Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
That one is no different than any of the others. Why should I trust a new one more than an old one? It says heavenly bodies do you really think in heaven you would need air?

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
look under we are gods ambassadors[corinthians chapter5]
yes we do breath in heaven once we die heaven is our new home forever we will have our new bodies yes we do breath in heaven.

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
The Bible says All men will be saved that believe in Jesus Christ. It doesn't say ALL men will be saved. Sorry Queen but Jesus says in Matthew 10:22 He who stands firm to the end will be saved. It doesn't say all will be saved. revelations tells us the lake of fire is the second death and if one's name is not in the book of life they will be thrown into hell.

Wilmington, DE
age: 51
breathing in heaven is optional, you can breath if you want, or you don't have to breath.but, there's no smoking because it could cause lung cancer.

Aberdeen, SD
age: 36
we are design...just meditate on that...also heard the natural sounds of life...birds in the mornings...the sounds of the wind caressing that we can not see the wind but at times it embrace us...always, always so looking forward in excitement to meet The Creator...with so many labels created by man...I feel it will be very arrogant of me to say I hv the ultimate truth and fight for what it is unknown to all...I do feel my faith when no one else is there then I see the blue sky and breath the invisible air...I know...Creator wants to meet us all...just waiting for all his amazing creativity from the first strike of color and life till the last sound of life as in Vivaldi and the four seasons...when I was in Spain sixteen years ago I had the pleasure of seeing a free concert at el parque del Retiro, the last sonata was "the four seasons" the band played at the other side of the lake and the audience was of course in this side of the lake ..'cause I am just a frustrated musician...between the audience and the band, the lake with couple of swans beautiful feathers, with the afternoon sun strikes hitting the lake creating ripple effect into my soul... when the last melody was about to end ...small sounds of lightning then when done the sky turned from blue into sunset golden orange and purple reds... as if the Creator with lightning sounds was applauding from the heavens and me a so called "atheist" shrink in shame...goose bumps all over,rolling tears...thanking The Invisible One for that day...just like the watch you may be wearing, it has a chronological time inserted as a woman is chronologically prepared to give birth in 9 months, you can hold and change the time...it is design, you do not see the one that created your watch...but he created it...other wise you would be counted as a fool...did not just pop...the watch has a purpose to tell time...The best thing it was not ...after death experience...just life palpitating in the NOW!
[Edited 7/1/2007 9:16:26 AM]