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1/24/2008 5:36:00 AM |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 49
Goodmorning Rich and all!!
When of think of the animals that God may have placed there,I think of cows,sheep,chickens and mules.
Cow...for milk
Sheep...for fur
Chicken...for eggs
Mules...for labor
Perhaps Im just confusing the "Garden",with Old MacDonalds farm.LOL
For some reason,I see the climate as balmy,and the region as having lots of green,but not densely populated with trees.....peace
1/24/2008 2:26:06 PM |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
Hello everybody. What a wonderful day God has made. It is just like the first one. It is also like God It won't change and He wont change. I don't think God was being proud when He said "it was good." It was just a statement of fact. All the animals and all the vegetation. everything fit together in such a neat and orderly fashion,(even the duck billed platypus). (don't pet those cute guys either they do have their defences).
We tend to see the animals as a whole. What about the individual parts. Just the eye alone is so complex. It was good--it is good.
1/24/2008 3:30:31 PM |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 49
Hi Ole....I can "feel" exactly what your saying...."it was/is good"!!!
The way I see it(today)is, God spent so much time perfecting everything He created,and perhaps even He was "amazed" at the beauty of it all! To me,that explains why He was and is, let down,disappointed and yes,even mad, by what man has done to it!.....peace
Ps..hey there Rich and All!!!
1/26/2008 11:55:59 AM |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Brothers and sisters; God’s Grace to you.
I love the insightful responses
I’d like for you to look at the evolution and the time span. Calonders in those days had not been developed yet. Day 1-5 may have been well over 1 thousand – 5 thousand years for example, or 1 million – 5 million. As God takes each day and perfects it. When we come into the Garden at noon of day 6, wee look out side to an earth that is at its “Cooling down stage; the dinosaurs and such playing a part that only God has knowledge of. Now here in the garden we have a perfect place protected by God set for man.
1/28/2008 6:10:16 PM |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
With out your inputs I may think I’m correct. Your responses are a learning tool for all of us.
1/28/2008 8:55:23 PM |

Martinsburg, WV
age: 52
I tend to believe that God only took six of our earth days to create the universe. I believe that God knows my every move and if he can know everyone's moves all the time, building the universe in six days shouldn't be a problem. Wow, won't it be great to know all these answers to these questions when we get to heaven?
Rich has the garden part absolutely right though. It was a perfect place made for us. It had to be perfect - God came there to visit on a daily basis!
1/29/2008 7:55:50 PM |

Brockton, MA
age: 64
God always was and always will be! Why would he need a time max??
1/30/2008 6:23:39 PM |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
David says that the six days are actually 6 days as we know them, Skip ask, Why would God need a time max? God doesn’t need a time max, our time is but a blink of an eye to God. I see by science that the discovery of old fossils and old boons of man that the world is older than if we take the dates of the Bible and count them back. Our actual day didn’t actually start until God set our orbit around the sun to govern the day, and the moon around us to govern the night., not leaving us completely in the dark. Look at day one, is it possible that our galaxy is in orbit around that grate expanse? How long might it take to go around that? Perhaps once around that is one day to God. God is the center of all, so perhaps once around God is one day. It is all irrelevant but it is still a peace of the puzzle. We won’t find the answer till God takes us home. But don’t you agree it helps explain the time span?
2/2/2008 4:00:08 AM |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Lets move on now
26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness
Lets pause here mid sentence. Notice the buzz words “Us” and “Our” Who is it God is talking to? Is this the first reference to The Trinity?
2/2/2008 7:41:39 AM |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
Hi rich,
I am just a student of Christ, trying to be led by the spirit.
I do not want to jump to far forward, but to answer your question I will say you may be absolutely right. John 1:1 said in the beginning the Word was with God. In Rev 19:13 Jesus is called the "Word of God". In Gen 1:2 "the Spirit of God moved upon". I commend you for posing this question, I have been taught that in the old testament, when you see "the LORD" or the "Lord my God" or any other references to the "Lord", I won't say it is but I was taught that was Jesus. These two concepts would support each other. Most would argue that Jesus had not been born, but I believe you are very right and Jesus was there at the beginning.
2/6/2008 5:09:13 PM |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
b; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
The buzz word “DOMINION”. Here we see God is giving man a “Thinking” brain of reason, to take charge and to care for the creation God has placed us on. Yhe first show of us to be His stewards.
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Remember in 26 the Us and Our multiple? Now it’s singular. Here is the first tye to the trinity; multiples combined as one.
28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it;
28a is the blessing, the gift God gives us to multiply. To become strong in many.
As we see in 28b to assist, help each other to tend to His creation.
have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Dana I know you are getting excited about verse 27 and what is to come, hang on brother we are getting there. LOL
2/6/2008 6:33:49 PM |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
I know you know what's coming so it won't be a surprise to you but can't wait till we get there, to me is so clear, and I hope it becomes that for someone else. All I will say at this time is for everyone to pay attention to the word "created" that is used here. Beleive me Rich I just want people to think,try to rightly divide the word, not that my way is correct, just to give a mind of thoughtful meditation. If I pose a question it is to inspire thought. I would love it if this became nightly or every other night.
2/7/2008 4:36:50 AM |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
There are two separate places to stop and think in this next lesson, but I put them together to save time.
29 And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.
The key phrase in 29 is “I have given you every” all of the herbs and fruit trees “For Food”
30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so.
Now in 30 there is more controversy in this one line, I think, than other lines in chapter 1.
Lets brake it down;
Also (,)
To every beast of the earth (,)
To every bird of the air (,)
And to every thing that creeps on the earth (,)
Key phrase 1 (in which there is life) key word (life) (,)
Key phrase 2 (I have given every green herb for food) (,)
Vegetarians use this one line to support their belief in not eating red meat.
What do you think?
31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Now here in 31a we see the key phrase (and indeed it was Very Good).
Can you see God sitting back, putting his feet upon His foot stool?
Can you feel His Love as He breaths over His creation He made just for us?
Indeed it was (and is) very good. Amen.
2/7/2008 6:06:34 AM |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
I think it is important that we as students of the word, we are careful to rightly divide the word and study to show ourselves approved. I believe we should be careful using some of the translations. I AM NOT saying one is better than the others but I do know some were written for ease of reading so people could comprehend easier the bulk of the meaning.That being said I would like to share with you and others what the King James version said. Gen 1:29 ..."and every tree in the which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed;to you it shall be meat." So if this says "meat" than to me it would indicate that this is an addition statement, add the herbs and fruits to the meat He has given us. I am curious to what the original text says, I have never thought of this one before.Good job!
2/9/2008 6:51:07 AM |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Something to think about as you reread all postings of chapter one. The intelligent design of God’s creation is marvelous.
Tooth Scan Reveals Neanderthal Mobility
Posted: 2008-02-08 21:28:21
Filed Under: Science News
ATHENS, Greece (Feb. 8) - Analysis of a 40,000-year-old tooth found in southern Greece suggests Neanderthals were more mobile than once thought, paleontologists said Friday.
Analysis of the tooth - part of the first and only Neanderthal remains found in Greece - showed the ancient human had spent at least part of its life away from the area where it died.
"Neanderthal mobility is highly controversial," said paleoanthropologist Katerina Harvati at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.
Some experts believe Neanderthals roamed over very limited areas, but others say they must have been more mobile, particularly when hunting, Harvati said.
Until now, experts only had indirect evidence, including stone used in tools, Harvati said. "Our analysis is the first that brings evidence from a Neanderthal fossil itself," she said.
The findings by the Max Planck Institute team were published in the Journal of Archaeological Science.
The tooth was found in a seaside excavation in Greece's southern Peloponnese region in 2002.
The team analyzed tooth enamel for ratios of a strontium isotope, a naturally occurring metal found in food and water. Levels of the metal vary in different areas.
Eleni Panagopoulou of the Paleoanthropology-Speleology Department of Southern Greece said the tooth's levels of strontium showed that the Neanderthal grew up at least 12.5 miles from the discovery site.
"Our findings prove that ... their settlement networks were broader and more organized than we believed," Panagopoulou said.
Clive Finlayson, an expert on Neanderthals and director of the Gibraltar Museum, disagreed with the finding's significance.
"I would have been surprised if Neanderthals didn't move at least 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) in their lifetime, or even in a year ... We're talking about humans, not trees," Finlayson said.
Shall I continue chapter two on this or start a new?