something about her EVERYDAY. It's truly unbelievable. He wrote that she was "evil" the other day and when I commented on his status and asked him to explain what exactly constitutes "evil", he said he wasn't going to defend his opinion and that Sarah was just an A**hole. Yesterday, he posted this paragraph where he wrote these fake stats showing Sarah was less favorable then the war and a whole lot of other things. He never posted her favorability rating. I commented and posted her rating of 44%, along with the source being the Gallup Poll, and the date and stated that this figure was higher than any of the figures he posted above. Hence his "facts" were not accurate and he should post his source and date and what he believed her rating to be. He deleted my comment and said nothing and let other people comment on how amazed they were at his figures and how awful....blah, blah, blah, all anti-Sarah lies and believing what he wrote. I posted again and wrote that I couldn't believe he deleted what I wrote just because I disproved what he had written and why did he insist on pushing lies to slander someone. Another friend wrote under mine and agreed with me. He finally deleted it again and wrote to me on my Facebook wall and asked why I couldn't just let him have his freedom of speech and opinion......etc. He also complained that he is not a liberal but completely balanced, seeing things equally from both sides. Oh good God! So, I wrote and explained that he was, in fact, a liberal because he was being led by emotion and not by logic and rational thought. I also told him he was not posting opinions but lies and could just delete me, if he liked, but I was going to continue to correct what he posts if it is factually inaccurate.
Since then he has been posting over and over again things about how he had to try to deal with the negative people in his life and try so hard not to respond to conservatives who only wish to destroy him.
I am really starting to strongly dislike liberals and I USED TO BE ONE!!!! I am so glad I grew up!
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2/16/2010 4:03:15 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
The people that trash Sarah Palin are scared to death of what she stands for.That is usually the far left loon liberals but when you dig into it a little further you'll find it's the progressives that are the driving force behind all of the hate aimed at Gov Palin. Since the mid 19-teens,starting with Pres Willson,the progressive movement has been trying to get rid of our constitution and they will attack anyone who belives that it's the only true law of the land in this country.The people that continue to attack Palin are either to stupid to figure out that she is "pro framers" and they are communists.They just don't have a clue to whats going on in this country and can't see past the end of their noses.You can bet they haven't read her book either,if they had they would have a much better understanding of who Palin is. The ones that attack Palin are the ones who want to distroy this country and are the ones that need to be shipped out to the commie,socialist country of their choice,with the understanding that they don't ever come back to our beloved U.S.
Semper Fi !!!
2/16/2010 4:43:54 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
I am so tired of liberals trashing Sarah Palin.
I have someone on my Facebook friends list who posts something about her EVERYDAY. It's truly unbelievable. He wrote that she was "evil" the other day and when I commented on his status and asked him to explain what exactly constitutes "evil", he said he wasn't going to defend his opinion.
I am really starting to strongly dislike liberals and I USED TO BE ONE!!!!
Trashing Conservatives is all these idiot liberals know how to do. Rush, Sarah, Ann, Mark, Sean, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Michelle Bachman are all "idiots".....according to the idiots. Ask a liberal why and they can't give you an answer. Shows who the true idiots really are. This is why I don't consider ANY liberal to be my friend. Life is too short to spend it with people who have oatmeal for brains.
Don't let these asses bother you. Look who they have on their side of the aisle.
Al Franken
Al Gore
Joe Biden
Jesse Jackson
Charlie Rangel
Chuckie Schumer
Nancy Pelosi
Dingy Harry
When it comes to "idiots" they have the market cornered.
Congratulations on seeing the light.
2/17/2010 12:00:10 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Attleboro, MA
51, joined Dec. 2009
Congratulations on seeing the light.
If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.
-Winston Churchill
2/17/2010 12:35:21 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Guess I've always been a brainy, heartless little rascal.
I've been a proud Conservative all my life.
As a young kid, I remember occasionally watching William F. Buckley on TV. I rarely understood all the $10,000.00 words he used, but what I could understand made a hell of a lot of sense to me.
And when he scored a "Checkmate", the eyebrows would rise and he would chew on his pencil. I always thought that was the coolest damn habit I had ever seen! I loved watching him!
He was one Conservative the liberals (I don't think) ever called stupid. He always exposed THEIR stupidity!
Too bad he can't come back from the grave to debate Algore. Even if that were possible, the impossibility would be getting Gore to debate Buckly.
2/17/2010 12:48:37 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Bloomsbury, NJ
70, joined Oct. 2008
bambam's administration is blowing up...they are fleeing the sinking ship...every day is a pleasure to see the dem lib's and koolaid drinkers falling further and further....and the lies they expell are making people madder and madder....GOD bless america....the truth is coming out....love it...............
2/17/2010 2:16:40 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
I love the fact so many lib-tards are still trying to defend chairman obama! Like rats clinging to a sinking ship! Every day they are painting themselves further and further into a corner. I wonder, do they actually believe their idiot-in-chief will "fix" things? Are they REALLY that damn stupid?
Yeah, I guess they are!
2/19/2010 5:32:20 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Peoria, IL
54, joined Aug. 2008

2/19/2010 6:26:46 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
That's the most beautiful sign I have ever seen!
We need about ten million of them on the side of Americas highways!
2/19/2010 8:53:28 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Peoria, IL
54, joined Aug. 2008
That's the most beautiful sign I have ever seen!
We need about ten million of them on the side of Americas highways!
Doesn't it bring a tear to your eye?
2/19/2010 9:28:20 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Creighton, NE
66, joined Feb. 2007
tear's yes it's so wonderfull with no snow, no lib's  
I belive them folks do have Climate controll    
[Edited 2/19/2010 9:31:12 PM ]
2/20/2010 5:55:38 AM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Hardeeville, SC
48, joined Jan. 2010
This isn't the most scholarly reply to your very fine posting but I want to chime this in, for what it's worth:
Not only do I wish Sarah Palin to make President but I wish she was my wife.
Before she came along, I was very sexist about politics. My mind was made up that NO woman could ever be fit to run the country, no matter how well schooled or what party that she represented. Sarah Palin stopped me from being a sexist.
I think that she should maybe be a Vice President and then go for President later, just to eliminate any experience doubts with others. Now, if you are asking me, I'd say she should be in now. She was Governer of Alaska, for starters.
On another matter linked to Sarah, I seem to be running into nothing but liberals on here and datingwise, I would really like to get something going with a fellow Conservative, if any of you ladies align yourselves with this great lady of our time, please check out my profile and let me hear from you. I live in Hilton Head, SC.
People responding from SC or GA would be easiest for me to date.
Thank you,
Ultra Right winger
2/20/2010 1:47:50 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Not only do I wish Sarah Palin to make President but I wish she was my wife.
Thank you,
Ultra Right winger
Now U R W Shawn,
Don't ya' think that just might piss Todd off a little?
2/21/2010 5:48:27 AM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Hardeeville, SC
48, joined Jan. 2010
Just a tiny bit.
Todd is probably sick of being hounded by the media, so by snapping up Sarah, I could afford him some much needed sleep.
2/21/2010 9:40:07 AM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
Don't ya just love a dreamer.
Semper Fi !!!
2/21/2010 10:22:21 AM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Can't blame ya, Shawn, Beautiful, articulate, intelligent, and CONSERVATIVE!!!
BUT, she IS spoken for.
At the risk of being permanently banned from DH, there IS a website for Conservatives.
A certain lady from Minnesota has canceled any need for me to visit that website, so I can't tell you much about it, but I believe it is called "Conservative People Meet".
Sean Hannity also has a dating site on his website also, just so you know.
(That way, you won't piss off Todd!)
Happy Hunting!
2/21/2010 1:13:04 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Bryan, TX
73, joined Feb. 2008
Just a tiny bit.
Todd is probably sick of being hounded by the media, so by snapping up Sarah, I could afford him some much needed sleep.
I'll make you a deal, you take Sarah, and I'll grab Todd! 
I like Sarah a lot, but, I agree, she should go for VP first, although, as gov of Alaska and a mayor, she has far more experience than obozo does.
2/22/2010 9:00:02 AM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Hardeeville, SC
48, joined Jan. 2010
Thanks for the tip.
I'll check it out.
I know that the real mccoy is spoken for, I am meaning that I would like a clone.
A copy of greatness is still something.
2/22/2010 11:47:51 AM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Attleboro, MA
51, joined Dec. 2009
Sean Hannity has a dating site? Wow! I never knew that.
Don't need it right now but it's interesting to know.
2/22/2010 12:09:05 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |


Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
A public service from Hodag.
Happy hunting!
2/22/2010 3:38:26 PM |
Sarah Palin and Some Venting for Me |
Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
Dammit Bill, for the purpose of complete disclosure, please let everyone know that Hannity rewards you for recommending his website (free advertising) in the form of a tip:
DON'T VOTE DEMOCRATIC, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
